Chapter XII: Coincidence?! I think so!

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It has been a few days since school was cancelled. It's now Sunday, tomorrow the school should be open again. I'm kinda looking forward to it but I'm not at the same time. I am not looking forward to seeing Angel because her and her friends will probably be mean to me. Although, since that day that I saw her father slap her, I've started to see her in a totally new light.

Hopefully that doesn't happen to her most of the time.

I don't want to be enemies with her because of Adam, but I can't just let him go that easily.

How melodramatic can I get!? I am only 11-years-old! I am going to be 12 in April! My love life shouldn't be filled with all these complications at my age! The only things that I should be worrying about right now is my education, my mom, and my friends! Not my love life! I'll probably make it through high school with going on any dates! Heck, I haven't even had my first kiss yet! I shouldn't be worrying about finding 'The One' yet, I should enjoy my high school experience while it lasts.

Yeah. That's what I'll do.

Anyways, I haven't been having any of those weird dreams lately, or waking up from a weird dream to find that all the doors that had been open while in the dream were actually open in reality. Sometimes I think, what if that was not a dream.

Since the dreams have stopped (probably temporarily). So I've have decided not to tell mom, even though I'll probably regret it later on.

It's currently 10 in the morning and I am wandering around my empty house, and I am dieing of boredom. I was going to make plans with Adam but he was busy with helping his father with his job as a general. Adam wants to follow in his dad's foot steps, so I guess it would make sense that he would want some experience with the work that a general has to deal with.

I entered my living room and saw a random book on coffee table. I picked it up and looked at the cover. I immediately recognised it and started to panic.

This is the book that I borrowed from the public library (that I usually go to) that I was supposed to return yesterday! Ugh! I am SO absent minded!

I quickly grabbed the book then my bag. I got my bike and zoomed to the library.


I parked my bike outside the library building and walked at a normal pace into the library, because if I didn't the librarians would probably murder me. That almost happened one time.

The librarian in charge of 'The Counter' was Mr Ko, he was probably the most friendly of the librarians. Nervously, my feet started to walk towards 'The Counter'. Finally, I got there and put the book down on 'The Counter'.

Mr Ko looked up and smiled. "Hello Rose. How are you today?" he asked politely.

"I-I'm good." I replied.

He took the book scanned the book's bar code and then tapped some keys on the keyboard.

"That's good. Have a nice day!" he said cheerfully.

"Th-thanks." I said.

What do I do now? I could just spend the rest of my day in the library.

I strolled over to the romance novels section of the library. My eyes scanned my surrounding, making sure that no one I knew was seeing me checking out some romance novels.

This is so embarrassing!

My hand brushed against a book at the shelf right in front of my eyes.

"The Demon Prince and the Princess:
A Forbidden Love
Book I"

Seems interesting...

I took it out and read the blurb.

"Nora Albern is the third child of a king ruling over an ancient but powerful country of Rgionor. People constantly compared her with her older sister and her mother who died from giving birth to Nora. She had a lovely family and amazing friends.

However, people - who didn't know her at all - mocked her for not being as beautiful as her sister or mother, she just looked average. She didn't care about what people said about her looks, what truly hurt her was when...

People blamed her for her mother's death.

Without warning, she was banished from the palace for committing a heinous crime that she had nothing to do with; she ran and ran as far away from the palace that she could.

Soon after, she collapsed from fatigue and hunger. When she finally awoken, she was met with cold, crimson eyes." I finished.

"Boy, now that's a long summary." a familiar voice said behind me.

"Haha. I know right." I quickly replied back.

Wait, WHAT!?

I turned around and was met with an long, orange haired guy. He is very tall, and handsome...

Wait! Do I know this guy?

"What? Do you not recognise me?" he asked me.

I put my hand on my chin to think.

Let's think. Long, orange hair...


It's Raymond! Wow! What a coincidence to meet him here. Or is it? Probably...

I don't think that I've ever seen his face properly until now! Wow! His eyes are such a pretty deep sea green colour!

"If you don't want people to know that you're checking out romance novels then how about not reading them out loud for the whole world to hear. How about that?"

I looked down at my feet in embarrassment and shame, cheeks tinted with red, and nodded slowly.

"And about last time. Water under the bridge?" he said, hus voice softening.

I looked up at him, confused as...


"You don't remember?" he said, shocked.

I close my eyes and think.

The last time that I saw him was when I arrived at school and there was the wind barrier and I was just then notified that there was a fire. Raymond accidently tripped on a crack in the ground, or something like that. He could see...

Oh my goodness! Oh no!

My cheeks started to burn bright red and I lost my ability to talk.

"You remember, huh? Oh well. Anyway, onto a more important matter, I need to talk to you about something. Care to join me for a cup of coffee?

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