Ophee shook her head, raising her hands in defeat. "Keep talking to yourself."

She then feebly but stubbornly walked away.

"Be sure to grab a dress before entering the barn." Brandon shoo-ed her with a dismissive wave. There was no need to detain her; she would not compromise to being carried. His niece was one proud bull. "My wife would raise hell if she sees you looking like a street rat."

Two men immediately left their hiding places and stood behind her the way they were trained to. Neither Ophee nor Brandon made a comment at their action, already long used to the strict protocols of their family.

She could only roll her eyes. Back to that boring cage. "I'll tell her you bullied me. Let's bet if you can sleep in your room tonight."

Brandon roared behind her as she sashayed away.

"You ungrateful, little brat!"


Meric tried hard to keep himself calm, but he could not stop his knees from shaking when he saw all the men waiting for them after leaving the secluded beach. They did not seem hostile, but they all gave of the air of a veteran fighter.

What kind of damned place did they find themselves in?

Unlike him, Kreuz had a carefree smile on his face. Did he already see this coming? Did he have a plan in mind?

Meric took one step closer to Kreuz, as if this could change the fact that they could not protect themselves, let alone escape, from this encirclement. His hunger and thirst were already corroding what little strength he had left. He knew Kreuz's circumstance wasn't much better than his. More likely, he was in an even worse situation. Just thinking about the last attack that Kreuz kept off for him, his shoulder must be in excruciating pain.

But this was not a time to be worried about their injuries.


Run to where?

Perhaps, the best way to handle this was pretend to be dumb and obedient, then quietly leave after they completely recuperated. Maybe Lady Luck would smile at them and not let the Hand get a gist that they were hiding with these people.

Even though he did not have a good impression with Ophee and this Brandon, Meric wasn't petty enough to endanger them. The Hand was like a vicious plague. No one deserved to be touched by them.

That Ophee girl could probably pull some strings in her family to keep their existence a secret. Both for their and her family's safety. It might not be a waterproof plan, but it's better than nothing.

Which reminds him, where was that freak?

Brandon's gaze flickered between their wound, and as if reading his thoughts, he said, "Ophee already went ahead."

Kreuz shrugged his shoulders. "You might regret doing this."

"Rest assured, we know a thing or two." Brandon smiled like a shy boy-next-door, but this seemingly harmless smile caused the men around them to tighten the encirclement.

Kreuz urged once more. "Investigating us will cause you more harm. It is beneficial . . . and safe to let us go."

"Why do I always have to play the bad guy?" Brandon sighed. He raised his right hand to a signal his subordinates. "Pardon me for doing this, but it's purely, strictly SOP, and not because you wolves are salivating after my beautiful niece."

Kreuz coughed. Meric felt his ears turn hot.

Was this man an idiot or something? That girl was the real wolf! He was actually the victim here!

"D-Do you really have to?" Kreuz asked in a helpless manner, and it was as if he and Brandon were having a mental conversation. Meric was suddenly at a loss. What were they talking about? Did he miss the conversation?

Brandon grinned. "We didn't bring blindfolds, eh."

And then without even giving Meric a chance to react, a quick chop was delivered on his nape.

The world turned dark and silent. 


Author's Ramblings:

Ophee and her family . . . will  likely cause this novel to have a gazillion characters. Probably around the same amount of all the characters in my other stories combined, more or less. Memorizing their names will be hell (and of course I'm kidding! Don't take me seriously, please >.<)

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