Chapter XI: School's Cancelled!?

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My eyes shot open and I instantly felt relief flooding me, it was the middle of the night. But my relief was short lived as I noticed that my body was shivering.

Why is it so cold?

Scanning my room, I noticed that the two doors in the room (balcony door and entrance door). I was frozen from shock and confusion.

It was just like in my dream! Actually,  nightmare is more appropriate.

When the intruder jumped off the balcony they left the door open and I didn't close the door. When the intruder came into my room they didn't close the door and neither did I.

Was that dream real?! Maybe I'm being overly paranoid! But I don't remember leaving either doors open! That's it! I'm telling my mom about this! But she's probably sleeping and she's been working very hard at work lately. I'll consult her about this after school, if there's even going to be school today. I think she told me about having a day off tomorrow, so I should be able to talk to her about this.

I quickly got out of bed and locked both of the doors, then I jumped back in my bed and wrapped myself in the sheets.

I was still extremely worried and scared that something else would happen again so I just stayed like that for a while. Gradually, I was able to fall asleep.


Beep beep!

I woke up to the horrific beeping of the barring alarm clock.

Great. School. Hope that I have English today!


"Bye mom!" I shouted, my cheerful voice echoing through the house all to the way to my mom in the kitchen, her favourite room in house.

"Bye sweetie! Try not to suck at school today!" she shouted back casually.

That woman!

"You too!" I remarked back before slamming the door.

Maybe I should take a different path to school today. I know! I'll take the path around the Eclipse Village. I know it's such an original name. It's a village of the Eclipse Wolf Tribe. I sometimes take this path, but most of the time I take this path I accidentally stumble into their territory and then I get scolded by either the Beta, the Luna or the actual Alpha. They give me this long lecture, but I know they secretly love me. If this happens at least I'll be able to get to school on time because I woke up really early, 06:00 to be exact, and an average scolding by one of them is at the very most an hour, and it is currently around 06:30. So yeah...

As I was walking through the woodlands, I heard something running towards me. I smelled a familiar smell of a familiar werewolf.

Might as well face my fate now.

I faced towards the direction I heard the running coming from.

Just then I saw a large white haired wolf running towards me. It's the Luna this time.

She stopped and a white aura surrounded them that always felt as if it were blinding me every time I see a werewolf transforming and reverse-transforming. Once the light died down, I saw her in her traditional tribe clothes which was basically an ankle length robe. It always had the tribe's emblem on the back of every robe, their emblem is basically the eclipse.

I admired her very much because of her beauty and personality. She had beauty flowing white hair and fluffy ears and tails. She had mesmerising vibrant green eyes. Her skin was as pale as snow, she was also a very tall, definitely taller than me. She never loses her touch at her age, which was thirty-six.

She was like a strict mother. She's strict and scolds people because she cares. She doesn't care who or what someone is, she's pretty laid back sometimes. She has courage, power and intelligence. She gives good advice and is very comforting and supportive towards others.

"H-hi." I said nervously.

Not gonna lie. She looked like a zombified demon rather than a werewolf, but I suppose she always like that because she's the kind of person who prefers to sleep in.

"What. Did. I. Tell. YOU!" she yelled at me.

Oh my goodness! Someone help me!

"Uh. Well..." I blurted out nervously, she probably expects me to repeat what she said last time word for word!

"I expect you to repeat what I said last time word for word." she shouted, stepping closer.

Why must you gave such high standards!

This triggered my memory and I exactly mimicked "Remember to avoid stumbling into our territory without permission or else!" from what she said last time.

"Exactly! I will let you off this time."

I sighed in relief.

"But just please be careful. Both avoiding stumbling into our territory without permission and..." her voice trails off and she doesn't continue talking.

"Huh?" I said confusingly.

"Never mind. Just please be careful." she says while walking back to the village.


The school began to come into view and as I neared to the front gate I saw a poster next to the gate. I continued walking at a slow pace and I stopped when I was close enough to read the poster.

'St Bridgette Academy will be closed until further notice. We expect that the school will be opened again by next Monday. We will explain everything in due time. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.

Mrs Watts, the Principal of St Bridgette Academy.'

I felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I would have to miss school and happy for the same reason.
Maybe I should go somewhere to kill time, I don't really feel like going home yet.

I'm kinda hungry. There should be a new bakery in town. I'll go visit.


Finally, I arrived at the new bakery. It looks great, I can already smell fresh bread out of the oven. So delicious.

Suddenly, I heard a two people arguing. I went over to the dark alleyway that the arguing was coming from. It was Angel!? And a taller and older man. They were both wearing clothes and accessories that seemed as if they were trying to disguise themselves.

But I suppose that, that would make sense because, duh! Princess of this country over here!

I couldn't really see the man that well because he was wearing a lot of things. I could see that the man was tall and slender. His skin was a bit tanned and he had long grey hair and a long grey beard.

Why am I doing this!? I shouldn't be eavesdropping!

Just as I was about to leave, I heard a loud slapping noise.

I looked back down the alleyway and saw Angel holding her cheek and tears flowing out of her eyes. "Shut up you incompetent child!" he yelled.

Nothing could describe my shock.

"B-but dad..." she tried to protest.

So that's her dad? King Bellvador? Why would he slap her and yell at her like that.

Empathy and sympathy overflowed me. Is she suffering from an abusive relationship with her father?

"We're leaving." King Bellvador says suddenly.

Angel just nods her head and follows behind silently.

They start heading my way and I panic at the position that I was in. They're going to find out I was eavesdropping!

At an inhuman speed, I ran away into the bakery that I came here for.

I really hope that Angel's okay...

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