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That Night

Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields and me (Tori Adams) are all sat in a circle in Spencer's barn passing around a cup of alcohol while laughing at each other's pathetic stories and jokes waiting for our Queen B to arrive.

Trust her to be late to her own event.

It's Labor Day weekend and we are having our final slumber party before school starts again.

I lean forward on the couch I'm sat on and take the drink from Spencer's hand before leaning back again and taking a few sips.

The liquid slides down my throat, burning it, causing my face to screw up slightly while the others laugh at my reaction and then take the cup from me.

Music blasts out of a speaker we've set up on a crate with a few candles scattered around and a bowl of chips laid near by.

Suddenly our giggling halts when the lights in the barn go out and the music comes to an abrupt stop.

"What happened?" asks Emily as Aria and I grab a torch each from beside us and flick it on.

"It must be the storm." Spencer sparks a match to light the candles as a clap of thunder roars. We hadn't heard the storm before because of the music.

A loud creek from outdoors echoes around the room and all our heads snap to look at the door. "Something's out there." Aria whispers just before the large door opens of its own accord making our eyes grow wide with fear.

"Guys." Hanna breathes nervously.

I'm the first to stand up and start to walk towards the open door and the others walk close behind me grabbing onto my forearms like they're children and I'm their mom.

We gasp and scream as glass shatters loudly out there but we continue to huddle and move forwards.

"Gotcha!" Alison comes into view in a bright yellow top and we all scream again before laughing.

"That's so not funny, Alison!" Spencer sighs in relief that we aren't being kidnapped or killed.

"I thought it was hilarious, girls." Ali counters and we all head back to the couch and chairs to settle down again.

"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?" Hanna asks, getting back to her usual self.

"Not yet."

"I'm loving her new video." Emily joins in the conversation.

"Maybe a little too much, Em." Ali glances at her with a smirk and then fills the cup up with more liquor, "your turn." She gives it to me.

"Careful, Tori. Take too much, and you'll tell us all your secrets." Spencer warns me with a giggle.

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." Ali shuts down Spence again for the second time in the short space of five minutes. "Drink up."

We drink and talk until we have nothing left to say and our eyes have grown too heavy to hold open. Slowly, each of us drifts off into a deep sleep and our minds are clouded with dreams and not harsh reality.

In no time at all it feels as if Aria is whispering my name and my eyes are flickering open again.

"Where's Ali and Spencer?" Hanna asks groggily and I glance around noticing their absence.

"I don't know." Aria shakes her head and gets up to head to the open door. She see's someone walking towards us and calls out Ali's name.

"She's gone." Spencer comes into our view.

I shake my head and join the others at the door, "what do you mean 'she's gone'?"

"I've looked everywhere for her." Her eyes become wet, "I think I heard a scream."


So this was only the Prologue hence the shortness, the other chapters will be longer, promise.

I LOVE Pretty Little Liars so I'm going to be really dedicated to this book.

I hope you enjoy.

The reason I've decided to post this story is because of @asdectron interest...

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