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Sniffling, Taehyung walked away from the park, putting on his mask and hat as a cover.

He didn't even bother to check his phone for the messages from the other members– he didn't feel like it.

But, he felt his phone vibrate for the longest time and he realized he was getting a call.

It was Namjoon. So, he answered.

"Sorry, hyung, I was a bit busy. I'm coming home."

"It's okay. The Run shooting was rescheduled for tomorrow, I wanted to tell you because you aren't looking at our messages and all of us except you are home right now."

"So, we have the rest of the day off?"


"Okay, thank you. I'll be coming home a little late, though."

"Okay, see you."

He couldn't help but feel the guilt of putting the members through that because of him. But, his mind was so full of you right now– he felt himself brushing off the guilt for now.

He shoved his phone inside his pocket and continued walking. He decided he'd walk home on a sad day like this.

Thankfully the rain had stopped, so he wouldn't get sick.

The air gloomy, he walked, eyes glossy and nose sniffling.

After a two hour long walk- he didn't even notice the time pass, his mind just desperate of wanting you– he finally reached the dorm. He knocked, not wanting to bother to get out the key. He took off his mask before the door opened, revealing Jimin.

"Oh, Taehyung," he greeted. Taehyung didn't say anything back, eyes glued to the ground. He felt if he even spoke or looked up, he would cry. So, without even looking at Jimin, he entered.

Jimin just gave a look of surprise, stepping aside to let him enter before closing the door and going back to the couch, sitting next to Yoongi.

Taehyung just slowly walked in, not looking up. He stopped his footsteps midway making the others look at him with worry.

"Taehyung-ah, are you okay?" Jin asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Yoongi looked up at Taehyung, holding his stare on the younger, a flash of worry in his eyes.

Taehyung pursed his lips, they were quivering, on the verge of tears. Not having the heart to stand, he just crossed his legs and sat on the floor, hands covering his face, a dry sob escaping him.

"Taehyung?!" He heard Jimin's exclaim fade into the sound of him starting to cry, warm tears wetting his hand.

Without looking, he could feel the other members in the room rush to his side asking him what was wrong. But, Taehyung couldn't bring himself to answer.

Wiping his tears away with his hands, he looked at the first face he saw in front of him, which was Namjoon's.

"Taehyung-ah? Are you alright?" Not mustering up the voice to speak, Taehyung turned his gaze past Namjoon's shoulder, looking up at the person who was standing, Yoongi.

"Hyung-" Taehyung shakily called. "I..." He started before choking out a sob. Hearing Yoongi sigh, he also heard a mumble, "Move out of the way, Namjoon."

In a few seconds, he felt Yoongi gently wrap his arms around Taehyung, patting his head softly. "It'll be okay. Just tell us what's wrong. We'll accept you."

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