Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Blaze’s stupid mistake handed Roxy to me virtually on a silver platter. I got to save her from the big mean wolf, which impressed her and her parents. Blaze was disciplined and currently chained in the prison chamber until he gets control of his wolf. Roxy and I were driving off into the night together, things couldn’t have worked out more perfectly if I planned it all myself.

Roxy was still asleep next to me, we had been driving for a few hours and she had been slumbering for most of them. Occasionally she would stir and mumble things in her sleep but she was yet to fully awaken. We were almost at the first stop and I couldn’t arrive sooner. My body desperately needed sleep to heal itself fully from the two fights I had been in during the last few hours.

A motel sign was glowing against the shadowy night sky up ahead and I made the decision this would be where we would stay for now. In the morning I would go and see some of my cousins who lived here and see what I could organise for now. Mainly I wanted to ensure they would be on board to help me out, be my ears in some location and let me know if Blaze was out looking for me and Roxy.

I pulled into the parking lot, leaving the car running, as I went into the small reception office to pay for a room and collect the key. Roxy was starting to stir, I noticed, as I made it back to the car. Her eyes were fluttering slightly, eyebrows pulling down in the middle as her breathing changed from the deep and rhythmical to sharp and short.

“No, don’t. Blaze, stop it I don’t want this. I don’t want you.” Roxy let out a scream which resulted in her waking herself up. “Where are we Baydon?” She questioned her breathing as still coming in short pants and her eyes were darting around the car as though she was waiting for something, or someone, to appear and attack her.

“We are at a motel, Rox, I need to sleep. I have family here to see in the morning, but for now we are staying here.” I dangled the key of our room in front of her; she snatched it and leapt out of the car, heading for our door. She unlocked the door, threw it open and bolted inside, leaving the keys in the wide open door.

“What the hell….” I muttered under my breath as I made to follow her, pausing only to collect a couple of our bags from the back of the car.

“Roxy, are you alright? You took off pretty quickly back there.” I questioned the empty space in front of me. Where was she? I could hear her sobbing-; wait, sobbing? Why is she crying? Moving slowly towards the bathroom, her sobs got louder. Each one pulling at my heart, making it hurt. She was crying, I had no idea why, and all I wanted to do was wrap her in my arms and make her smile.

Knocking gently on the door, I called to her. “Roxy.” No response. “Rox, I can hear you. Please let me in. Please.” I pleaded to the solid, wooden door in front of me. The crying from within stopped, my ears picked up the sound of a lock clicking, moments before the door swung open. Red rimmed eyes and tear streaks down her face, Roxy stood in the gap the door was previously occupying. A small, half smile made its way onto her face as I simply held out my arms for her to run into.

Arms wrapped around each other I held her as tightly as I dared, muttering sweet nothings into her hair, trying to soothe her and stop the tears that had again started to fall from her beautiful, yet sad eyes.

“Why do I have to be the one to run away? I didn’t do anything wrong. Why does he get to stay there with his family and the pack while I make a run for it in the middle of the night? And you Baydon? I have dragged you into this, taken you away from your family and interrupted your life. Blaze should have been sent away, not us. I’m so sorry Baydon, I would understand if you wanted to go back and leave me. You must hate me.” A choked out sob made its way to my ears as I tried to work out what had caused her to have this reaction. Her words made sense to my ears after a few moments and I stiffened as the realisation dawned in my mind. She thinks I hate her, I could never hate her, even if I wanted to I knew I would never be able.

“Roxy, I could never hate you.” I pulled myself back from her embrace, just far enough to be able to see her face. She was looking down so I lifted her chin with my finger until she was looking me in the eye. Green pools of sadness greeted me as I started into her eyes, trying to get my feeling across to her. Tucking some strands of hair behind her ear I swallowed loudly before continuing. “Actually it is the complete opposite. I will always be here for you, I’m not going anywhere.”

Roxy seemed to freeze at my words, her eyes piercing mine. I had no idea what she was looking at; it was almost as though she were searching for something. She must have found whatever it was she had been looking for me, he eyes suddenly became hard and determined and before I knew what was happening I was in heaven.

Soft, warm lips were pressing themselves against mine, moving as though dancing. I had to respond this time, it was too hard to ignore. Moving my lips in sync with hers I pulled her back into my body as tightly as I could. The feeling of her body pressed up against me was enough to send me into overdrive, but then she just had to lick my lips with that devilishly wicked tongue of hers and I was lost. Opening my mouth slightly I allowed her a small entrance to my mouth, our tongues beginning a tango of their own, as I felt her hands moving, one rapped itself into my hair as the other held a fistful of my shirt as though trying to pull us closer together.

My tastebuds were on overload as they tasted the deliciousness that was Roxy. Minty and fruity, I couldn’t get enough of her touch and taste. Shifting position slightly, I walked forwards forcing her to step back until I heard her back come into contact with the wall behind her. Grabbing hold of her hands, I lifted them above her head, pinning them there in one hand. Lips moving frantically together I knew I would have to stop for breath soon but I really didn’t want to. So I did the next best thing and left her lips, trailing feather light kisses down the side of her neck to her collarbone, gulping in air as I went. A soft moan left her delicate mouth as I kissed the spot where her neck met her shoulder, pausing briefly I smirked slightly before kissing the spot again, earning the same reaction. I’ll store that information away for later, I thought to myself before moving back up her neck to those swollen lips that were crying for my attention.

Her hands suddenly ripped out of my grasp above her head, startled at the unexpected movement, I opened my eyes as she pushed me away from her. Fear hit me firmly in the chest as I looked into her face, letting my arms fall to my sides at the sudden coldness of her actions.

“Baydon,” she ground out between her clenched teeth. I sucked in a breath, not sure of what was coming, but preparing for the worst.

A/N   Ok guys. What do you think of this chapter? Short I know, but it ended here for a reason. Have some faith. What do you think is about to happen? How to you feel about Roxy kissing Baydon?

I have been getting almost no feedback on my chapters lately so I’m going to do one of the things I really don’t like doing.

I’m holding out on the next chapter (which is already written) until chapters 6, 8 and 10 each reach 5 comments, telling me what you think of the story. I need the motivation people. How do I know if you are enjoying it if you don’t tell me?

It’s not much to ask I don’t think considering there appears to be a lot of you reading this.

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