one moment you're sitting on a tree, and the next you're not

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in the end you come together while i wait for something true to scar(e) me

i stick this ostrichhead in the sand so that i cannot be seen but the stones become my eyes and i have to look it pools in mercury merciless mundane miraculous you dare not dive rather skim the scum jam-like skim the scum for clearer pools i am not yet there i come later you skim still i am helpless and useless to you but you forge and flail and move from point a to point blank i sleep unmoved my trajectory awry though my blinkers keep me tunnelled in your sleep you do not see the dreams that drop the deluge you fly through the treacle i push i pull i probe, my shackles fluff and steel you cloud the sky (ain't no sunshine) solid suffering, me in here you out there

i cannot read your thoughts this time but then they filter through in purest silver and welcome me back


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