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song:Lord of the Rings- The hobbit : ThePianoGuys

no warning i think 

The Evil Ogres 

 It was the next day, to be exact, it was more like sunrise. Mason felt the sun fall over his face and he opened them. He turned around only to see Jastra asleep beautifully. He admired her beauty, not once did he think he was going to fall in love with anyone let alone an elf, but he thought to himself 

'what will happen once i return home ?' 

At the thought he shook his head and sat up slowly against the tree. 

"Mr.Mason Mr.Mason !!" yelled a small voice in which he turned to. He saw flame yelling frantically," Moon has been captured by some Ogres! Oh please Oh please " 

Mason looked to the side and at the other branches. Yanderum was still asleep and Kovac was in the largest branch above sleeping like it was his throne. He turned to Jastra who looked so peaceful, he did not wish to awaken her so he got down the tree quicklyby himself taking both the bow and sword. 

'please god, help me' he thought to himself as he continued following Flame throughout the forest. He soon heard small squeaking screams and looked up to see some ogres with a big container filled with fairies. The ogres were tall and round with green slimy skin and large brown warts. They had Huge nostrils and yellow sharp teeth and the most bluest of eyes. They wore one black rag around their body and had small knives that seemed to belong to those of human ,elf, dwarf, or wizard 

" haha these fairy folk should grant us some wishes and we will get all the meat we want in the world!"spoke the biggest ogre 

"Don't be ridiculous Zoureg !! Why not just use the fairies to kill everyone and we can devour them on our travels ." 

"Ah you indeed are smart Barg !" 

Mason could not stand the stench of their breaths as the ogres spoke. "oh please oH please Mason !" whispered yelled Flame. She was worried for her friend, she was worried that he would die and so would a large amount of her kin. 

Mason positioned his elbow on the rock and aligned his bow. He pulled back and let out slow breaths as he began to focus. 'come on just focus' he thought to himself. He was determined to free the fairies after all 2 of them joined their alliance. 

He finally left his last breath out and let go of the bow and it hit the rope that had the container full of fairies above ground. The container fell on th floor and the fairies frantically left out. Mason began to cheer ,and forgot he had to be incognito. 

"What's this ?!" yelled Zoureg as he grabbed Mason and held him in his palm. 

"A dwarf ?" 

"Can't possibly be, it is too scrawny and tall" 

"perhaps a wizard ?" 

"no no no... it cannot be, wizards are wise and would never be as stupid as to show themselves to an enemy " 

"maybe an elf " 

"No pointy ears nor is this creature beautiful , he is ugly" 

"hey " yelled Mason who was offended for their remarks. 

"Perhaps he is tasty , let's eat him!!" 

"LET HIM GO !" yelled Jastra , as Yanderum and Kovac followed her, She swung through the trees on a vin like Tarzan and she took out her bow as she was midair and she began to shoot up and made the arrows stab them in their ft bellies and necks. 

"Why you litt-" Barg could no longer speak as he sees Zoureg fall to the ground with Yanderum on top of him removing the sword he inpaled within Zoureg's stomach. 

Jastra spun around and shot an arrow hitting Barg right on his forehead making him fall. 

"mason! Are you alright" yelled Jastra as she landed on the floor and she res to him. She embraced him in a tight hug 

"Y-yeah" Mason felt the redness within his cheeks rise. Yanderum scoffed and finally got his sword out and made his way out of the ogre camp. Kovac was annoyed at the sight in front of him. How disgusting that Mason touches the true beauty in which he himself finally admits that he has feelings for Jastra, yet he argues with her constantly due to his awkwardness within conversations. 

"Hurry up ! Let's get this journey over with" Said Kovac as he walked away angrily. Jastra began to walk away, but Mason was still awestruck at the amazing moment that just happened, then he began to trot his way following Jastra back to help pack up.


Mason swung his back pack on his back and they began their journey once again, but with new companions, rather annoying companions, Moon and Flame.They were pestering the poor boy as he walked. 

" Do not pester the chosen one" Spoke Yanderum in his deep gruff voice in which made Moon and Flame afraid enough to oblige to his commands. 

"Mr. Yanderum may i ask, why were Ogres here in these woods, are these not fairy territory" asked mason 

"Chosen one, you do not have to speak in such a friendly manner, i am of no importance, my duty is to serve you and the king and prince, and to answer your question, it is abnormal to i as well, I find it quite mysterious, but lately it has been quite dangerous, which shows war is upon us " 

Mason suddenly felt a burst of anxiety 

"Yanderum, you are my friend, and perhaps war is upon us, but how can i stop it " 

"you Must stop evil, you must fight it " 

"But how am i going to do that ?" 

" Chosen one, you will train, train your hardest until you sweat, bleed, and feel like your arms and legs are going to fall off" 

"please it's mason......and..." Mason gulped 

"You have nothing to worry about, Mason... you are traveling with the very best indeed. " 

Mason smiled to himself 

"Of course, only the best " 

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry for the late update 

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