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A while later, the car stopped and Tarja still didn't manage to get herself freed from that stupid tape around her hands and the blindfold in front of her eyes. "Where are we going?! Who are you?! What do you want from me?! Why are doing this to me?!" Tarja screamed again. He got out the car and closed the door behind him, he locked the car and left. "Where do you think you are going?! I am still here! In your car! Soon I'll be dead because I can't breath anymore!! There's not much air in here!!" Tarja continued screaming, desperately because she was scared. 'Who was that man? What did he want from me? Why did he left me in here? He can't hear me now anymore so I better stop screaming before I can't say anything anymore... My throat hurts already, when he gets back I need to continue screaming, eventually he will get deaf right?' Tarja thought and laughed a bit. 'Now I'm stuck here... I better just try to see it from positive sides, I don't have to go to school. Oh but wait, I like school... Ehm... I can't get nervous because of Tuomas.. But I am nervous right now because I'm scared... The light isn't bothering me anymore, I am blindfolded. But I am stuck with it... At least it's not cold in the car, in school it is in some classrooms. But then again, I am stuck in this stupid car...' Tarja heard a sound, it was the sound of a unlocking car. He was back. The car door opened and a different man looked inside. "But this isn't her, you crazy idiot!" he yelled at the man who had kidnapped Tarja. "But this is okay, I hope she won't escape this time!" He said and glared at the other man, who still hasn't said anything. Tarja started screaming again. "Let me out!! What the fuck do you want from me?! Let me go!!" Tarja screamed angry. She pretended to cry, maybe they would think she was just a kid and let her go. "She's crying, what did you do?" The man said to the man who kidnapped her and slammed the door. Tarja shocked, now she was even more afraid. There were two men outside the car she was in and she couldn't escape. She didn't even know what they wanted from her and why was it so bad that she was crying? "I didn't do anything, I just took her from the supermarket and put her in the car. She was screaming all the time but I didn't do or said anything. I don't know why she's crying," the kidnapper said, finally he said something and Tarja could hear him but she didn't recognize his voice. 'Who the hell are they? What the fuck do they want from me?' Now she actually almost starting crying for real. She realized that she might not escape and she didn't know what those strange men would do to her. The door opened again and Tarja started screaming again, even though her throat hurt and because she promised herself. 'If I would be annoying, would they let me go? I'm not even the one that they wanted after all,' Tarja thought and tried to free her hands from that tape around them. To her surprise it worked, the tape tore apart and so did her bracelet. All the small beads around it were all over the backseat and even on the ground from the car. "No!! That was my favorite bracelet!!" Tarja screamed angrily. It was the bracelet that her grandma gave her a long time ago, it was close before she died. Tarja started crying, she was kidnapped, she tried to escape but that didn't work out very well and now her favorite bracelet that her grandma got her was tore apart... 'I can't cry right now, I need to escape!' Tarja told herself in her thoughts and she started to kick and hit the men who were now in the car, trying to put on tape in front of her mouth again. "You fucking ruined my life!! This bracelet is the bracelet my grandma got me right before she died okay!! And what the fuck do you even want from me?! I thought you said I wasn't the one you wanted but then why do you keep me?!" Tarja screamed angrily while she was crying. "You shouldn't have tried to free your hands, then you would still have it. And it's none of your business why we keep you and what we're going to do to you." One man said, quite annoyed. "Why are you annoyed?" Tarja asked laughing and continued kicking him. 'Just to annoy him, I'll pretend to laugh an trying to make fun of him.'  Tarja's kicking and hitting didn't really work very well, she had a tape on her mouth again. Wasn't really a surprise because they were with the two of them and she was alone, and a girl, and not as strong as them, and she couldn't see anything because she couldn't get it off, it was stuck. One man 'helped' her to get out of the car and held her hands close to each other. Tarja was trying to get out of his grip but the other man taped her hands together again. Now there was no chance of then letting go of her. They started walking but Tarja fell onto the ground, trying to break free again but then one man lifted her up and Tarja started screaming. But because of that tape on her mouth, nothing was really hearable. It sounded as if she was just mumbling. 'Where are they taking me?? Oh gosh it's so cold out here... Why are they even fucking doing this?!'  they walked into a building, it was an old ugle, half broken building. But the building they were going in was not broken, just the opposite of it so Tarja couldn't escape, it only looked like it was broken. The building was black from the outside, it had no windows and only one door. They walked into the building and went downstairs, into the basement and it was as deep as if it was floor two but underground. The inside was dark grey and there was almost nothing in it, it probably was three by three meters small. They took off Tarja's blindfold but when Tarja opened her eyes, she quickly closed them again. Because she had been blindfolded for so long, she wasn't used to that much light so now it was like she just looked right into the sun. There was just one light but it was really bright for her right now, even though it actually wasn't. She slowly opened her eyes again. Slowly, just to let her eyes get used to the light. The men grabbed something out of the room and walked away, when they were gone and turned out the light. "Yeah sure, leave me here, alone... With nothing..." Tarja angrily yelled at them, even though they'd probably not hear it. 'Oh but wait, I do have my cellphone' Tarja thought exited, now I can at least call someone. She took her phone out of her bra and started to look for her moms phone number. When she found it, she dialed it but nothing happened. She was out of reach because she was underground and couldn't do anything with her phone but play games that don't need WiFi. There was no chair or couch or anything in the room so she sat down on the ground. 'Damn, it's cold,'  Tarja thought but she was tired so she didn't get up. She didn't sleep all night yesterday so she decided to lay down and maybe fall asleep, what else was she supposed to do? She couldn't reach anyone and didn't want to play games on her phone.

Suddenly Tarja heard a noise. It sounded like fighting people, someone was grunting as if he was in pain. 'Is it the man that kidnapped me? Or the other man that was here? Because it sounds like one of them...' Tarja got scared. 'What is happening outside??'  After a while it was silent again. She heard the stairs cracking. 'Oh no, they're coming back. Oh my gosh, I hope I can escape'  Tarja thought happily, hoping that they would let her go. Tarja was so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. A man walked up to Tarja and took her in his arms. It was a different man than who had kidnapped her. He carried Tarja out of the building and Tarja was afraid, she didn't know who it was but it was a man. It was a different man than who had kidnapped her. It felt much more gentle and somehow safe. "Who is this??" Tarja asked desperate. "You're safe now." The man said and if sounded familiar. But Tarja was so nervous and afraid, she was close to falling asleep so she didn't know who's it was. Suddenly it felt as if it was warmer now, what happened? Tarja fell asleep.

When Tarja woke up, she noticed that she was lying in her bed. 'Wait, how did I get here?!' And Tarja was scared, again. 'What time actually is it?' Tarja thought and grabbed her phone to check what time it was. 'My phone is on the charger... Is it morning?' Tarja thought and looked at the time, it was morning indeed. She had a lot of messages. Mostly from her friends. 'Why aren't you at school anymore? We're worried about you, xxx Suvi' & 'suddenly you were gone in the supermarket and I was looking for you and I even got too late in the next lesson for you but I never found you, and you never came back to school, what happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you say anything? xxx Saara' & 'I thought you were at school this morning but after the small break, I didn't see you anymore and no one knew where you was, r u okay?? xxx Noora' and a lot more of that kind of messages. They also had a group with everyone and they were talking about Tarja. Where she could be, why she didn't tell anyone why she was gone, where she was and that they were worried about her because in the evening they still hadn't heard from her. But she was okay, she was safe now. Luckily nothing happened but she still wondered who those two men were and what they were going to do to her and who had saved her. 'Who saved me? Why did it feel so safe? How did he get into my room, without my mom noticing?' 

To be continued...

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