Chapter 17

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"Okay, Camila, you can do this just pretend they're not there just focus on getting to your locker, finding Lauren and going to class." I thought to myself as I walked down the hallways of my own personal hell. Middle school is the worst especially when you've been named the biggest loser of the school by a group of kids that are as evil as the Galactic Empire. They walk around thinking there epitome of coolness.

Well there wrong.

No, you see you are the epitome of coolness when you become the master of the Elder wand, that is when you become cool in my eyes. Every day I have this tiny bit of hope that maybe today's the day they'll finally leave me alone. Well, today is not that day.

"Watch where you're going next time weirdo," says my very own Darth Vader Keana Marie as she shoves me to the ground. Keana and her whole group of friends live to make my life hell and watch me suffer every single day." Did you hear me you loser" Keana says while purposefully stepping on the comic book I had in my hand.

"Y-Yeah" I stutter out while standing back up. "Your Pathetic Cabello" Keana sneers and everyone around us starts laughing. She pushes me into the locker and walks away laughing. Actually, I take back what I said she's actually worse than Darth Vader.

I grab my books and speed walk to Lauren's locker hoping she can make this crappy morning a little better. I spot my her familiar plaid overshirt and jeans and a smile forms on my face. Lauren Jauregui the only person in the entire universe that actually get's me. She also the one person in this school that doesn't treat me like a piece of gum on the bottom of their shoe.

" Welcome aboard the USS Lincoln Middle I'm Captain Jauregui," says Lauren standing at attention trying her hardest not to laugh. "Camila Cabello of Planet Vulcan reporting for duty," I say while giving her the Vulcan salute. She salutes back and we both start laughing.

"You're late this morning we were supposed to talk about last night's episode what happened, " Lauren questions while furrowing her eyebrows. "Darth Vader and her stormtroopers decided to pay me a visit and humiliate me in front of everyone in the hallway" I meekly answer not wanting to recall the events that took place earlier.

"Are you okay? " Lauren says sadly knowing the troubles she and I both go through at school. "Yeah I mean it's nothing new," I say trying to shrug it off. " If you want from a safe distance, we could pretend to use to force on her," Lauren suggests while pretending to do the force with her hands. I laugh then think we'd probably get beat up if she saw us. "It's okay let's just go to class."

"Ugh, I hate first-period Mrs.Gawne literally does not shut up the entire period." It's true our Math teacher opens her mouth at the start of class and does not close until the bell rings at the end of class dismissing us.

Math is an easy subject for the both of us so Lauren and I spend most of the period reading comics or drawing since we sit in the back, not by choice but because we have too. We've had to sit in the back in the back of the class ever since some jerk put gum in our hair as a prank. In the end, we both had to cut off a chunk of hair off and decided that back of the class is the safest option for us.

"To math class now onward we go" I Yoda while pulling her to class making Lauren laugh.


After a long and dreadful hour of Math class is finally over and it is now time for lunch. Lunch has never been a very particularly nice place for Lauren and me. It's basically a for a free zone for the Empire and anyone to make our lives hell without the worry of getting caught since there are no teachers around.

Most day's the two of us just eat in the library or with Mrs.Lovato our science teacher and favorite teacher of all time. Today we had to eat in the cafeteria since Mrs.Lovato wasn't here. I'm really regretting that decision right now.

We sit in the far left corner of the cafeteria away from everyone else. Safety precautions to keep the teasing to a low. It's just the two of us since nobody wants to sit with us so we make sure if one of us isn't going to be here than the other isn't coming as well."Okay, so what did you think of last night's episode, "I ask Lauren we sit down at our table and pull out our lunches. "I mean I thought is was great, so remember when Hera—

"You two lesbos discussing your plans for tonight" Keana interrupts Lauren with a snicker. Have I mentioned how much I hate her? Why does she have to be so mean to us it's not we've ever done anything to her. We always try our best to ignore her but she's relentless when it comes to torturing us. "Hey geeks I'm talking to you." she sneers.

"Just leave us alone" Lauren snaps at Keana. Lauren has always been better at standing up to bullies, I, on the other hand, stay in the back and cower, to afraid to say anything."Why don't you just shut up." Snarls Keana back at Lauren. "Both of you freaks better shut up before I kick your asses, now for the real reason I'm over here." She finished with a smirk on her face. I don't like where this is going. I turn to look at Lauren who looks as equally terrified as I do. "Grab em" I hear someone yell and next thing I know to jocks from the soccer team are holding me down to my seat.

I try to wiggle out of their grip but they just keep pushing me down. I look over at Lauren again and see her looking down at the table probably waiting to see what's gonna happen. Why does the universe hate me?

"We decided you two geeks needed could use a little shower," Keana states with an ever growing smile on her face. "1," she starts counting down."2." Tears start to burn in my eyes and I once again look at Lauren who's eyes have also glassed over."3." I feel a liquid drop over my head and soak my entire body. Milk. I hate milk I'm lactose and tolerant

I can smell it as it sinks in and I know now I'm going to be smelling like it for the rest of the day. The whole cafeteria erupts in laughter as they watch us with excitement. The two losers get humiliated once again. Only this time in front of a much larger crowd." You two are the bottom of the bottom. Nobody here likes you so why don't you do us a favor and leave." Keana sneers with a smirk on her face. She starts to chant "Losers" and then the whole cafeteria joins in chanting and spitting cruel nicknames at us.

The words sink in and right then and there I feel like dying. I want to cry but that will just make it worse and I won't give them that satisfaction of crying in front of everyone. So I run. I run out of the cafeteria doors and head to the bathroom. Once inside I let it all go. The tears I had been holding in finally escape and flood my face.

Couple seconds later I hear the door open and I look and see Lauren walking in drenched in milk as well and a sympathetic expression on her face. She walked up next to me and slides down to where I'm sitting and wraps her arms around me. We sat there in silence with tears streaming down our faces, the only noise that cpuld be heard was the quiet sob that escaped our mouths every once in a while.

The rest of the day was filled was nothing but constant mockery from everyone. Once school was over we waited for Lauren's mom to pick us up and the drive home was silent with the exception of Lauren's mother questing what had happened to us. Neither of us answered, not wanting to explain the utter humiliation we went through today.

Once we were at Lauren's, neither one of us wanting to talk and too tired to do anything we said a quick goodbye. No one was home so I took a shower, changed and climbed into bed. I stayed there for a while but finally ended up crying myself to sleep after what seemed like hours.

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