Chapter IV: First Bully of the Year

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"And that concludes the tour. Welp, bye! I'm gonna bunk." one of the people that were showing us around said casually.

"You can't do that." a familiar voice said calmly.

I directed my head to Polly. She stepped towards the guy just gave him a death glare. Atmosphere was growing tense. Especially cold. So cold it even sent a shiver down my spine, no joke.

"Oh yeah. Are you trying to get into a fight fresh meat?" he said intimidatingly. I was honestly worried for Polly. The guy was at the very most 6 foot. And she was only an inch taller than me, and that is not a lot. The guy appeared to be very muscular, i could see his veins popping out. However, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, I'm not sure who I am even talking about anymore. Polly or the guy. Polly didn't falter or lose her composure, instead she glanced at up at him, straight in the eyes. Her eyes, empty. And his, shaking.

"No," she announced. I felt relieved "but you would be wise to not commence a fight with me..." and now my relief was somehow burnt to ashes. I could hear the guy's breathing getting heavy to some extent.

The wind was howling fiercely. The suspenseful silence was killing me, metaphorically obviously.

The guy finally spoke. "Wh-whatever, I don't want you to get in trouble on your first day hee." the guy blurted out while looking the the side, as if he was avoiding something. Polly's gaze, eye contact, his embarrassment, or his fear.


"Saved by the bell." I heard the guy whisper to himself.

Everyone stared at the guy as he strode off in a marching posture. Maybe even in a stride of pride. That reminds me, I should seriously stop calling him 'the guy'. Maybe I should call him Bradley from now on. In my head. Until I find out his name. Yeah...

"So uh. What lesson do we have first." I asked Polly

I think I'm starting to get more comfortable with Polly. I am not stuttering and acting all timid, even though I just met her an hour ago. Strange.

"P.E. with a Ms Ashborn." she told me.

"I suppose that we'll have to be heading to the Girls Gym." I said trying to remember the way to the Girls Gym from where we were.

'It's this way. Follow me. I can see that you are struggling to remember the way." she accurately said. My flushed red from embarrassment that I couldn't remember the way to the Girls Gym, especially since it was one of the biggest areas in the school.

Polly stared at me, she has a pretty good poker face. Suddenly she averted her gaze from me and started walking the opposite direction.

"W-wait up!" I said surprised. I started to power walk towards Polly to catch up to her. Unfortunately, I lost her in the crowd.

Oh no. I'm going to be late.

Ding! Eureka! That's it.

How could I forget?! The map of the school!

I quickly pulled out the map from my blazer pocket.

I am currently right outside of the E block. And the Girls Gym is near the playground. So if I follow the path showed on the map to the playground I should be able to find the gymnasium.

I sprinted to the playground, hoping that I wasn't going to be late. But Ms Ashborn would probably let me off this time since it's my first day of transition week. Fingers crossed.

Finally. I reached the playground.

I was panting and breathing heavily. That was a long run. Scanning my surroundings, I was able to find Polly on the outside of a group of girls who appeared to be around my age.

"H-hey," I tried saying, still panting. "sorry, tired from running."

How am I going to survive P.E.?

"Are you okay?" Polly asked with a tinge of actual concern in her voice.

I nodded my head.

"Good. Do you have everything you'll need for this lesson?"

I nodded my head.


Squeaky whistle blow!

I stiffened my body from startle that the squeaky whistle gave me.

The whistle blow came from the left of us. So guess what.


We all look to the left. There we see a person. who seems to be a middle aged woman. She was in a black tracksuit. She had her shiny, brown hair in a braid. She was a bit tanned and she had big blue eyes. She was tall. Like super tall. Most like almost 6 feet. And she was super muscular.

"Listen up! Today we will be out on the field today!" she shouted. Her voice was a bit hoarse.

Everyone cheered since it really sunny today.

"We will also be joining the boys today of 7S1!"

There was a mixture of squeals and groans. For me it was a groan. For Polly, nothing.

All the girls were pushing past us. Eager to get to the locker room first.

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in. Cinder head." I was startled by a menacing voice. I reluctantly turned my body to dace her.

Angel. Angel high fived a girl next to her. She was surrounded by a total of 5 girls.

"O-oh, hello!" I greeted with a shake in my voice.

"Who is this with you?" Angel asked me. Pointing to Polly.

"Sh-" I was about to say 'She is a classmate.' when I was interrupted.

"I am her new friend." Polly said quickly, slamming her hand on my mouth so that I could talk no further.

"As if this pathetic excuse for a human being could make a new friend. I don't even know why Adam became friends with you?" she said softly, but not a friendly tone.

By this point, my eyes were threatening to expose the tears that I had been building up and maintaining.

"Shut your dirty mouth." Polly said casually to the Princess.

The Princess seemed to be taken aback and in shock. But in no time at all, returned to normal.

"Hmph. Well, I don't have time for this right now. Since I have a P.E. class to attend. I'll have plenty of opportunities to bully you. Since I am in 7S1." she said to us. She threw a glare to me.

Oh no! She's in my classes. This isn't good!

My breathing start to get heavy and the air around me was starting to get warm.

Angel smiles softly, returning to her 'Princess Act'. She and her group of follower walk away into the gymnasium.

"We should be heading to the gym. You don't want to be late on our first lesson, do you?" she asks me in a concerning tone.

"Huh? Oh, right. Let's g-go." I reply quickly.

I hope Adam is in my classes. If he is then Angel won't bully me in front of him. Or maybe Adam will see Angel bullying me and will dump her. But if I hang out with Adam, I know that Angel will just despise me more than she already does. Is that even possible?

Polly and I start heading towards the gym slowly. We eventually get inside, just as the bell rings. Everyone was sitting on the floor and chatting with their friends because Ms Ashborn isn't here yet. I sure hope that she's nice.

Here's to hoping.

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