Chapter III: Tour Around The School

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Everyone in the classroom went silent almost instantly, making me question who the person who came in was.

Polly and I immediately turned our attention to the front of the classroom.

I tried to see but I couldn't over all the tall people. I couldn't even see the person. But I did hear heel clicks and footsteps slamming against the floor.

Surprisingly, the teacher had to get a stool to step on for the whole class to see her. I know because of my enchanced hearing from my neko ears when I heard her drop something and then step on it. My assumption is that the thing she stepped on was a stool.

The teacher was extremely attractive. She looks like a kind enough person.

Her hair is black, shiny and in bob style. Her eyes were hazel and very friendly. Her skin was a bit of a mocha colour. She looked like she was atleast in her early 20s.

"Hello class. I believe that we have four new students here. Remember that they are all freshmen, so make sure to make them feel welcomed. If you don't expect me to be at the school's exits to bid you farewell." she said smoothly while maintaining her warm smile that seemed to be turning to a horrifying glare.

After the teacher finished speaking, almost all the students in the room turned pale white.

"Anyway, my name is Miss Veronica. I hope that you all have had a very pleasant holiday. Now, as I go through the register I want all the freshman to introduce themselves. You are free to add in some extra information about yourself, but nothing too personal. Alright?"


"I will take that as a yes. Okay, I will now begin. Raymond Kural."

"Here miss" I heard Raymond say. He had such a rough voice. He was sitting in front of me. He looked very tall and muscular. His hair is orange and very long, but that was all I could see because he was facing the front. All the girls in the classroom seemed to have love hearts in their eyes when they looked at him and heard him.

Wow. He must be really handsome to attract all the girls, except from me and Polly's attention.

"Rosalina Cinders."

I quickly stood up from my chair and said as casually as I could "He-hello. My name is R-Rosalina Cinders, but you can just call me R-Rose. I l-like reading, baking, gymnastics, dancing and singing. O-oh, I also love strawberries. They're my favourite food. I dislike-" I stopped when I heard whispers around the room.

"Hey. Isn't that the girl who pushed the Princess to the ground."

"How dare she!"

"She a neko."

"Reading. Boring!"

"Blah, blah, blah!"

"Oh my gosh, I don't think her hairs ever touched a brush before."

"Does she ever stop talking?"

"Shut up will ya!" A sudden annoyed voice boomed across the classroom.

The person who said this was Raymond.

I was so surprised that my jaw just dropped, as did everyone else. No one had ever defended me like that except from my Mom, Dad and Adam.

"If you're all going to just talk while someone else is talking then why don't you just get out. I believe that respecting eachother is a significant expectation in his establishment." Another sudden voice said. But this time the person who said this said it in a very cold voice.

It was Polly.

I heard a small sigh come out of Miss Veronica.

"She isn't wrong. But I won't send all the people who was talking while Rose was clearly talking out!"

I heard multiple sighs of relief.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast. I know who was talking, so be prepared. I want everyone who was talking to come back here after school, and don't you dare try and escape me. I wouldn't suggest it." she said in a cold voice.

I could see almost everyone in the class shiver for a moment.

"I apologise for the ill mannered students in this classroom, thank you for those who didn't talk and defended Miss Cinders. Anyway, do you still want to continue?" she asked with a warm smile.

"N-no thank you! I don't really talk negative about things." I said softly as my face began to flush.

"Okay. Just don't be discouraged by other peoples comments. I have a feeling we'll get along just fine." she said. She then winked at me.

Did she just wink at me. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

"You may now sit down."

I gasped as I realised that I was still standing up! Ugh! I mentally whacked my head!

"R-right. Sorry." I murmured quietly that I doubt even the werewolf with the strongest hearing could hear me.

Quickly, I plopped my body down onto my chair and sunk down in embarrassment.

Does this Universe just hate me?

Miss Veronica then started to go down the register again.

She then got to Polly.

"Polly Erwin!" she said loudly.

Polly quickly rose from her seat and started talking.

"Hello. My name is Polly Erwin, as most of you probably know if you've been paying attention as Miss Veronica went down the register. Let me just tell you. If any of you dare to hurt Rose. You will pay." she said with no emotion. At this moment she started threw a glare at all the students that could probably kill a thousand people. "I like tea, work and swimming. I dislike pointless gossip and rumors. That's about it." she said without fail. She sat down on her chair without warning.

"Well said Polly." the teacher suddenly congratulated.

"Why thank you" Polly replied with still no emotion. She almost sounded like female Siri. No joke.

Miss just continued down the register and then finished.

"Now! We don't have any lessons for the day."

All the students cheered joyously.

"But! You are all going to introduce the students to how the school is. First, you are going to give them a tour. I will only select four to give the freshmen a tour around the school. Do I make myself clear?" she raised her voice a bit louder on the last sentence.

Deathethening silence.


Just then, the students all gave her a curious and dumbfounded look.

"Yes I said awesome. Get over it." she bluntly said.

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