Chapter V

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"You are hurt"

Those are the first words he says when we are left alone. I touch my lip with my hands and I hiss when I touch, he cut Alexandru had made. It's stupid how I completely forgot I was bleeding in a castle filled with bloodsucking creatures.

"It's nothing" I say and I mean it I had suffered worse wounds in my father's training "Thank you for coming to my rescue"

"I can assure you, you are completely safe in my castle." he says

"Sorry if I have a little problem believing that" I say trying my hardest not to sound to sarcastic

"Yes, as you should." he says coming closer to me. His closeness was starting to make my heart beat faster "My deepest apologies, my lady. Alexandru will suffer the consequences of his actions deeply"

"Good." I reply. I really didn't know exactly what to say to this man. I felt weird in his presence, like there was something I should know...I just didn't know what.

"Come" he says extending his arm to me "There is something I would like to show you"

I hesitate for a few seconds. Should I go? Should I stay? All this questions and some more popped up in my head but just by looking at his face, so calm and serene, something deep down inside of me pushed me to go with him. To learn more about him.

Before I know it, I extend my own hand and I grab his arm. The first contact made me retrieve my hand completely. That feeling when I touched him, it had been just like the feeling in my dream. So safe.

"Is everything ok?" he asks concern, at least I imagined he was, I was still having a hard time getting through the Wall he had put up in his emotions.

"Yes, it was just.... nothing...never mind" I say, I must still be suffering from the memory of my dream. I place my hand in his arm again and he led us out of my chamber to another place of the castle.

"So tell me...why were you be fighting your own men in the forest?" he asks making conversation with me.

"Well...they were really not my men." I explain "They were my king's men"

That cause him to stop in his tracks and turn to look me in the eyes

"Why would your king send his men to kill you?" he sounded...angry

"Because I dared to denied him." I confess. I didn't even know why I was telling him all of this. He was supposed to be my enemy but now with him by my side he felt, like I could tell him anything and he would stay by my side no matter what. "The king wanted me to marry him. I declined and when he didn't accept my refusal, I was forced to run from my home and I believe you know how that story ended."

We continue our walk. I had no idea where we were going but I really didn't care right now. I know I should be looking for possible ways of escape but I was actually enjoying Dracula's company. Even though I never believe him to be real, I always thought he would be this vicious creature, a soulless monster who walked the earth bringing destruction and fear in his path. How wrong I was.

"Why didn't you marry him?" he asks intrigued

"Well..." I could feel myself start to flush but I still manage to say the words "When I was a little girl, my mother read me this book. It was a book full of poems and in one of those poems it said

Why think separately of this life and the next

when one is born from the last?

When I heard it, it was like I had been hit with something in my chest and I just knew...there was someone out there just for me." I stop and I turn to him "To me this poem speaks of the yearning of one should pleading for another, and I know it might sound crazy but the king's soul didn't plead for mine. So, I didn't marry him, I could not."

Dracula doesn't say anything to me, he just stares and I could almost see freckles of emotion in his eyes, something begging to come out.

"How will you know?" he finally asks


"How will you know you have found the right soul?" he asks holding my hand in his. An unconscious move in his part but one that was very noticeable for me.

"I'll know" was all I said and I truly believed it. When I found him, I will know, perhaps not right away but soon.

He gave me a small smile and we turn the next corner where he finally said "We're here"

I look around amazed to what stood in front of my eyes. It was this huge magnificent garden, it was field with huge majestic trees, beautiful flowers and even a maze. I didn't notice I had separated myself from Dracula until he spoke and I notice he was a few feet from me.

"Do you like it?" he asks smiling

"It is wonderful" I respond amazed at all the details "How long have these trees stood here? They're huge!"

"Nearly 400 years" he replies

"Where does that maze lead too?" I ask at its entrance

"To memories" he says looking behind me, a melancholy look in his eyes. And that is when I connected the dots.

"Did your wife used to come here?" I ask softly

"She did, a long time ago" he says and I could tell he was starting to close up

"How did she die?" I ask. All I knew where the rumors, I wanted to hear the story told by him. Somehow it was important to me.

I saw him tense up and the melancholy look he had in his eyes disappeared completely at the memory of his beloved's death, now his eyes where field with rage and loneliness too.

"I was in battle when it happened. Before leaving for battle I appointed Elizabeth to rule in my place until I returned, my...advisers plotted to overthrown the throne so they killed her while I was hundreds of miles away. When I returned, I found a massacre in my castle, my people dead and those who dared to betray me sat on my throne with my dead wife laying on the floor in front of them."

I felt a tear slide down my eyes as he told this story. I don't even realize why I am crying, it was like I could feel his pain as he tells this story and I could feel the heaviness of my heart, filled with sorrow and unshed tears.

"I fought for Christ my entire life, yet he dared take away the only thing that mattered more to me in this world. And yet when I renounced him, he cursed me with immortality as punishment for my defiance, to live with my own tortured soul for all eternity." he finished saying

"I'm sorry" was all I manage to say. I don't even know what to say right now, I was feeling conflicted with myself in wanting to pity him because in some way he was betrayed both by his trusted people and his God and by wanting to defend the Lord, for all his actions have a deeper meaning in life.

"Renfield will escort you back to your chambers. You are welcome to use this garden as you like" he says completely closed off in his personality

"Wait!" I tried calling him back but to no use, he was already gone.

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