It Wasn't A Game To Me

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After she talked to Lauren I asked her if we can play as couples.
"Mama? Can we play house? We can be married in it!" I asked.
"Sure. Do you want your friend, Kristi, to come over?" She hugged me.
"Yeah mama." I replied. "My plan will be perfect." I mumbled.
"What Camzi?" She heard me mumble.
"Oh, nothing." I replied hugging her tighty. I knew she won't hug me after the game.
"Okay Camzi. I'm going to call Kristi's mom, you sit tight." She walked away. I sighed and grabbed my new phone.
"Okay, your friend will be here in a couple of minutes." She hugged me from the side. She could see my fear. "Camzi? Are you okay?"
"I guess." I was not. As much as I want her to not punish me, I know that she will.
"You're on your period ain't you?" She asked. I started to get water in my eyes.
"Mama can you change me in a minute or so?" I asked.
"Of course Camzi!" She replied. Within a few minutes I pointed at my diaper. She took off my pants.
"Hello, can we come in? It's Crystal and Kristi." Kristi's mom, Crystal, said. I nodded at Lauren.
"Yeah I'm just changing Camila." She said. They walked in.
"Hi Camila! What are you and Lauren doing?" Kristi asked.
"Oh, she's just cleaning me. Mama doesn't want a stinky Camzi." I replied. Lauren wiped my butt.
"Oh okay!" Kristi said. She put a fresh diaper on me. We started to do the play. She was my wife in the play.
After the play I admitted to her, "I know you're my mom but, I love you romantically."

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