Chapter 13 - Of Love and Lust

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"Goku! I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a baby! I'm going to be a mom!" Bulma cried as she fell into Goku's arms in joy. She hugged him in celebration over the news of her own pregnancy, the thought of the dragonballs temporarily forgotten.

"You didn't know that you were pregnant?" Goku asked the elated woman in his arms.

"No, of course not," Bulma replied with appreciation. "Oh my goodness, Goku! If you didn't come along I would have never put two and two together. I would have kept searching for the dragonballs."

As soon as the words left her mouth, it dawned on Bulma.

"Oh Kami! I can't go after the dragonballs now. Goku, if I go through with my wish, I would have wished my baby away." Bulma realized and she started to think about the enormity of her wish. "And…Gohan."

"Goku, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I almost wished away your son! What is wrong with me? How did I become so selfish? Can you ever forgive me?" Bulma beseeched him, feeling disgusted with herself. With all the planning she did, how did she not factor in on what would happen to Gohan? Goku must hate her now and she knew she deserved it.

"Bulma, I know you didn't mean it." Goku said as he rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Oh, come on Goku! I don't deserve your understanding! Don't you have a dark side? Why don't you let it out sometime and give me what I deserve?" Bulma retorted.

"Was it his dark side that attracted you to Vegeta?" Goku snapped back with a sharp tone. Goku didn't mean to sound so terse with her, since he didn't really have a right to be upset with her for having a child with Vegeta. Especially when Goku himself was expecting another child with Chichi in the near future.

Goku felt really guilty about the kiss he had shared with Bulma which made him feel awkward around Chichi. So, to make it up to her, he had allotted study time for Gohan in the evening which made Chichi really happy. So happy, that she was almost behaving like the giggling girl he first married before he faced Piccolo in the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament. This study time had made Chichi VERY affectionate at night and Goku had succumbed to his wife's charms every time. Chichi didn't know it yet, but there was little life growing inside her again.

"Maybe, I don't know. It just happened. I was just so miserable without you and Vegeta was there. When he kissed me out of nowhere, I just forgot about my misery. One thing led to another…" She attempted to explain the blur of feelings that were coursing through her when Vegeta grabbed her with a kiss. "But afterwards, my heart still belonged to you Goku. I can't stop thinking about you and our first kiss. This is why I so single-mindedly went after the dragonballs."

"Bulma, I still think about our first kiss too." Goku confessed, as he stared intently into her aquamarine eyes. The atmosphere around them still crackled with tension.

"Goku, I think I'm going to kiss you again." Bulma warned him as she reached out to him, twisting her arms around his neck.

"Bulma, I think I'm going to let you." Goku weakened in such close proximity to her. Goku bowed his head and crushed his lips to Bulma's with an urgency he couldn't describe.

Goku knew what he was doing was wrong but he couldn't stop himself even if he tried, as he pulled Bulma into his lap. It was as if he was having an out-of-body experience as he watched himself break his marriage vows to Chichi. It was the accumulation of the memories he had with Bulma as a child, the burgeoning attraction he had been repressing and the sensation of Bulma yielding under his touch that was provoking his every movement. He yanked the pink garment off Bulma's shoulders and buried his face in her busom, inhaling the sweet scent that was uniquely hers. He found it intoxicating. Perhaps Bulma had succeeded in getting Goku to tap into his dark side after all.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and hastily shoved off Goku's orange gi off his torso. Goku did his part as he lifted her up and placed her on the much debated twin bed. He smiled against her mouth as he recalled at how upset he had been as a kid when Bulma didn't want to share the bed with him. She smiled up at him, sharing in the memory too.

He let his hand slide up her smooth leg and over the curve of her hip, where his fingers met the edge of her panties. "So, we meet again…"Goku whispered to the undergarment as he guided them down to her ankles for the second time in his lifetime.

Bulma arched her back in pleasure when Goku entered her, feeling absolutely complete and contented. How could something that felt so right, be so wrong? Bulma wondered as she raked his well-muscled back with her nails. She held on tight to his neck as Goku moved within her to a steady rhythm. Their mutual bliss escalated as Goku quickened his pace to the point of climax, which was punctuated with their satisfied moans.

Goku rolled over to his side, pulling Bulma's naked body on top of him. They were both out of breath and needed to rest.

"Goku, I love you," Bulma murmured with a smile as she settled her head in the crook of where Goku's neck met his shoulder. Her eyelids were heavy from their exertions.

"Bulma, I'll always love you." Goku responded. "But I was right, the two of us can fit on this bed."

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