The rest of day two

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A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit boring. 🙁 It's mostly just about school in the beginning but later, more things will come. But that's a secret for now... 😏 I hope you will enjoy it at least a bit and please leave a comment, I'd love to read your opinion! ♥

When they entered the science classroom, they saw their new teacher. He looked old indeed and also grumpy, just like their friend told them. "Okay, this is going to be the best class ever." Tarja said with a grumpy look and sighed. She looked at their teacher and was wondering if he really would be so annoyed and always strict... "Take a seat and get your books on the table!" He said grumpy and it almost sounded like he was angry. The whole class was silent immediately and most of them grabbed their books, they were afraid of him. "Okay he really is pretty weird, he is grumpy and looks angry." Saara whispered to Tarja. "I don't get why he is so grumpy, angry or annoyed, we didn't do anything" Tarja answered whispering, because she also was afraid of him, afraid he would sent her away or start screaming at her for talking. "Yet..." Saara answered, again whispering and laughed a little bit but not really loud so he couldn't hear her. "I thought I said 'Get your books on the table! ' Why aren't you listening?!" Their teacher yelled at some boys who didn't put their books on the table. "Oh I was listening teacher, but I just didn't do it" Martti answered and started laughing, looking at his friends who also started to laugh. Tarja could only think of Tuomas. How the whole class was silent immediately when he said something, how he was suddenly standing right behind her, from out of nowhere, and how he made her feel so confident while playing piano... "Next time you will do it! And if not, you will write these 10 lines 50 times! And you will bring it to me before 8 am next morning!" He said angry and showed the boy a paper with some lines of it. "And what if I don't write it when I don't listen again?" He answered smiling and with a daring look on his face. "Then you will come back for 2 hours each day after school!" He answered, now really angry and pissed. "Yeah sure" Tarja's classmate answered and he started to laugh again.

At the end of this crazy science class, Martti got sent out of class. "OUT! GET OUT! I don't want you in my classroom anymore!" he said really angry and almost desperate. "What? no! I didn't do anything" he answered and started laughing but with a questioning look on his face. "No, you didn't do anything indeed, you didn't work! And now GET OUT!" He yelled at the laughing Martti, who started to pack his stuff and left. "Well, you were right, this lesson totally was a disaster Tarja! And it's not even finished yet! Good god, can it get even worse?!" Saara asked and sighed, out of boredom and grumpiness. Finally when science class finished, the schoolbell rang again. "You were right at the beginning of that lesson, it was a total disaster!" Saara said while they were on their way to the aula, they had a break. Tuomas passed the girls and he looked at them, Tarja saw him too. Tarja kept looking at him, her heart skipped a beat and Tuomas saw that Tarja was staring at him. He smiled at her and Tarja started to blush but looked away immediately, hoping that Saara and Tuomas wouldn't notice. When Tarja looked back, he was gone, nowhere to be seem. She looked around but couldn't find him anywhere. 'Wait what?! He was here like ten seconds ago and now he's just gone!'
"Hey!!" Elina yelled happily at Tarja and Saara when they reached their standard place. They both happily yelled back at their friend. Meanwhile almost all of their other friends had arrived too. They talked and laughed a lot, they were always having fun. After 10 minutes of their break, Tarja noticed a vague, dark figure in distance. It came closer and then Tarja recognized the vague and dark figure, it was Tuomas, again. That creepy but handsome man. Her heart started beating faster and she quickly looked away so he wouldn't notice that she had seen him and had started blushing again. Of course he had seen her too but he didn't stare at her, like she did just now and earlier before or like he did in their first lesson. 'He is so cute and handsome but why do I keep seeing him? And when I see him, why do I always stare at him? I wonder what he thinks of me...' Tarja thought and that thought made her feel less happy than she was before. But then the schoolbell rang again and it ripped her out of her thoughts. They had to go to class again and sadly they weren't all in the same class so they had to say goodbye and leave each other. "Bye" they all said, almost exactly at the same time. "What class do you have, which way are you going?" Tarja asked her friends, hoping that they would have to go to the same direction but they all had to go to a different way, another side of the school...

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