"You'll be begging for me to dump you back at Heathrow, wishing you'd never stuck your nose where it doesn't belong." He snarls, as a tiny bead of sweat from his forehead splashed across my cheek.

A thought flits through my mind, 'It is my business. He just wants to prevent me exposing his involvement."

No sooner does he pin me to continue his quest, I manage to manoeuvre my leg, raising it firmly to meet his groin, causing enough shift to allow my teeth to sink determinedly into the hand placed over my mouth. He collapses to the floor, landing on the huge patterned rug, a pained howl resonating around the room, offering an opportunity to run.

Things blur momentarily, then there's a faint memory of footsteps behind as I lurch down the alley in the cold dead of night. A recollection of the burn in my lungs as I fought to make it to safety and the vague hope I could flag someone down to help me, but no clue where I was.

Reaching the main road, heavy footsteps behind me amplified with every second I faltered over where to go next. The voice that had been seared into my head moments earlier, ricocheted through the silent night. "Why don't you stop running girly?"

Knowing there was only a fraction of opportunity to evade him, a bus approaches on the other side of the carriageway. Even if the driver wouldn't let me on board, there was a possibility they would call the police for me. Taking a chance, I lurch off the kerb, just as a car flies round the bend towards me, the back end skidding wide with the force of acceleration. Too terrified to go back, I remain rooted to the spot as headlights blind, the screech of tyres piercing my eardrums as the car continued to spin sideways, heading rapidly in my direction. A scream rings out, melding with the louder tone of the car's horn, seconds before the rear passenger side of the car connects, tossing me into the air like a rag doll.

There's a sickening crunching of bones, my legs connecting with the ground first, followed by my back and shoulders. There's a vague recollection of blue lights flashing before my head comes to a stop on the tarmac, and things go black.

Blood-curdling shrieks permeated the darkness, as I sat bolt upright, attempting to figure out where the racket was coming from. It wasn't until the bedside lamp flicked on and I took in Jodie's terrified expression, that I realised the noise was coming from my mouth.

"Shit Holls." Throwing back the covers, she scrambled to where I sat panting, my entire body trembling. Rivulets of stone cold fear trickled down my neck as I took a large gulp of air, nodding in affirmation. It was impossible to stop the tears tumbling down my cheeks in quick succession as she wrapped me securely in her arms. "Shhhh...it's OK, you're safe." Her words repeated over and over in a steady chant while rocking me gently until calm returned.

A faint tap at the door broke us from the bubble, glancing at the digital clock on Jodie's bedside, the glowing digits told me it was a little after four in the morning. As Jodie got up to answer the door, I scrubbed at my eyes, taking a deep cleansing breath, ready for whoever was on the other side to start complaining about the noise. Only the complaint didn't come. Trish, the night manager stepped into the room with a tray of drinks and some more biscuits. Her visit was more out of concern than anything else, as she was quite familiar with my case from when I lived there.

Over mugs of steaming hot chocolate, because apparently at silly o'clock in the morning, that is the only permitted drink, I recounted details of my dream while both women listened quietly. When I finished, Jodie's face broke out into a perfect smile.

"You do realise what this means Holls?" She was practically bouncing on her bed with glee.

Shrugging, I shook my head, confused by her apparent delight.

A Fractured Echoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें