Next day

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Tarja woke up. She was still tired of course but she didn't mind, she has English class today. She did the same as every morning but today she put her hair in a pony tail instead of flattening it. She usually didn't like English this much, because she wasn't good at it. But she was quite shy so she didn't dare to ask for help. Tarja was done and went downstairs. "How come you are so happy lately?" Her mom asked curious and happily. "Oh I don't know, my grades are pretty good," Tarja answered randomly because she couldn't say that she liked her teacher and she would see him again today. "I would like to see that," Tarja's mom said with a smile on her face, she knew that Tarja was lying but didn't show that she knew. It was a bit too early to go to school now, she had at least half an hour because she usually leaves and that already is early. Compared to others, she really is an early bird. Most people like to sleep and hate it to wake up early in the morning but she didn't. That actually is a good thing but maybe also not, because the reason why is Tuomas. And Tuomas is her teacher... They can't have a relationship, and she won't be happy about that... Tarja was bored and wanted to go to school already but she would be too early so she just grabbed her phone and posted something on her SA fanpage. She got a message from a fan of her fanpage. It said that she has a nice fanpage and the fan loved it. That made her smile, she was happy to read that. Her mom saw her smiling and walked up to her. "What are you smiling about? Are you talking to your boyfriend?" She asked curious and with a smile on her face. She thought she would be right, but she wasn't. Finally it was time to go to school, even though most people would say: "What?? This early??"

When Tarja arrived at school, she locked her bike and when she looked up again, she heard and saw a motor cycle approaching her school. She loves motor cycles so she just kept looking to see who was on it. The man on the motor cycle took off his safety helmet and shook his head, as if he was in a commercial for hair products. He had black hair and he was really cute, and then she noticed that it was Tuomas. 'Oh no, I stared at him again... And I bet he saw me, again' Tarja thought and quickly turned around to walk to the entrance of her school. "Hey Tarja!" She heard Tuomas happily yell at her, he sounded really happy. Awkwardly Tarja turned around, she had hoped that he wouldn't call her but he did. "Hey Tuomas," she answered and tried to avoid his look. "Hey you don't have to avoid looking at me, I won't bite," Tuomas said and laughed. They walked to school together, it was just a couple of meters but that didn't matter. "I'm going straight to my classroom," Tuomas said. "Okay, see you in a few hours then," Tarja answered happily, trying not to show too much that she was so happy. Tuomas went to his classroom while Tarja walked the other way, to her own spot where she and her friends always were. A few minutes later, some of her friends had arrived. "Does someone have a phone charger? I forgot to charge it, I used my phone all night and then I forgot to take my charger with me, haha," Saara asked laughing and a bit awkwardly. "Here, I have a power bank Saara," Suvi said and started looking in her backpack for her power bank and gave it to her. They talked for a while and suddenly that annoying school bell rang. Tarja and Saara had to go to math. Their math teacher was a pretty good teacher, she wasn't really strict but also not that easy. Most students listened to her and did what she asked. "Good morning students! Take a seat and then we'll start this lesson. I know that this is your first math lesson this year but we are just going to work, you probably already have had enough lessons where you did nothing so now you're going to work. I'll explain it to you first," Karoliina, Tarja's math teacher said and started to explain and was talking pretty much and they did some things together but later she gave them some work to do on their own. It was pretty easy and it wasn't that much. "Does anyone has a question?" Karoliina asked and everyone answered no. Actually Tarja had a question, but it wasn't about math. It was about Tuomas. 'Why is he so handsome? Why is he so mysterious? Why do I even think about him this way?' Tarja thought and stopped making her math work, she couldn't concentrate anymore. Late their math lesson ended and Tarja and Saara walked to their next one. They had geography next, that's really easy. she always had straight A's, hopefully this year too. They arrived and saw that they had a new teacher. He has black hair, green eyes and isn't much taller than Tarja. He was probably around the age of 23 or something. He didn't look very happy, but not angry or sad. "Eh... Okay class, I eh am your new eh geography teacher," Tapio, their new geography teacher said and sounded a bit insecure, but he wasn't shy. He looked at Tarja and then started to tell more. "Today we are going to learn about Europe, you probably already know much of Europe so it will be pretty easy for you. And if you don't, I'll help you. First I will give you a test, just to see how much you already know." Saara didn't really like geography so she didn't listen to him and started a conversation with Tarja, who actually was listening to him. "Do you want to go to the supermarket? To get some candy? Then we won't have to sit still all the time in our break and it's 5 minutes from here if you wa-" but Saara got interrupted by Tarja. "Sshht! He's looking at you and he doesn't look happy, quite angry even." And because Tarja said that Saara looked up and looked right into the eyes of their new teacher, who was now standing right in front of them. "What's your name, black haired?" He asked. Suddenly Tarja was a bit shy, she said that Saara had to be silence and now he was going to punish her, or that was what she thought. "Good that you said that to your friend, because I don't like it when people talk when I am talking," Tapio said. "But I was talking too, are you only mad at her?" Tarja asked and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, that's unfair!" Saara said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I'm not mad at any of you, only a little annoyed that you were talking while I'm teaching. And of course Tarja talked too but she said that you had to be silent, and she was right," Tapio said and turned around to go on teaching. There was a map hanging in the classroom and Tapio walked over there so he could point at the country and then the kids had to say the name of that country. That's what they did almost the whole lesson and Saara was bored, she didn't like it because she wasn't good at it. Geography lesson ended and the schoolbell rang. They had a break and decided to go to the supermarket to get some candy. It was litarelly down the street so they just walked there. "I'll grab some chocolate, could you get some chips?" Saara said and laughed and then walked away. "Sure!" Tarja called back happily. Tarja walked into the direction of where the chips were. She made her choice about what flavour chips she wanted and was just about to grab some but then someone grabbed her. She couldn't see who it was, he put his hand in front of her mouth and blindfolded her. She knew it was a man, she felt it. She tried to escape by hitting him and sort of wiggle herself out of his grab but it didn't work. He didn't let go of her, and she didn't know who it was. 'Who the hell could it be, and why?! Why doesn't he just let go of me, god damn it! I can't even say anything! Why is he doing this??' Tarja thought, angry, and continued to get out of his arms. He was carrying her out of the store, and Saara didn't notice that she was gone. Tarja tried to scream but he held his hand in front of her mouth so no sound came through. She bit his hand but he just left it where it was, as if he didn't even feel it. He carried her out of the store. 'How is he just getting away with this, I am fucking blindfolded and he is carrying me out of this store and fucking no one notices?! Oh my gosh...' Tarja thought and was still trying to break free but nothing worked. He hasn't said anything to anyone. Maybe if he said something she could recognize his voice, if she knew him. 'But I probably don't know him, I mean I don't know anyone who would do this.' He went out by the staff entrance. After walking a few minutes, the mysterious kidnapper put her down but didn't let go of her. He grabbed his car keys and unlocked his car. He taped Tarja's hands together and her mouth so she couldn't talk, or scream. Then he put her in the car, in the backseat. Tarja still didn't give up on breaking free, she tried to open her mouth and lick the tape so it wouldn't stick so much anymore. That worked pretty well, the tape almost got off of her mouth but now she needed her hands to pull it off but her hands were behind her back, she couldn't do anything with her hand so she tried to free her hands. It was really tight and it hurt but she still tried to get free so she could escape. Then Tarja tried to get rid of the tape on her with again, this time she blowed and it worked, the tape fell off. "Why are you doing this to me?! Who the hell are you?! What do you want from me?! What are you going to do to me?!" Tarja screamed angry at him but he just ignored her, as if he didn't hear her. Tarja kept screaming, hoping that someone would hear her and help her to get out. She still couldn't see anything, she didn't succeed to get rid of that stupid, tight tape around her hands so she couldn't take off the blindfold.

To be continued...

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