Chapter 4

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      Naruto purred softly as he layed in the sun. Today he was spending the whole day with Akamaru and Shino. The reason for this was because the others were busy. Sasuke was (sadly) having tea with the civilian council and elders (Not voluntarily of course) , Sakura was working on her Iryō ninjutsu at the hospital she volunteered at, Hinata was with her family practicing her Taijutsu skills, Ino and Choji along with Shikamaru were working on their respective clan's jutsus and Kiba was stuck at home because he had gotten the fleas again, but didn't want to Akamaru to get flees so he sent Akamaru to Naruto.
    Naruto smiled as he cuddled and fed Akamaru special dog treats he made, which would help Akamaru grow big and strong. He had gotten the recipe from Kiba's sister Hana. Naruto then looked at Shino as he worked on controlling his hive. There were a couple that strayed from the group and clung to Naruto while eating from his massive chakra reserves, this caused Naruto to giggle because of Shino's annoyed face as the Kikaichū continued to ignore his commands. "Shino-kun relax a bit." Naruto held out his hand and created a small pool of his chakra in his hand. More Kikaichū went to the pool of chakra Naruto then used his chakra to direct the Kikaichū back to Shino.
    "You have to remember that you are their friend, not their master. You must be willing to work with them or they will never really consider you as part of their hive. They will stray when they are hungry, its normal for animals to search for food when they need it." Shino nodded and tried to relax and be patient as Naruto had said. He was surprised when all of the Kikaichū eventually listened and did as asked. Naruto smiled "that was perfect Shino-kun. You're getting better at understanding your Kikaichū everyday. Which is good and could possibly save your life one day. We aren't Genin yet so just relax please"

     Shino nodded and allowed the Kikaichū to stay out for a bit before he pulled them back into their nest. He then sat next to Naruto who quickly reached over and pulled off Shino's glasses. He blushed as he stared into Shino's beautiful forest green eyes " W-wow....Shino you have such beautiful eyes." Shino nodded "I got them from my mother. She's coming home today." Naruto hugged Shino and smiled brightly "thats great. I'm sure you and your dad are really happy. You did say it was a long and dangerous mission." Shino nodded "yes Father was preparing some of her favorite foods and such and making sure the house was clean so she can just come home and relax" Naruto smiled softly at this "love like that is a beautiful thing isn't it Shino" Shino nodded and smiled slightly looking down at the blonde "Yes it is." Naruto looked into Shino's eyes once more and saw them shining with something he had seen in other people's eyes. Naruto decided to take a risk and briefly kissed Shino's lips then pulled away blushing. Shino was shocked to the point he couldn't keep his blush at bay. He grabbed Naruto and pulled him into another kiss causing said blonde to moan softly in surprise before he started kissing back. They kept kissing until they needed to seperate to breath. Naruto touched his lips, which were starting to tingle from kissing, and giggled a bit " W-wow....I've never kissed anyone... I like it" Shino nodded in agreement "It was very pleasant...I would not mind doing it more." Naruto grinned and gave him a quick kiss "Does this make us boyfriends?" Shino nodded "If you want that is" Naruto nodded quickly "Absolutely....though you do realize one day you'll have to share me with others. I do have two clans to revive" Shino nodded "I understand. As long as you love us all equally, I'm fine with being by your side." Naruto giggled "Of course I'll love you all equally. There's no other way for me to love silly."
   Naruto looked up at the sky "Its getting dark." Shino looked up as well and nodded "Would you like to stay the night at my house? My father has been wanting to meet you for a while." Naruto nodded "But can we stop by the Uchiha District? I have to get some spare clothes and leave Sasuke a note telling him where I'll be for the night and make sure he has food to eat because to be honest there is a reason they call Uchiha's pyromaniacs....Sasuke is not allowed to cook after what happened last time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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