Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I pulled my hands from Baydon’s grasp above my head. Opening my eyes to look at him, his stare was intense and I wasn’t sure if I had made the right decision in my actions. He seemed to be studying me, waiting for me to do something. Confusion filled my mind as I tried to determine what the emotion was that I could see so clearly in his eyes. No-one had ever looked at me in the same way as he was currently doing so. I made a decision. I had pulled my hands from his for a reason and I intended to see it through before I lost my confidence.

“Baydon,”I somehow managed to grind his name out through my clenched teeth. I sucked in a breath, not sure of what his reaction would be, but hoping for the best.

At a gentle run, I moved towards him, hands in fists and my arms slowly making their way up to the level of his face. Shock registered on his face moments before impact. My arms flew around his neck as I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist and fisting my hands into his hair. He almost fell, but managed to gain his balance as I joined my lips with his again. It was like kissing a doll. His arms didn’t move, his lips didn’t move. I couldn’t even tell if he was breathing. I needed a reaction and I needed it now.

Pulling his head back by the hair fisted in my little hands I growled at him, “So help me Baydon, if you don’t kiss me no, I’m going to make things very hard between us,” I gave him a wink and a naughty little giggle before grinding myself against the crotch of his pants and planting a kiss behind his ear. “Very hard,” I whispered before I felt some movement.

Hands were suddenly running all over my body, warm and soft. Caressing me over my clothes as I shifted my face around so I could kiss his cheek. Letting out a low groan, Baydon pulled my lips towards his with one hand, while the other was wrapped around me, rubbing circles against my arse. Without waiting for an invitation, Baydon’s tongue delved deep into my mouth, forcing a lusty moan to make its way from my mouth. I pulled on his hair slightly before rubbing my hands down his chest as he carried me towards the bed.

I had no idea what had come over me in the last few minutes. Something I had seen in Baydon’s eyes had made me snap. Made me want him with a passion I had never felt before. For a little over a year, he had been randomly showing up everywhere I was and we had formed a close, secret friendship, that no-one else had known about. I knew I had cared for him. He was a great friend, and had a cunning knack for showing up just when I felt I really needed him. Friend, he is a friend Roxy what are you doing. What if he is only kissing you to save your feelings from being hurt. Pull away, I told myself, trying to untangle my limbs from him as he sat at the edge of the bed.

He must have felt my struggles as the kissing and caressing stopped abruptly. “Roxy, what’s wrong? I over-stepped the line didn’t I? I knew this was too good to be true.” Baydon looked upset, as he ran his hands through his already ruffled hair. Upset? That wasn’t the reaction I had thought would happen.

“Baydon, I’m so sorry. I know you just want to be friends, and I took things too far. I lost control and just couldn’t stop myself from kissing and tou-“

I was cut off as lips crashed into mine in a fevered passionate kiss. I returned it, happy that he wasn’t pushing me away. I vaguely heard my wolf let out a small cry that this wasn’t right, but I ignored it. This was what I needed right now, the future could wait.

Baydon pulled back from me slightly, “I would like to be friends with you.” I let out a small gasp as his lips brushed my as he spoke, I had crossed the line. The tears were welling up in my eyes at the humiliation of rejection. This must have been how Blaze felt.

“But I would love to much more than that to you. Whatever you want me to be, I will be, Roxy. You have no idea how much I just want to be near you, to make you happy.” Again his lips were on mine as I mulled over what he had just said. If I understand correctly, he just said he will be anything I want him to be. I had to confirm what I was thinking.

“Baydon, what do you mean you will be anything I want you to be?” Small moans were escaping from my lips as he continued to kiss don my neck while I spoke.

“Exactly what I said, Roxy. Friend, protector, bodyguard, boyfriend, lover, husband, mate. Anything you want from me I will give to you. I will always be there to give it to you. I will never leave or hurt you, for a year you have been all that I wanted.” Baydon was looking at me with so much passion and adoration in his eyes it hurt to know he wasn’t my mate.

I didn’t love him. Not like that. He had been an amazing friend to me and I loved him as such, but these actions and his confession meant that things would change. They had too, but it was up to me how they changed.

“I need to think Baydon. Could you let me go please? I need to take a shower, I do my best thinking in there. I’m sorry to do this to you, but I need to figure out what is best for everyone. Where we should go from here. I’m sorry.” Turning to leave after I climbed down from Baydon’s lap, I felt his hand grasp my wrist making me stop.

“Don’t be sorry Roxy, just think about what I said and do what your heart tells you to do. Like I said, I will always be here.” His voice was so soft and sweet I almost made a decision on the spot based on my obviously raging hormones. Tugging my wrist from his soft grip, I turned to look over my shoulder.

“When I make my decision, it will be for all the right reasons. That’s why I need to think first, to make sure I consider everything. Thank you for being such a great friend.” Walking slowly towards the bathroom I heard Baydon let out a low growl.

“Stop shaking that damn sexy arse of yours if you want me to stay in control here Roxy. You already got me wound up tighter than a pissed off rattlesnake, I’m going to need a bucket of ice to cool off.”

“Whoops, sorry Baydon.” I wiggled my arse a little more as I walked, there was no reason why I couldn’t have a little fun. After all, my birthday was ruined by an out of control wolf.

Vaguely hearing Baydon let out another groan, I shut and locked the bathroom door again. I hadn’t thought about Blaze with anything other than distain and disgust in the last few hours. Even while I was making out with Baydon there wasn’t a single thought about him. About his body, his eyes, his smell, nothing, From what Anna had told me I should be completely snared by everything about him. Unable to think of another, craving his touch, none of this had happened to me and I didn’t know why.

He had started the bond by touching me, I should have been jumping all over him. Not running away with his best friend and making out with said best friend at the first chance I got. Something was going on here and I needed to figure it out fast.

Adjusting the taps of the shower, I stripped off and stepped in, ready for a good mind clearing. I knew I had some descions to make, some I didn’t want to think about but some I could think of nothing else. I had three main issues to think about and hopefully find some answers too.

Did I want Baydon and I to be more than friends?

How was I going to get Blaze to see reason and accept the rejection to save the pack?

Any why was Baydon filling my thoughts more than Blaze?


Thanks to everyone who commented, they made this chapter upload a lot faster than it would have been otherwise.

I want your honest opinion on this story readers; its my first year writing and I'm thinking of entering the Watty's. It's far from winning material but I would love to see what happens with it and if I can attract new readers.

Do you think it's worth trying??

I'll upload again when this chapter reaches, say, 5 comments and 10 votes.

Thanks for sticking with the story =)

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