Chapter XIII: Coincidence!? I think not!

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Here we are. In Greggs, sitting by a window.

"You're probably wondering why I asked you out here, huh?" Raymond said nonchalantly.

Pretty much.

"Y-yeah. W-w-why did y-you bring me h-here?" I asked, looking outside the window.

The streets were crowded, everyone was smiling happily. It was quite a marvelous sight, seeing people be so happy and satisfied with their lives...

"Hello? You still with me?" he asked sarcastically.

"H-huh? O-oh. Yeah." I replied.

"Okay. Down to business. You know about the school fire, right?" he asked, suddenly getting very, VERY serious.

His face got stern, his jaw tightened, his lilac purple eyes narrowed and turned very dark.

"Rose. I know your father, well, your ado-" he said but cut himself off.

"Wh-what is it?" I asked curiously.

What was he about to say? Adolescent? No, that doesn't make sense. Adoptive, adopted? No way! That can't be right either. But more importantly, he knows my father!?

I am literally dieing of anticipation and curiosity on the inside.

"Sorry, I confused you with a friend of mine that is similar to you. Both personality and appearance wise. Yeah..." he corrected.

That's kind of suspicious...

"Anyways, I know your father on a personal level. I think the fire has something to do with your father's sudden disappearance."

"Wh-what!? Really?" I said, beyond shocked.

"Yeah. On that day, it was the anniversary of your father's disappearance. Right?"

"Y-yeah..." I answered. My voice dieing out. I grimaced.

It's not something that my mum and I like to talk or think about.

"Yeah. As you probably know, that man loved to play with fire."

Yeah. He did. He had control over any flame, his sword could even be thought as a flame. I always loves when he would show me some of his tricks involving fire, but he just stopped that one day...

"He even got earned a nickname for it; Evil Flame Lord, you also probably know how he earned that nickname, right?"

Mum told me. Apparently, in his teenage period of his life, he went through quite a rebellious phase.

He would show up late on purpose. Bunk most of his classes successfully and even not show up to school at all, but he still got top grades in his school. Some people even thought that he was cheating, some of his classmates tried again and again to expose him, but they never could. Because how can you try to expose someone for cheating if they never did cheat?

He smoked, did drugs, consumed alcohol (but, strangely enough, never suffered from hangovers), illegal graffiti, etc. The list goes on and on.

He would often be called evil and was seen to be very intimidating. He was always the son of a vastly, wealthy lord who was very influential (that's why he got away with everything). And you know, his powerful fire powers.

It's kind of strange, you would expect that I would of inherited his fierce fire powers - since I'm his biological daughter - but no. The only thing that I have that would resonate with his fire powers is my hair. Sadly.

"He was a very close friend to the headmaster of our school, St Bridgette's. So close in fact, they would sacrifice their lives for each other. I suppose they had a sort of bromance friendship going on."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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