Chapter 3

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As the Academy days were slowly reaching their end, Naruto thought back to some of the times he had spent with his friends. He had cloud gazed and played shoji with Shikamaru, gone bug catching with Shino, practiced his taijutsu with Sasuke, practiced his chakra control with Hinata, studied and baked sweets with Sakura, arranged and plant new flowers with Ino, helped socialize the new puppies with Kiba, and he had fun trying new cooking recipes with Choji. At first he had been wary, but a little push from Iruka was all it took for Naruto to accept their friendship and he was glad he did.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a tapping of his shoulder. He turned around and saw Sasuke looking annoyed "Hey Dobe, I've been calling your name for five minutes. Its getting dark and we gotta head home." Naruto nodded as he got up and dusted off his pants "Coming Teme" He grinned as he followed Sasuke to the Uchiha district. As he walked he couldn't help, but remember the first time he had showed the group his old apartment.


Naruto led his group of friends towards the red light district where his apartment buildong stood. As they came towards Naruto's apartment they couldn't help, but feel disgust at the words written all over the building. They knew the civilians had done it as most shinobi tended to just ignore Naruto unless he had pulled a prank in which case they chases after him. 'Die Demon' or 'Fox Whore' were some among the graffiti.
   Naruto sighed "Ignore that I've gotten used to it to be honest." Shikamaru spoke for the group "You really shouldn't have to" Naruto just gave them a closed eye smile before leading them up two flights of stairs to the third floor. Naruto gasped as he saw his apartment door had been bashed in. He quickly entered and looked around in shock. The others walked in after and couldn't believe what they saw. The entire apartment was destoryed. Furniture and dishes were smashed beyound repair, the plants were thrown against the walls, said walls were covered in dirt, piss and spray paint. Naruto slowly got up with help from Shino and went into his bedroom. He sighed as he found it in a similar condition as his living room. He pushed the destroyed remains of the bed aside and removed a loose floorboard and pulled out his treasures. Said Treasures were masks of his old ANBU caretakers (Weasel, Inu, Neko, Lion, Tora, Crow, and Dolphin) as well as matching plush toys. There was also a frog wallet from the Sandaime, a pair of blue goggles from Iruka. The last of his treasures were more recent given to him by his new friends. These gifts were a fox plush from Kiba, a pair of shades from Shino, which had caused Naruto to giggle at first, a book on edible plants around Konoha and a book on how to trap and hunt animals from Sakura, an entire set of training Kunai and Shuriken from Sasuke, a couple of plants seeds from Ino, recipes that involved ramen from Choji, a shoji board from Shikamaru as the two seemed to be very good at it and often played games, and a book on how to improve his stealth from Hinata.
    Sasuke frowned and looked towards the others and saw them looking around in disgust and sadness. He then turned to Naruto "Naru pack up your remaining things and anything you can salvage." Naruto looked at him surprised "Why?" Sasuke looked him straight in the eyes "Cause you're moving in with me. You deserve better then this. " Naruto looked down sadly "I don't want you to get hurt....if they find out you let me move in with you they could do something horrible...lets at least tell Jiji so he doesn't worry about where I've gone" Sasuke thought about it before nodding and helping Naruto pack his stuff and any plants that survived before they all headed to the Hokage's tower.
    The group arrived very quickly to the Hokage Tower as Naruto knew various shortcuts.  The secretary of the Sandaime smiled at the group until she saw Naruto hiding behind Sasuke. She glared at him before speaking to the other clan children "What can I do for you all?" Kiba gave a warning growl, but did nothing. Shino spoke for the group "We would like to see Sandaime-sama " The lady smiled sweetly, too sweet in their opinion. "You eight can go in, but the demon brat has to stay out here" The group glared at the lady and Naruto stepped out from behind Sasuke "M'am you should be careful what you don't want to break the law don't you?" Naruto gave the lady an innocent look as the door opened and out came the Sandaime came out of his office not looking happy with his own secretary. Said lady paled and the Sandaime called for ANBU to take the women away. He then led the kids into the room "What can I do for you all?"
      Naruto hugged the old hokage and nuzzled him "My apartment was destroyed again....most of it is beyond repair" The old hokage sighed and hugged Naruto back "I'm sorry Naru. I wish I could do more for you, but ypu know my hands are tied" Naruto nodded and buried his face into the hokage's chest. Sasuke stepped up "Hokage-sama with all due respect, but isn't this village a dictatorship not a democracy? The council has no right or power besides advising you during times of war, that was a law Nidaime-sama made. The council can only make laws and decrees during war so any laws or decrees made by the council in peace times would be considered treason as they are trying to usurp your power"
      The Sandaime looked at Sasuke and sighed "I know, but in the time between my successor's death and my reinstatement the civilian council had managed to get many laws passed that gave them more power. " Sasuke then spoke again this time more serious "About Naruto's living situation I wish to offer him refuge at the Uchiha compound with me under my clan protection." This surprised the Sandaime "Why would you want that? You do know offering refuge is a very big commitment and that many may criticize you for it." Sasuke looked straight into the hokage's eyes and nodded "He doesn't deserve the treatment he is given and we are related very distantly, but we are still family.."
Hiruzen looked at that younger boy who continued to speak " In the clan archives there is an old family tree dating back the Sage of Six Paths time and a very old journal from one of my ancestors. On that family tree shows proof of the blood relations between thr Senju and Uchiha, but the most surprising is that it shows the relation between the Uzumaki, Senju and Uchiha clans as well as the Hyuuga and the Kaguya clans, but that bit is unimportant right now. Many think the Uzumaki split from the Senju, but that isn't correct because you see The Sage of Six Paths married a women named Akira Uzumaki and gave jbirth to three sons not two as the legend goes. While Indra, the oldest, got the sage's eyes at a watered down level and Asura, the youngest, got his body. Naraka, the middle child, got the sage's chakra and knowledge.
      While the Sage chose Asura to be his successor and Indra being angry decided to kill Asura, they never remembered Naraka or their mother. Both Naraka and Akira went back to Akira's homeland, Uzushio and they continued to live peacefully while continuing to learn more then what the sage knew. They invented Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu and unique kinds of Taijutsu.
They heard stories of how the Asura and Indra fought over who would succeed the Sage, but they also heard that it continued to affect their children and grandchildren." Sasuke had everyones attention seeing as such history was lost to time or was thought to be. "It was common for some Uchiha and Senju clansmen who hated the war to abandon their clans and join the Uzumaki clan who accepted them with warm arms. Both the Uchiha and Senju never really tried to attack the Uzumaki due to their techniques and the fact that the Uzumaki had managed to fortify their island by creating whirlpools. Also the Uzumaki clan helped devolop Iryō ninjutsu for the Senju as well as helping create weapons and Taijutsu styles for both clans.
        Whenever the Uzumaki visited, both clans had to order a ceasefire otherwise they could lose out on gaining something new and when Konoha was being created as well as peace between the Uchiha and Senju it was the Uzumakis who drew up the charter as well as the peace agreements and terms. The Uzumakis also funded the construction of the village and carved protection seals into the walls of the village to protect all within its walls. "
      Sasuke smiled at Naruto who looked at him in awe and then he continued speaking "I read my great grandfather's journal and he says the destruction of Uzushio is and forever will be the Senju and the Uchiha's as well as Konoha's greatest failure. And as Naruto said we honor the Uzumaki first by putting their swirl within the leaf headband then after the fall of Uzushio, we honor them by putting the swirl of Uzu on the back of the chunin and jounin vests"
       Naruto looked at Sasuke gratefully and went to hug him as some of the girls were teary eyed as Sasuke finished his story. The boys, the hokage and the ANBU were looking at Naruto sadly as they knew it was true.  Hiruzen looked at Naruto then at Sasuke before nodding "I will honor your request, but the council must be informed. And if possible may I take photos of the family tree and perhaps some passages of your family's journals to prove your claims?" Sasuke pulled out a couple pictures "I already took some. I was gonna show Naruto, but after seeing how he's living I cannot leave him there. No one should. That place looks like it needs to be torn down. Its a safety hazard."
        Sarutobi took the pictures and looked at the group "Would you all like to come?" Naruto shook his head and sat down in the Hokage's chair grinning. The group looked at Shino who was motioning for them to go on without him. "I'll stay here with Naruto. If he went to the meeting he'd just get yelled at by civilians" Sakura looked at the others and nodded in agreement "I'll stay too......I would rather avoid my mother and her ignorant thoughts" The others nodded before following the Sandaime to the council room. It took a couple minutes, but soon enough all of them had arrived. The clan heads were surprised to see their children there. Sarutobi cleared his throat before speaking "I called you here because young Sasuke here has requested for Naruto Uzumaki to live with him at the Uchiha Compound" This announcement caused the civilian side to start yelling for the death of Naruto. Sarutobi glared at them as well as the group. Kiba and Akamaru growled at them, Ino and Choji start insulting the civilians, while Sasuke, Hinata and Shikamaru, glared at the civilians.
        Sarutobi chuckled before calming down the room. Shikaku spoke up " Sasuke would you like to explain why you want Naruto to live with you?" Sasuke nodded "It started when Naruto took our group to visit his home. And I have to say I am disgusted with the villagers at what they are doing. He doesn't deserve the treatment" Sasuke the preceded to repeat the story he told the Sandaime. Danzo stood up "Do you have proof of this family tree?" Sasuke looked at the Hokage who smiled and passed out photos of the tree. Sasuke turned to the council "As an Uchiha I feel like it is my duty to do everything in my power to protect my sister clan. The same could be said for the Hyuuga, Kaguya and the Senju." Hiashi looked at Sasuke with a raised eyebrow which Sasuke interpreted that Hiashi was interested in what he had to say. Sasuke smirked "The reason for this is because the Sage of Six paths had a younger twin brother who happened to marry Akira Uzumaki's older sister Sakiri Uzumaki and gave birth to four children. The two oldest had the Byakugan, one middle child had the Shikotsumyaku while the youngest had no known bloodline. The two oldest with the Byakugan both married each other and created the Hyuuga clan, the middle child married an unknown Uzumaki male and created the Kaguya clan and the youngest went with her mother to her homeland and continued the Uzumaki clan with Akira and Naraka. So seeing as Naruto is the only known Uzumaki around, the Uchiha and the Hyuuga have a duty to our founding clan to make sure the last known Uzumaki is happy."
      The civilian council continued to yell that the Uchiha owed Naruto nothing. Sasuke glared at them before looking at the Hokage who nodded and spoke once more "I have already decided to accept young Sasuke's request to house Naruto" The civilian council once again started complaining only to be silenced by the hokage who glared at them "This meeting is over. Go home" The civilian council and the elders left while muttering angrily. The shinobi council looked at the Hokage who smiled at the group of clan heir "Can one of you go get Naruto, Shino and Sakura?" Ino nodded "I'll go" Ino ran off and came back followed by Shino who was carrying Naruto bridal style and Sakura who was talking with Ino about training. The group looked at Shino with raised eyebrows "He fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him."
Shibi, Shino's father, chuckled as he watched his son come into the room carrying the sleeping Jinchuuriki. Tsume, Kiba's mom looked at Shibi.
       "Something funny Shibi?" Said male nodded and pointed to his son who was still holding a sleeping Naruto while some of the other boys (Sasuke, Shikamaru and Kiba) were glaring at Shino who ignored them as he stroked Naruto's whiskers causing the blonde to start purring in his sleep and nuzzle closer to the bug user. Tsume laughed as she saw her son become extremely jealous of the Aburame heir. Tsume's laughter caused Naruto to wake up and look around sleepily before looking at Shino with a blush once he realized who was holding him. Naruto smiled and kissed him on the cheek causing the other to blush lightly under his collar. Naruto nuzzled him once more before climbing out of the other's hold. He then turned to the council "Is it alright if I tell them about my tenant?" This surprised the shinobi council.
Sarutobi looked at Naruto worriedly "How do you know about it?"
      Naruto shrugged "Not that hard to figure out. I've known about it since I was four, but I never met him until a couple months ago"  Naruto smiled before he turned to his friends "You all know how the Yondaime killed the Kyuubi right?" Naruto's group nodded "Well that is not correct. That was a lie made by the council" The heirs looked at the clan heads who nodded, supporting Naruto's claim. Ino spoke for them all "Then what happened to the Kyuubi?" Naruto lifted his shirt and pumped chakra into his stomach revealing the seal "He sealed it into a newborn child. That child was me, I am the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune" The group was shocked. They then started piecing together all the evidence. Kiba spoke this time "The villagers are stupid. I mean its obvious you're not the Kyuubi. Its like putting water into a jug. The jug doesn't become the water it just holds it" The other nodded in agreement causing Naruto's eyes to start watering as he felt happy his friends didn't leave him. Immediately they all started comforting Naruto who started to smile.
      Once Naruto got his composure back, he spoke again "I would also like to reveal one....well more like three things" The council and the heirs listened causing Naruto to giggle before he spoke "Ok the first thing I'd like to get out of the way is my heritage. My mother was Kushina Uzumaki, the princess of Uzushio and the 2nd Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, but my dad was none other than Minato Namikaze, th Yondaime Hokage!" This caused a good amount of kids to faint, which caused Naruto to laugh loudly. He pulled out a couple buckets of water from who knows where and quickly woke the unconscious by dumping a bit of water onto them "Now the second thing is that the Kyuubi is not evil and his name is Kurama. He only attacked Konoha because he was manipulated by a roque Uchiha." This surprised the entire room, but not as much as the secret Naruto was gonna reveal next "The last things is....that because I have Kurama inside me and they don't really have a gender they identify with...." Naruto paused before taking a deep breath and continuing "because I have Kurama sealed inside me....I have the ability to carry my own children if I chose to."
     Naruto blushed a bit seeing everyone's reaction. The secret caused the council, the heirs and the hokage to faint which caused Naruto to blush even more. He quickly woke them up with some smelling salts under their noses. Once everyone was awake the Hokage looked at Naruto, who explained more in depth "Well Kurama told me because demons can get pregnant no matter the gender though only the Bijuu have the power and authority to give their hosts the ability to give birth, seeing as they are not really demons, but rather guardians of the land they inhabit. They can give an infertil host the ability to give birth. They can also give this ability to a male. Though if a male or infertil women gives birth the seal stays intact and doesn't weaken because the host wasn't born with this ability which would not interfer with the seals function. The only reason female Jinchuuriki seals weaken during childbirth is because the seal has no failsafe for such a thing seeing as most kage don't allow their female Jinchuuriki to have children in case the Bijuu uses the child to escape or that the Kage is not proficient in Fuinjutsu to know that you have to incorporate a pregnancy seal into the Bijuu seal" To say the council was a little surprised was like saying Orochimaru was a only a bit creepy. Naruto smiled slightly before he looked at the hokage "Do I have to be in the CRA (Clan restoration act)?"
     Sarutobi shook his head "You don't have to, but if you wish to have more than one wife or husband seeing as you can have children then you will be allowed " Naruto smiled before he turned to his friends. "Lets go take my things to Sasu's place. " The group cheered and they left to gather Naruto's things from the Hokage's office. They then headed to the Uchiha compound,  which looked like a literal ghost town. Naruto frowned "Sasu we need to brighten this place up." Sakura smiled "That's a job for another day. Now lets get Naruto settled in" The other nodded and Sasuke lead them upstairs to the second floor where the bedrooms layed. Naruto looked at Sasuke "Hey can I have Itachi's old room?" Sasuke looked at Naruto shocked "Why would you want a traitor's room?" Naruto frowned "Itachi is not a traitor.....he was one of jiji's most loyal ninja. I don't know why he slaughtered the Uchiha, but I know he would never do anything that could hurt the village. If anything I think Itachi was either forced to do it or someone threatned what was his." Sasuke listened "Why do you think that?" The others nodded and Naruto continued "That is not my story to tell, I may have an idea on how the story goes, but it's Itachi's to tell. And I don't think he'd want you to be consumed with hatred...Itachi was a pacifist. He wanted peace and hatred is not the way to peace. Plus I need him alive so I can punish him for leaving without even a goodbye" this caused a couple of them to be confused. Ino spoke for them all "Why would he tell you good-bye?" Naruto sighed and looked sad "Both Itachi and Shisui were some of the best people in my life when I was younger. They made sure I had good food to eat and that I had books and things to learn things. My favorite book is the one that teaches you how to make a mask. It was really helpful to hide my intelligence because of it." Naruto sighed "I miss them both very be honest I had feelings for both of them, but first Shisui died and then Itachi became a missing nin and it all went to hell." Naruto looked like he was gonna cry  The group hugged him tightly and Sasuke spoke "Well then we can all get Itachi together. Better to bring him back alive then dead. He had a lot of explaining to do." Naruto nodded and nuzzled everyone "Yes he does....that jerk. I'm gonna call him that nickname that Mikoto-obasan always called him that he hated." Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this "your momma called Itachi by this cute little nickname" Naruto giggled "She called him little Tachi and I always found it cute so I started calling him that, but he got very annoyed." Sasuke smirked "Hmm this might be a good way to get him to loose a bit of his delf control. Well I guess you could have his room...I haven't touched it since the incident." Naruto nodded and Sasuke lead them to Itachi's room. It was left alone, not touched since Itachi's betrayal. Naruto walked to the mirror and blushed as he saw a very adorable picture of himself sleeping hidden behind it "Dammit Itachi I though you said didn't have any!!" As Naruto raged slightly, Ino grabbed the photo, awwing before sliding the picture into her pocket. She knew she'd get copies and she'd give it to Shikamaru, Kiba and Sasuke, maybe Shino as well. Naruto soon calmed down and started organizing his stuff in a way that wouldn't mess with anything that was Itachi's. He then looked at the bed 'I remember whenever I was seriously hurt after a beating, Itachi would bring me here and patch me up with Shisui before they both started fighting about who would have to tell Oba-san' Naruto giggled softly to himself as he though 'They always did fight for any thing. It was kinda cute.' Naruto turned to his friends and gave them each a kiss on the cheek and a hug in thanks for all they have done.

*End of flashback*

Naruto smiled as they roof hopped back to the Uchiha complex. When they arrived, Naruto couldn't help, but smiled as the area no longer looked like a ghost town. All over the compound were flowers and different animals. Naruto had tore down some of the more unstable building, with Sasuke's permission of course, and planted certain kinds of grasses that deer, rabbit, wild boars and such things liked. They occasionally also got a small herd of Nara deer over which was quite hilarious for Naruto as he got the pleasure of watching genin teams try and get the deer to move.
     Naruto would eventually move the deer himself and take them home. Seeing as the deer love him, the Naras tended to ask him to help herd the deer, usually with Shikamaru, which Naruto accepted as he loved animals plus it was kinda cute to see the similarities between the deer and their owners. Naruto smile turned to a pout when Sasuke had stopped causing him to smack into him. Sasuke smirked "We're home Naru. Remember tonight is your turn to cook dinner and no ramen please. " Naruto pouted even more, but nodded and started planning dinner "Should we invite the others?" Sasuke thought about it before nodding "I'll invite them after I pick up some more groceries seeing as the others tend to stuff themselves on your cooking. You know you'd make the perfect housewife"
     Naruto blushed at the comment "Yeah I know Itachi and Shisui used to say that all the time. They're the ones who got me this apron." Said Apron was a Orange and White housewife apron that had frills and such. Sasuke chuckled at this before heading out. Naruto looked in the fridge to see what he could get started on. He smiled as he saw that there were enough ingredients for two cakes. He quickly started to prep everything to cook both dinner and desert.


Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I finally finished updating this. I decided to take out the part where Naru was already dating Itachi and Shisui and decided to make it so that Naru had a crush on them instead. Maybe it'll become true later on in the story 😉

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