Running for Detention -- Short Story 1

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Running for Detention -- Short Story 1


Turning off my music, I rushed from my bedroom, grabbing my hoodie along the way.

Oh god, I can't be late again.

I raced down my stairs and into the kitchen, throwing my hoodie on once I hit the tile floor.

Snatching my bag from the counter, I dug out my key, pulled my shoes on, and slammed my front door shut-- almost forgetting to lock it after.

Why didn't I pay more attention to the time? I have 8 minutes to get there.

I checked the time on my phone as my feet pounded down the street. All I had to do was get to school before the bell to avoid- what would be- my 4th detention in 2 weeks.

I need to stop listening to music in the morning. I get too distracted.

Counting my steps as I ran, my hopes grew higher as I realized I might actually make it. I may not be the quickest sprinter, but anyone can turn a 20 minute walk into an 8 minute run if they know the short cuts.

Luckily this wasn't my first early morning sprint; meaning I knew the fastest way.

Cutting along someone's yard, I heard a voice yelling behind me.

"Run, Allie, run! Don't be late!" The old woman laughed from her porch.

Shoot, she'll tell my mom I was late again.

I didn't have time to worry about it. Jumping a small, chain-link fence into another yard, I felt like Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. That kept me running an extra bit.

Veering onto the street once more, I could see my school two blocks ahead.

There's no way I'm going to make it.

I was barely even jogging at this point. I had no hope of making it.

I can't have another detention though. It's a waste of time.

I tried my best to speed up when the thoughts of my last detention came to mind.

One girl easily distracted by music stuck in a room with four troubled boys is not something I want to relive.

Not ever.

There's no way I'm going to make it. I slowed down too much.

With my school entrance only 100 metres away, I used all of my energy to speed up one last time.

I'm gonna make it.

I mentally cheered. I had to have only seconds until the bell.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I counted my remaining steps. Grabbing the door handle, I ripped it open and almost fell into my school.

The bell rang seconds after.

Yes!! No detention for this girl.

I stumbled through the hallway, trying to catch my breath along the way to my locker.

I made it to my first class with no problems. Taking my seat, I saw students handing papers in.

Oh no. No no no no no!

In my mad dash out the door this morning, I left my homework at home.

Quickly thinking of an excuse, I prayed my teacher wouldn't notice my paper wasn't in.

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