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"It pays to be myself, just myself."


When Meric opened his eyes, there were two things that immediately registered in his mind.

One, someone had stripped him off his clothes and folded what was left of those rags beside him. It was actually the discomfort of lying on pebbles and sand that woke him up.

Two, he was washed ashore on a tiny grey sand coastline. 


The brown-haired boy that led him out of that hellhole was nowhere in sight.  

He stood up, unabashed by the fact that he was stark naked, his movements incredibly slow but sure, like an awakened panther stretching after a long sleep. The salty wind was cold against his bare skin, but clothes were the least of his worries. His eyes frantically searched the periphery. 

"Kreuz? Kreuz, are you here?" He could barely stand, but he persisted on staying on his feet even though his knees were trembling. "Are you hurt?" 

"That's sweet," a low, sultry laugh could be heard from behind him. "Worthy of white strings."

Startled, he turned around to find a pretty brunette smiling at him. She looked young, maybe three or four years younger than him, with soft features that suggest she was pampered her whole life.

"Who are you?"

Instinctively, he scanned her hands for weapons, and then her body for any insignia of the Hand. Finding neither, he still did not lower his guard despite the ache in his muscles. 

"Where's my companion?" he growled, his voice weak and somewhat hoarse. He could still taste the saltwater on his lips.

"Ah, why are you perplexed?" Sitting on a dried tree trunk with her legs crossed, it appeared that she had been there the whole time, watching him. There was no hostility in her eyes, but they were flashing with what seem to be mischief and interest. 

"Do I have reason not to be?"

Unlike those civilian girls in bulky dresses that he had seen so far, the brunette was wearing a black tank top and extremely tiny black shorts, exposing smooth but incredibly delicate-looking limbs. Even though the girl looked as weak as a twig, he had long learned that appearances hardly matter in this world. 

Even though Meric escaped midway and had not finished training, no ordinary person could sneak up on him without him at least noticing his or her presence. 

And most of all, this girl was not afraid of him. His whole body was scarred and bruised, both old and new, making him look completely hideous. Coupled with the fact that he was a complete stranger and had a perpetual frown on his face, a majority of normal teenagers would have fainted in fright.

But this girl was not afraid. In fact, she looked curious.


Yes, she had to be a freak.

"I'm sure that Cruz-whoever would blush upon learning that his safety was the first thing his sweetheart had in mind." She nodded, as if her words made perfect sense. She propped her chin with her left hand, a lovely smile blooming on her face. "You have a strong built, muscles perfectly contoured, hinting at explosive strength." Then, her gaze went lower. "Uh-huh, your body will do."

Meric was prepared to intimidate her into telling him what happened to Kreuz. However, when her words registered in his head, he was flabbergasted. He could see her openly appreciating his body, and for some reason, he felt grossly violated.

"W-what?" he stammered.

She twirled a single dainty finger in the air. A queen giving orders. "Turn around. I want to see your back again. Your butt looks even better than mine."

She was obviously so much younger than him, but he was the one suddenly feeling scared.

Does this girl know no shame?!

Initially, he was not bothered by the fact that he was completely exposed before her. Naked or not, it made no difference to him. As long as he could fight and resist the enemy. As long as he could survive. 

But this . . . 

"Turn around, then I'll tell you where your partner is," she cajoled. 

Somehow, he felt like this script was wrong . . .


Author's Ramblings:

And our dearest MC shows her fangs, I mean, her naughty side. Surprised? Well, you shouldn't. In BE 1 and 2, you should have seen a bit of this in Faye's love of the mischief. Though she only inherited half of this crazy gene, and thus, she's mellow. Hahah~


Black Equation - The Hunted Onesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें