Wednesday II

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"Why did you want to talk to me?" Tarja asked with a flirty tone. "Well, I see that you are acting different than usual. Don't ask me how I know this but I know that you've been kidnapped yesterday. So how are you so happy right now? And you're not acting shy anymore, this morning you did but now you don't," Tuomas said and Tarja went silent. She looked shocked and didn't know what to say. She looked Tuomas in his eyes but then looked away, suddenly she was shy again. "I eh... I don't know," Tarja said and looked at the ground now, instead of out of the window that was behind Tuomas. "I know that you said 'don't ask me how I know' but I want to know. I need to know," Tarja said and looked at him again, a bit scared. "I can't tell you now, I'll tell you once but right now I can't..." Tuomas said and sighed. 'Shit, what am I doing... I should have said that. Now she'll be afraid of me if I don't tell her. But if I tell her, she will have a lot more questions she wants to ask me...' Tuomas thought and looked around, as if he was searching for something. He was searching indeed but that wasn't in this room, he was searching for words to say. Tarja somehow didn't mind that she didn't know, it felt right that she didn't know yet. "Okay... Well, maybe we should head back to class again," Tarja said and sighed. "I'm sorry that I ruined your mood but I just had to know, I still don't have an answer." Tuomas said and tried to catch Tarja's look. She was looking around, trying to avoid his eyes. Eventually Tarja looked into his ice blue eyes and started talking. "I honestly don't know actually, I think I was just trying to forget about it. But wait, were you the one that saved me?" Tarja asked and her eyes shot open but not because she was scared. Tarja would be happy if he was the one that saved her. She was smiling again, hoping that Tuomas was the one that had saved her. Tuomas looked around again, he didn't know what to say. 'What should I say? She looks happy again now, I know that I have to tell her evsntually anyways, maybe its better to tell her now. But only that I've saved her, nothing else,' Tuomas thought and looked at Tarja again. "Yes, I saved you," Tuomas said and let out a relieved sigh. 'That's why I felt so safe! Oh my gosh I was so close to him! He carried me! I know it felt cold but why didn't I just recognize him? How.. Why??' Tarja though. Tarja hugged Tuomas and smiled even more. After a while Tarja pulled back. "How did you know where I was? And why? Didn't you have to teach?" Tarja asked and frowned. "I can't tell you everything yet but I'll tell you about yesterday. Yes, I had to teach but I felt that you were in danger so I left a note that I went home because I wasn't feeling well anymore. I can't tell you how I know where you were, I just knew it. And I also can't tell you why and how I felt that you were in danger," Tuomas answered and Tarja sighed. "Okay, well, then I guess we should head back into class..." Tarja said and looked at the ground again, but this time sad. 'Why can't he just tell me? I don't get it... I should just be happy that he saved me,' Tarja thought and looked up again, with a fake smile on her face. They walked back to the English classroom. Tuomas opened the door and let Tarja go in first, then he closed the door again and went to the chair that was in front of the desk. "What did he want to talk about?" Saara whispered to Tarja, she didn't want Tuomas to hear it. "Why are you whispering?" Tarja whispered back and started laughing. "I don't know actually but don't avoid the topic. Why did he want to talk to you, alone?" Saara asked again. "Oh nothing important," Tarja answered and looked out of the window that was next to her. "Well apparently it was, otherwise he wouldn't ask you to come alone," Saara said and looked confused at Tarja, slightly annoyed. "Let's just work on our English," Tarja said, a bit disappointed in her friend that she wanted to know about everything that happened with her. "Yeah of course, it's English class after all," saara said and showed a fake smile. "He didnt ask me alone for nothing, if he wanted you to know, he would've asked you to come too," tarja said and pretended to work. Tarja was more watching Tuomas than doing her English work. Tuomas was looking around how far everyone was and helping the ones who weren't so far and who didn't get it. Tarja didn't get it either but she just pretended that she did and that she was as far as most of her class but actually, she just randomly wrote something and when he asked she just said that she didn't think it was hard. Tuomas didn't believe her but he just let her believe that he believed her. "You're going to have to make a test soon so study a bit and if you have questions, you can ask them now," Tuomas said to the whole class and everyone nodded and went back to work. "Eh Saara.. What does this mean?" Tarja asked insecure and she pointed at a sentence in her exercise book. Saara looked up, at Tarja. "Ask Tuomas," she answered annoyed and looked into her own exercise book again. "Seriously?" Tarja asked, a bit annoyed and sighed. Tuomas walked up to them and checked their work. "Is everything alright girls? It looks like you're having trouble with translating," Tuomas asked gently and first looked at Saara and then at Tarja. "No, I'm fine, and so is my work," Tarja said annoyed and sad. "Don't lie to him Tari, your work doesn't even look like English and you're desperately in need for help," Saara said, in a tone as if she wanted to help but of course it was fake, Saara was also annoyed and a bit angry. "Why are you acting like this? You used to be my best friend and now your being mean," Tarja asked and looked down at her nails. Saara just shrugged and started to work again. "I see that you are having some problems, why are you girls arguing? Is there anything I can do to help?" Tuomas asked concerned. "Yeah sure, you can help Tarja with her sucky English," Saara said angrily and looked out of the window that was behind Tarja. "Saara what's going on with you? You're angry and annoyed since I came back from a conversation with Tuomas, you're angry at me, why? Are you jealous?" Tarja said and looked angry at Saara, totally forgot that Tuomas was still in front of them. "Girls, let's not yell at each other, maybe we should go outside to talk so we won't bother your classmates," Tuomas said and he looked at them, waiting for their answer. Tarja looked sad at her friend, also waiting for her answer because she doesn't want to say anything before she does, maybe she will get even more angry. "Yeah sure, whatever," Saara said and sighed, she pretended to be angry so she could talk to him too. Saara actually was jealous, she had a crush on Tuomas too. Tarja didn't know about Saara and Saara didn't know about Tarja. The three of them walked out of their classroom and again, a few meters away from the classroom. When Tarja and Tuomas walked out for the first time, without Tarja's friend, Saara was quite jealous. Saara was angry at Tarja for real but she used it so she could talk to him alone as well. While they were gone, some other kids in their class were talking about them. "Why is Tuomas gone this time, and with Tarja again?" Someone asked but no one answered. "Does no one else notice their weird behavior? I've seen it a few times already," the same person said but no one looked up because they hadn't noticed and didn't even care. "What's the problem? Do you girls want to talk alone or should I stay with you?" Tuomas asked gently and looked at them. 'He has such cute ice blue eyes...' Tarja thought and couldn't help but stare at his beautiful eyes. "I don't mind.." Saara said and hoped that he would stay. "I don't mind either, you can stay. But maybe our class needs you too," Tarja said, also hoping that he would stay. 'God damn it Tarja, why did you just say that?? Now he'll probably go away!' Saara thought and tried not to show too much that she wanted him to stay. "I'll stay with you, I'll help you figure out the problem and you will be best friends again," Tuomas said and smiled at the girls.

After a while talking, they solved the problem and went back into class. "I'm glad we worked it out Saar," Tarja said and smiled at her friend. "Oh and Tuomas, I actually lied to you," Tarja eventually said when she gathered enough courage to ask him. "About what?" Tuomas asked and frowned, he pretended that he didn't know, but he knows what she was going to say next. "I need help with English, I don't get it and last year I only had bad grades, I almost failed class just because of english..." Tarja finally said and looked into her exercise book. "Of course I can help you with English, I don't teach it for nothing." Tuomas said and laughed. He sat down his chair and rode (Yes, it's a chair with wheels) to the other side of the table where Tarja was sitting behind and started to explain. "Saara do you get it?" He asked and looked at her notebook. "Eh, no actually I don't," Saara answered insecure and looked up, right into his beautiful ice blue eyes. "I see that you are having problems with your grammar but it's not that bad, you won't fail the test but I get that you want to learn more." English class was almost coming to an end and Tuomas went back to the front of the class to tell everyone that they could pack their stuff and wait for the school bell to ring. This was their last hour of school so when the bell rang, everyone went straight home. But Tuomas asked Tarja to stay behind for a while. "If you want to, we could meet sometime so I can help you to learn for the English test that you will get in two weeks," Tuomas asked when everyone had left except for Tarja. "Yeah sure, maybe tomorrow after school? We have English tomorrow anyways so I'll have my exercise book already with me and then my mom knows that I'll be home later," Tarja answered. "Okay, well then it's settled," Tuomas said and smiled. Tarja smiled back and turned around, she was going home as well.

To be continued...

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