Wednesday #2

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Tarja looked to the right side of the courtroom and she saw a desperate and staring Tuomas. When Tuomas noticed that she finally was looking at him too, he smiled happily and relieved at her.

''Alina told me that Tuomas might not come back, why not?'' Tarja asked. ''Because he revealed the Haltija existance to a human and he's definitely not allowed to, he shouldn't even have been that close to you as he is now. Haltija's are supposed to protect you, not to be your best friend. Also, he uses his powers when it's unnecessary, and that is partly your fault, but we cannot do anything about that because you are a human, we have nothing to say about humans," the judge answered. "So if I tell everyone about Haltija's, you can't punish me? Not that I'm going to, I don't want to reveal you. I understand that you all want to stay a secret and no one would believe me anyway because I don't even have proof, and not one of you is going to sacrifice their selves just to help me reveal you," Tarja said and made everyone look at her angrily. "No, we can't punish you if you tell them. And I think you are right, they won't believe you. But that's not why we are here. Why do you think that Tuomas should stay your Haltija instead of someone who has more experience as Haltija?" The judge asked. "Because I think Tuomas is a great Haltija, I'm the only one who knows about the Haltija existence and I won't tell anyone. He is new and he needs to get a second chance, you could have just given a warning instead of all this," Tarja said, a bit annoyed. "I could have, but what if you told your friends about the Haltija existence and they told others and Haltija would have gone public? It can still happen, we have to make sure that Tuomas won't tell or show others that he is a Haltija. And also you can't tell anyone, whatever happens," the judge answered. "I usually tell my best friend everything but I haven't told her about Tuomas or Haltija's in general and I am not going to, I promise you," Tarja said.

Some time later, they had a break. Tarja stood up and ran over to Tuomas. "Couldn't you have told me that something like this was going to happen?!" Tarja asked sad while she hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry, but I didn't know this before either," Tuomas answered while he hugged Tarja back. "What if they don't allow you to come back and be my Haltija? I can't live without you!" Tarja cried, she laid her head on Tuomas' shoulder while Tuomas stroke her hair to calm her down, which didn't work. "It will be okay, I'll come back. Let's just get out of here for now," Tuomas suggested and they walked away with their arms around each other. "We have half an hour until I have to go back, do you want to go somewhere? To drink or something, are you hungry or thirsty?" Tuomas asked. "Do you even know this place around here? don't think you do, but to answer your question, no I am not. So don't worry," Tarja said and laughed through her tears. "To be honest, no. I don't know this place, I didn't even know it existed until today," Tuomas answered and laughed a bit too. "We can also just hang around here and just do nothing and talk, or whatever I don't know," Tarja suggested and Tuomas agreed. They walked out if the building and walked to a bench close to it. "It's so beautiful out there. Do you think there are places like these in our planet, dimension, universe or wherever we are?" Tarja asked. "I have no idea but I have never seen it before," Tuomas answered. They both sat there in silence, listening to the wind that fled through the trees. There were no animals nor humans, nor Haltija's even. "Hey by the way, what did you mean with 'until I have to go back'? Does that mean that I won't have to come back anymore?" Tarja asked and looked disappointed at Tuomas. "No, you won't, Alina will take you back home," Tuomas answered and took Tarja's hand, signing that it will be okay. "No, but I want to stay! I can't leave you here! My home is everywhere as long as I'm with you," Tarja said sad and even a bit desperate.'What if he won't come back?! I'll never see him again! I can't leave him here!' Tarja thought and almost started crying again. "I promise that it'll be okay Tarja," Tuomas said and kissed her forehead. ''But what if it won't be okay? Do you think they could lock you up?'' Tarja asked while she was staring blanky ahead. ''Maybe they can but I don't think they will. What I think is that they will just allow me to go back and stay your Haltija but that they will warn me to try to keep it a secret for everyone else or something,'' Tuomas answered. ''I hope so,'' Tarja answered and turned her head towards Tuomas again. Tarja couldn't bear the thought of losing Tuomas, she was so scared because she didn't know much about Haltija's so she doesn't know what they would do. ''Tuomas, I wanna hug you,'' Tarja said while she started smiling a bit. ''Ahw it's so cute how you just admit that,'' Tuomas answered while he started laughing and moved closer to Tarja. Tarja was trying to be happy again so she started smiling and swung her arms around Tuomas and sort of pushed him back. Because of Tarja's mini-attack, they both fell and were now lying on the small bench. Tarja, who was still smiling, lying on top of Tuomas on the bench and made Tuomas laugh, got up and placed her hands on Tuomas' muscular chest. She started laughing as well and locked their eyes. Tarja bow down and started kissing Tuomas. Tuomas was surprised but kissed her back. Tarja didn't expect him to kiss back so she was surprised as well, but very happy of course. But the kiss didn't last long, someone interrupted them by a small cough. It was Alina who was trying to get their attention, and it worked. They both got up with shocked faces, they didn't know that there was someone else. They were just too focused on each other that they didn't even hear her walking towards them. "Hei Tarja.. I think it's time for you to go home," Alina said. "Yeah but I don't! I'm going to stay here as long as Tuomas is here! I'm not going to leave him! I can't loose him.." Tarja answered quite angry but scared and sad at the same time. "Tarja come on, you can't stay here because you aren't a Haltija, I'm sorry," Alina said. Tarja got upset again and leaned her head against Tuomas' shoulder. "I don't want to leave you, Tuomas.." Tarja said when tears took her sight. "I know, and I'm sorry but maybe it's for the best if you just leave. I promise I'll be ba-" but Tuomas couldn't finish his sentence. "No! It's not for the best! And what if you won't come back! I can't live without you! Don't make me go away please.." Tarja said angry while she tried not to cry. "Tarja please calm down, I think I can tell you that Tuomas will come back, he's new so they won't be that harsh on him," Alina tried to convince Tarja. "I can't calm down, you know how important Tuomas is for me and I'm sure you can imagine that I can't live without him. I hope you are right but I still won't go away from this place without Tuomas. Only Tuomas can bring me back!" Tarja said, she's stubborn and only believes Tuomas or her own thoughts. "Tarja, I think you should just go with Alina, you're missing a lot of school and they are wondering where you are. Don't you want to graduate? And -" but Tuomas got interrupted again by Tarja. "Yes but you two are too! All these classes are being canceled because of you two so now it's your fault that they don't learn as well, so I just want to stay with you until you go back." Alina sighed, took Tarja's hand and gently tried to pull her off of the bench. "No! I won't come with y-" but Alina already teleported themselves back to their school. "No!! What did you do! You're such a stupid bitch! Let go of me! I'll never believe you! And don't you dare try to steal him from me!!" Tarja screamed angry while she tried to free herself from Alina. "Take it easy little girl, I was only helping you in the first place," Alina tried to explain. "Let me go! Just let go of me!" Tarja screamed, she hates Alina, she just teleported her back home without Tuomas. Alina let go of her and Tarja ran away. She didn't go back to school, she just ran away. Not knowing where to go, Tarja decided to go into the woods. The woods sounds like a place for Haltija's and that's exactly where she wanted to be. Even though she knows that Tuomas isn't in there, she just wanted to be there. 'I can't live without Tuomas, he has to come back! I hate that stupid Alina!! Why did she have to teleport me back?! Only Tuomas can do that!! I bet she just wants Tuomas for herself! She's jealous!' Tarja thought, but actually she was the one who's jealous. Alina could be with Tuomas now and she can't. Tarja entered the woods and looked around, somehow it looks different. 'But what changed?' Tarja's confused because she felt different as well. Tarja just ignored it and walked further into the woods. "Hello? Is there someone?" Tarja asked, because she felt being watched. The only sound she heard was the blowing wind through the trees and the flying leaves in front of her. But then the leaves started to fly higher and in a circle, it looked like some leaves just came out of nowhere. Suddenly there was someone standing in front of her, Tarja was scared. "Who are you??" Tarja asked shocked and looked at his dark hair, it was really long and beautiful. "My name is Kettu, and you are Tarja," he answered with a calm and deep voice. Tarja's eyes widened because she was afraid, 'who is he? Why and how does he know my name?' she thought. "How do you know My name?" Tarja asked. "That doesn't matter, but I came here to tell you that Tuomas won't return soon," Kettu said without showing any emotions. "What?? You can't do that!! Why are all Haltija's so mean?? Only Tuomas isn't! I can only trust Tuomas.." Kettu wanted to interrupt her but he didn't. When she was done talking, he calmly said "I'm not an Haltija." Tarja was still confused but then asked "But when will he return then?" Tarja asked desperate. "I can't tell you," and then disappeared. "Wait, what.." Tarja was even more confused now. 'He knows about Tuomas who is an Haltija, but he isn't one himself. But he isn't human either because he just appeared and disappeared randomly. He also teleported, but he's no Haltija..'

To be continued...

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