It was gong to take time for us all to trust dad again, but if I could forgive Nathan. Then I'm sure somewhere down there in my near-hollow heart, I guess, I still had a soft spot for my dad.

"Oh quit being dramatic Luke. Come and hug your family," Moms' voice urged him and she stared at with an intense glare until he complied. Finally wrapping his massive bear-like arms around his family.

Now, nothing was missing. I sighed, content.

After minutes passed a cough finally brought us all back to earth from cloud nine.

"Ehm. So are we all going to just sit there in a circle or am I going to be allowed to hug my best friend?" Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I pulled away from my families grasp and stood to glare at him.

"Vesper." I spoke his name through my clenched teeth, he raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow in mock, "Hello Sasha." He said sarcastically, I think my just eye twitched.

"I am going to fucking kill you!" I yelled. The tip of someone's toe made contact with the back of my leg seconds after the words left my mouth; no doubt my mother's doing.

It didn't dull my fury if anything, the movement urged me on more.

After taking only two huge steps, I had managed to push through the group of Nathans friends. I reached out my fingers wrapped around the color of Vespers navy blue shirt, I pulled his face closer to mine, "What the hell do you think you are doing here? Huh? You disappear for the whole time that Nathan's in a coma. Then the second he gets out of it, you turn up acting all 'I'm a great best friend!'"

It felt like I had no control over my body as it shook with anger, yes, I was pissed. Obviously, and I have every right to be! Not one text, visit or anything since the moment Nathan was signed into the hospital.

My foot rose from the ground for a second as Vesper's eyes widened a fraction; before he had a chance to stop me, I brought my foot back down to his toes. A satisfying crunch filled my ears, and I smirked. Serves him right.

Vesper buckled over in pain. Sophie made herself known as she burst into laughter. I turned to her and smiled, she grinned back, and a burst of happiness ran through me; at least I still had her.

Vesper shook his foot and glared at me, but I matched it with just as much anger in my gaze. Vesper began muttering useless shit, but- I was quick to cut him off.

"You bitch-" He began.

I interrupted, "Fucking dickhead-"

"Don't cut me off!" Vesper growled.

"Don't say stupid shit and I won't," I smiled.

"I know that I'm saying stupid shit. That's all you understand," My jaw dropped, and I took a meaningful step forward.

"Wow, Vesper! Aren't you just a wonderful, kind, mature, young man? Oh..I'm sorry. I thought we were having a lying competition," Vesper stepped forward. Our bodies are now skimming against each other.

"I could say nice things about you Sasha, but I'd rather tell the truth," I gasped and shoved Vesper, and he groaned and pushed me back in return.

"Could you say that again? My apologies, I was busy thinking about how much of a shitty kisser you are!" Mm okay I lied, I'm a sinner. Sue me. The look on his face was worth it.

Vesper gasped and brought his hand to his chest, "I generally don't forget the girls I kiss, but it your case, I will be glad to make an exception." I opened my mouth to snap back at him.

"BOTH OF YOU! Shut up!" Nathans' voice belted through the laughing room, "I get that you too have a love hate relationship, but just fuck and make up. The sexual tension is nauseating." My eyes widened in sync with Vesper's.

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