Chapter {8}: The Masquarde Ball III

Start from the beginning

Gracefully he leads us off the platform and on to the dance floor. Once we're the center, I curtsy as he bows. Then we lock hands. His free hand rested on my waist, my free hand rested on his shoulder. I resist the urge to look down, to make sure my feet weren't doing stupid things, like messing up the steps, or tripping over themselves.

Our steps are in sync, awkward, but in sync.
"I see Carter has given you the proper steps when it comes to-"

"I-you-can you please talk normally like if you're around my age, please?" I ask finally meeting his gaze. He looked young, when you really looked at him. Behind grim face and tired eyes, you could see his youth. One that he had been compromised of.

Jay pulls me close to him, close enough that I can smell cologne. He smells of roses. That's a peculiar scent. His breath fans across the back of my neck as he leans down to whisper into my ear.

"Sorry, I was raised to be formal in events like these. I- I don't know how else to talk to you, or-or where to begin." Jay stutters. My head brushes against his chest and I can feel the rapidness of his heart, it matched mine.

"I have a lot of questions, ones that you can sense later of course. I-I don't know how to talk to you either. I feel this is almost to normal to accept if that makes sense." I'm twirled in an elegant way, which responds with a light applause from the crowd. Was dancing this entertaining?

Jay chuckles a little."I mean once you accepted the fact that your part of the Mafia everything after that doesn't really phase you." His comment bothers me a little bit. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't have the choice of accepting it. Granted I would have taken if, but I never had the option.

We are gliding across the room now taking up the entire dance floor as the music continues. My feet are starting to hurt again and I hope that this song ends soon because I'm itching to get some fresh air. Clear my head, and fully process what's happening.

There was so many things to be discussed and I wanted them to be talked about now. If he was willing too."You okay? You look uncomfortable?" Jay asks kindly slowing down our pace to the music. I shake my head slightly a nervous laugh making it's way out.

"It's not everyday you dance with the Mafia King." Or become the queen. " I want to talk, got outside. Like we both said and know we have a lot to talk about."

"Of course." And that is all we speak until the song is over. When it is,Queen Eliza makes her way back to the platform welcoming the guest to join the floor. Jay excuses himself for a moment to speak with her. That's when I'm bombarded my Ingrid and Astrid.

" Oh my god! You've finally meet!"

" Aren't you so happy?!"

" This is amazing!"

And I don't know what triggers me but I snap. The smile completely off my face. My own exhaustion settling in. "No it's not amazing. Actually it's terrifying, and annoying at the very least,"

"We don't understand?" Astrid ask dumbfounded. Hurt flashing across her face and I feel guilt, but I couldn't keep acting like this is completely normal.

"I've accepted this way to easily. I-I left home to come to a completely foreign country. Then you all keep this big secret from that I some how have this obligation to become a queen. So I go along with it because I didn't know what else to do. And now that I'm here I'm not sure what exactly is going on! Do any of you even know what's going on, because it seems to me like I'm completely kept in the dark!" And then I'm shouting. Shouting at the girls who've tried helping adjust, and I know I've touched them when I look into Ingrid's eyes which are glossy. Keith instantly rushes towards us and looks at me, not sure of what to do.  I'm breathing heavily and I realize for the first time that I'm angry. Angry that no one has been straight up to me or given me answers. I'm angry that I came to this stupid ball to only receive a heart attack from mysterious Jay. Angry that I so easily just accepted this life, without knowing what it is.

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