Chapter Thirty Three- "I Don't Care..."

Start from the beginning

            “Are you being serious right now?” I asked in disbelief. “Yeah Scooter, maybe she has changed me. Maybe she’s teaching me how to have emotions for once in my life. For me to actually feel something.”

            “Justin. Do you understand how this is going to look for your career?”

            I closed my eyes and leaned up against the walls of the hospital. I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. All I could think about was that my girl was in pain and to think one of the few people that I trusted in life didn’t even care about her made me realize who was really there for me.

            “I don’t care.” I spat in disgust.

            “What did you just say?” He replied, his voice getting deeper.

            “I said I don’t care. I don’t care anymore.”

            “Do you even realize what you’re saying? Where are you? I’m coming to talk some sense into you before-“

            “I’m at the hospital.” I laughed, cutting him off. “I’ve been here for about a week. Sophia just got off life support a couple days ago but you didn’t care to ask if she was okay or if I was okay. All you care about is how much money I’m making. What happened to the man who supported me through everything? Who helped me out when I was having a rough time?”

            I waited to hear an answer but I heard nothing.

            “Exactly. He’s long gone. I didn’t change Scooter, you did. I don’t want you showing up here to try and talk any sense into me because as far as I see it you aren’t important in my life anymore. I don’t need any sense to be talked into me. I’m caring about the people that mean the most to me and not my career. They come first and that’s how it should be.”

            I was so mad I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I trusted him with everything I had in my life. He was one of the few that were always there for me. But this didn’t sound like my friend. This sounded like a money thirsty manager and that’s somebody I didn’t need in my life.

            “Justin, I…”

            “Save it.” I interrupted him. “Goodbye Scooter.”

            Hanging up the phone, I shoved it back in my jacket and put my face in my hands. Maybe this was what just needed to be said. Maybe this just needed to happen all along.

            Walking back into the room, I gently shut the door behind me and placed the cup of water on her bedside table.

            “Hi sexy.” She giggled and reached her hand out for me.

            I felt my whole body relax at her laugh. I guess they had given her the medication while I was gone. Putting my hand in hers, she pulled me closer, making my face inches from hers. She was so beautiful.

            “Hi.” I breathed, scanning her eyes.

            “You look so good…” She ran her fingers down my chest, making me tilt my head back. Damn this medication made her so horny. I remained silent, not knowing what to say back.

            “Guess what I found out?” She smiled and brushed her fingertips at the ends of my hair.

            “What’s that baby?” I asked slyly.

            “The nurse said you could start bringing me to the bathroom now.” She giggled from excitement.

            “Oh did she now?” My eyebrow arched up in response.

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