Chapter 1: who is that boy?

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I walked into my first period class like any typical day. I took my seat in the back of the class, and was prepared to zone out and draw the entire period like any typical day. When suddenly ms Jackson my teacher starts speaking

"Class We have a new student, His Name is Ryan Ross. Ryan you can go sit next Brendon, he will show you around the school.  Brendon raise your hand" she said. I did as told and raised my hand. 

I was excited to get to know this new kid. I have tons of friends and I always love having more.  Plus Ryan is kinda cute. 

He sat down next to me.

"Hi Im Brendon" i said. He gave Kinda a half smile and small wave.
"Not much of a talker?" I asked and he responded with a simple shrug. Huh did he not like me already? Maybe he's a bit overwhelmed by the fact that he's at a new school.
"Hey Ryan .  If you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch" I smiled he nodded and smiled back. He has a cute smile.
I wonder what Ryan's story is. I wonder if any one knows.  Probably not.

Class ended and I didn't see Ryan again until lunch. I spoke to some of my friends in my 3rd period class. Ya know the girls who know everything about everyone and the guys who hear things. My friends the gossipy ones. I have a bunch of friends.  And everyone I'm not friends with I flirt with.  I'm gay. And the whole school knows it even the teachers. I Flirt with them too just for kicks.  No one has ever given me Shit they all just accept me for me. Anyway I spoke them about Ryan apparently someone of them are friends with people from Ryan's old school. There's rumours that he left because he was being sexually assaulted by some of the jocks and others are that he tried to kill himself and couldn't handle going back to that same school.  None of the various rumours sounded good.  I was hoping it would be something simple like a family job change but that didn't sound like that case.  It sounded like Ryan isn't shy but More like traumatised and scared. I want to make him feel warm and welcome.

The bell rang for lunch and walked out of class with my friends. And walked to our typical lunch stop. We sit in the school amphitheatre because it's nicer than the cafeteria.  Ryan saw us and walked over and say next to me.

"You Okay?" I asked him quietly. He shrugged.  I stood up and pulled him away from the group. "Ryan are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah" HE mumbled.
"You Sure?" I asked
HE nodded his head. Great I've gotten one word out of him this whole day. 
We went back to the group and they all didn't even question Ryan's presence I doubt they even noticed. 
He just kinda sat there in silence drawing an writing what looks like bits of songs I'm not really sure. 
He didn't have lunch. He was really skinny I hope he eats.
"Ryan you hungry?" I asked
He shook his head no.
I know I just met this kid today but I'm worried about him.
"Ryan you sure" I asked.
And on that note he got up grabbed his things and walked away.
Fuck. He hates me.

I left Brendon and his friends. I know Brendon is trying to be nice but I don't want him to know me. I don't care I just don't want him to be my friend. Besides he'd hate me if he knew who I really was.  Damn my head hurts.  My life is one continuous headache.  I felt like Shit. My head hurt.
I don't know what to do.  I guess I'll just go find somewhere quiet to cry.
I sat on the ground behind the library for who knows how long. But when I look up Brendon was sitting across from me.  I almost screamed.

"Hey hey hey. Don't panic! It's okay! I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to make sure you were alright" he said

"I'm fine" I muttered. Oh god I've already said to much. 
Remember Ryan no on cares whay You say OR think. No one likes you.

"Hey You OKAY?" Brendon asked.

I sighed. My head hurts maybe Brendon will have Advil. But I don't know how to ask. 

"Here If I Can't GET words out of You Maybe I can get texts" he said handing me his phone to put my phone number in.
I gave him my number and he gave me his. 
I mean it's better than actually having to speak.


Brendon: so Ryan are you okay? You seem very down.

Me: Fine. Little stressed. I have a really bad headache tho.

Brendon: I have Advil. Want sum?

Me: Please

(Brendon handed me the bottle of Advil. And I took some and swallowed it)

Me: thank you Brendon

Brendon: no problem. Can I call you RyRy or RyRo? Something cute?

Me: I guess. If I can cal you bren.

Brendon: Sure ;)

Me: Okay.

I set my phone down I was tired of socialising even though this wasn't socialising exactly but it was for me. I just want to go home and sleep.  And get away from this kid who thinks he can get to know me. It's sweet that he cares but he'll hate me if he knew me.

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