bismarck, meet the yummy bella bonne bouche

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rummed cream, spooning-thick mixed to honey pricks


dolloped, thigh sweet, smooth as swallow and slip


evergold rumble on crumbled oats in coconut fold


wafered wrought of chili-choc in perfect twists, palate's search


at last.

this has taken so long, but here it is now.

bismarck, meet bella. bella beautiful. bella bonne bouche

(my beautiful mouth-full mouth)

in your gaga-less mien you

do not serve the bane of the sapless here, but

dish grandly the simple and the worthy and

i am grateful for the opportunity to taste with care.

you are so fine, bismarck, so fine.

i recognise your swing, the sound of your laughter

echoing up your sleeve

like the apes that parrot shapes



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