Chapter VI

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Somewhere not far away

Katrina's POV

I stop my horse outside a pub so he could rest a drink some water. I've been riding for almost two days. Two days Diana has been taken by those creatures and I can only pray to God she is still alive.

I needed to rescue her and fast, but for that I needed help. I enter the pub and everybody his laughing and yelling and obviously drinking. I needed to find people who were experience slayers, or else we would never have a shot against that many vampires.

I approach the owner and after paying her for some information's she finally points me in the direction of a couple who were known to be the best vampire slayers in the region. I approach them silently and sat on their table uninvited.

They both look at me curious. I could tell the woman had her hand on a dagger underneath the table but the man was calm, he just looked at me as if he was already expecting me. I took a good look at him, he was young, they both were.

"I imagined you older" I say not able to stop myself, suddenly was never really my strongest asset.

"And I imagined you gone. I guess we don't always get what we want, now do we?" he says taking a sip of his drink.

"I hear you are the best vampire slayers in the region" I say going right to business

"We might be, but who is asking?" this time it was the girl who spoke

"My name is Katrina" I introduce myself "And you are Van Helsing" I say pointing at the man "and you...I don't know who you are" I say referring to the girl

She gives a small laugh as if not believing my nerve.

"This is my sister Hayley" Van Helsing says "We are pleased to make your acquaintance. Now tell us, what is it that you need?"

"My friend Diana has been abducted" I inform them "I need your help to get her back"

"We don't deal with kidnappers" Hayley says

"With these ones you do" I reply. This girl was really starting to get on my nerves

"Vampires abducted her?" Van Helsing asked surprised

"Yes. It was a large group, we were being attacked by Turks when they came and they took her with them, I manage to get away before they could get me too." I explained

The brothers looked at each other as if communicating with one another even tough words were not exchanged.

"What? What do you know?" I ask noticing clearly there was something I didn't know

"Those vampires showed up when you were fighting Turks so they could have only come from one place." Van Helsing started explaining

"From where?"

"From Dracula's castle" Hayley responds serious

So the legend is true. Dracula really is alive...Oh My God...Diana...

"Where is it located? The castle that is?" I ask, there was no time to lose, I needed to go rescue her sooner better than later.

"Nobody really knows, although there are rumors it's located North from this village, in the mountains." he told me

We only had rumors to guide us but rumors are better than nothing at all.

"Very well. Thank you for your assistance" I say drooping a coin on the table "Next drink is on me"

I get up and I leave the pub. I fetch my horse and I ready myself for travel. There was no time to waist, I would rest later, Diana was my priority right now. I was going to ride my horse when two people got out of the pub.

"Where do you think you're going?" a man's voice asks which I immediately recognize as being Van Helsing's.

"To find Diana" I say

"There is no point in going now. Rest for the night and in the morning me and my sister will come with you to find your friend" he says calmly

I look at him and then at the horse. I needed to ponder my options, if I go now, I would be closer to rescuing her but I could use the rest and the backup for when we come across vampires, especially if that vampire is Dracula.

"Fine. But we leave at first light Van Helsing" I accepted tying up my horse again

"Cal me Leonardo."


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