Sicky Camzi

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"Hey Camzi, feeling better?" Lauren asked.
"No. I threw up last night but I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so cute." I replied looking in to her beautiful brown eyes.
"Awe, your cute too." She kissed me. "Stay here. I'm going to clean your mess up." She went to the bathroom.
"I love you mama. I didn't mean to yell at you yesterday." I sighed.
"It's okay, Camzi." She grabbed the covers and put her hand on my forehead. "Holy shit Camzi. You're hot."
"Because you're here." I laughed.
"No, I mean actually hot. Let me grab the thermometer." She went to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. She came back and put it in my mouth. I put my hand on her boob and squeezed. She smiled. She took it out after it beeped and she had a shocked look on her face. "Shit!"
"What is it mama?" I asked. She grabbed her phone and called someone.
"I need help. I don't know what to do. I wasn't prepared to be a fucking mother." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Camila's sick."
"My girlfriend."
"Yes I checked. It was 205."
"Yes. I'm at Camila's."
"What should I do in the meantime?"
"No, she's just wearing a diaper."
"Kay I will."
"No mom I won't. I want to though."
"Fine. See you soon." She hung up.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"My mom. I need to take off your diaper. Please don't piss or shit on the bed." She replied taking off my diaper.
"I'll try not to." I pulled her on me and kissed her.
"How much I wanna fuck you now is a lot, but I can't because it will rise your body temperature." She sighed and got off of me. There was a knock at the door and she opened it. I hid my nakedness over the blankets. "Camila Cabello take that off NOW!" She yelled.
"But mama." I refused
"Don't make me ground you." She pulled the blankets off of me. Her mom walked over to me.
"Camila don't be shy. I'm Lauren's mom, you need to naked to decrease your body temperature." Her mom said.
"Okay Clara what should I do now?" Lauren asked.
"Get the pills out of my bag." She did what her mom said.
"Why is everything fading to black?" I started to close my eyes.
"Shit!" She ran to me. I couldn't see anything. I fell over.
"Fucking call 9-1-1!" Her mom yelled.

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