Chapter 5 |Unedited|

Start from the beginning

I felt the pull of Leo's hands, and found myself standing close enough to him to feel his heart beating. Our playful behavior had stopped once we sensed each other's arousal. 

Our breathing became heavy as we stared into each others eyes. Leo then proceeded to tilting my head to expose my neck slightly. He began placing multiple kisses along the area. He used one of his hands to hoist my body up so I was straddling his hips, while the other held my face as we passionately shared our first kiss.  My body was heated and I feared this would lead to us mating but I couldn't find it in myself to stop or pull away. Leo wasn't just good looking, he definitely knew how to kiss a woman. All fears I had about mating and being marked were slowly disappearing as I felt myself feeling more comfortable around him. I could tell he was holding back, he was being gentle and moving at a much slower pace than he wanted, because he didn't want to rush it with me. His lips continued roaming along my jawline aiming to go lower. I fostered enough willpower to pull away, getting back on my own two feet.  Our little makeup session, I noticed, had helped diminish the pain and heat flashes I'd had. The pain was still there but much more bearable. 

Leo cleared his throat before saying "I think it would be best if I slept in another room"

My heart dropped. Guilt and fear flooded my conscious. I hadn't meant to offend him by pulling away, I was simply trying to prevent things from escalating. 

Seeing my reaction to his statement  alarmed him and he was quick to correct any misleading thoughts I was forming. 

" I don't think either of us will be able to control ourselves if we sleep that close to each other " he clarifies and I understood then, what he had meant before.

His decision was for the best. My heat was clouding my better judgement, and I appreciated that Leo recognized that. 

I nodded "I agree" 

Things became awkward, neither of saying anything more. I noticed a slight look of disappointment in Leo's eyes, and I wondered what I had said or done wrong. My conscious told me maybe he had expected me to argue against it and was disappointed by my lack of concern about him sleeping somewhere else. None of this was true of course. It was upsetting that we shared our first night together in separate beds but I wasn't prepared to mate or be marked.

His lips formed a thin line before nodding and saying "Okay. If you feel any pain during the night mind link me, or you can walk right over. I'll be in one of the guest rooms. It's three doors down on the right."

"Goodnight" I said before he gently shut the door behind him

Turning around, I  viewed the large bedroom. I felt lonely despite knowing my sister wasn't too far off reach and Leo was simply three doors down. 

Laying down, I quickly fell sleeping. 


The next morning, I woke up to find that my heat had gone completely. I didn't feel the slightest bit of pain, and this put me in the best mood.

I'd woken up early, to prepare a special breakfast for Leo, it was going to be my way of saying thank you, for his help with my heat last night. I hated the way things ended yesterday and I'm hoping y little gesture would help mend things. 

Salina had helped me prepare some pancakes, bacon, and and coffee for Leo,  and after I'd dropped her off at the bus stop this morning, I sat patiently at the little table in the kitchen waiting for Leo's arrival. 

Once I heard the sweet sound of  his laughter nearby, I stood up waiting for his entrance.

He walked in looking as handsome as ever with his tailored navy blue suit on. I smiled briefly before Cora came into view beside him. She too was dressed for business and I presumed there was another meeting they had to attend. 

My mind began to wander and began filling with thoughts meant to frighten me. I wondered why he had walked in beside her, and more importantly what they had been talking about that he found so humorous. 

Once he caught site of me, his smile unintentionally diminished. I knew he was shocked to see me here this early. 

"Cora, will you please excuse us" he asked kindly and before leaving Cora answered " I'll wait for you in the car" 

Once we had our privacy he said "I wasn't expecting to see you up this early. How are you feeling? Are you still in heat?" he asked 

"I'm Fine." I said slightly shy,  thinking back to our steamy makeup session last night 

 He redirected his gaze momentarily to the food on the table beside us " Did you make all this?"  he asks

"Yes, this is sort of my way of thanking you for last night"

"I appreciate the food but you don't have to thank me" 

" No, I do. I know it must of been difficult for you to restrain your wolf, I know it was difficult for me."

Subsequent to my comment, he slowly drew me near to him, pulling me into his chest and nestling his face in the crook of my neck. His arms were wrapped loosely around my waist, breathing in my scent. 

"You have no idea how difficult it is keeping my hands off you" he whispered. All my body allowed me to do was stand still and embrace his touch but hearing his confession made it difficult to breathe at the moment. 

"I'm sorry I've been giving you a hard time. " I said, my voice shaky 

He pulled away slightly and pulled out a chair for me to sit on and he sat as well. 

" Can I ask a favor of you Amira?"  mesmerized by his lingering touch , I blatantly nodded my head 

"My family is coming to town.." he says and clears his throat before continuing 

"That's great!" I commented with a soft smile 

"I'm glad you think so, so I'm just going to go ahead and say this. I want you to meet my family. They've known about you for a week now and they really want to meet you" 

"Oh" was my only response.  "When will they be coming?"

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "They'll be here in a few hours " he mumbled 

"What?!" I stood up abruptly, that only gave me a few hours to prepare for their visit. I looked in the mirror briefly noticing my reflection. I looked terrible, my hair needed to be done, and I needed to take another shower. 

"I know it's a short notice but don't be too nervous, I'm sure they'll love you but I have a business meeting to attend, they'll be here around dinner time, I'll be back by then" He rushes, and places a soft kiss on my forehead before leaving.

Once I was alone in the room, I let out a minor shriek, one loud enough so no one could here, but enough to let out my frustration. He had acted as if meeting his parents was no big deal. If there was anyone, I ever felt the need to impress it would be them. Although Leo's the pack's Beta, his family lives elsewhere, outside the pack house, along with his older sister and younger brother. Before I officially met Leo, I noticed his family's occasional visits, and if I'm being honest his mother appeared very stern and hard to please, hopefully their visit is a comfortable one.

Looking at the clock, there are now three minutes  left before it turns to six o'clock . Leo's family would be here any second now. I paced around the room and checked the dining table making sure everything I had prepared looked proper. I asked my younger sister to join us today. I felt I would be less nervous if I knew she was there. She was the only one that knew how get me through my nervous break downs if one were to happen 

Hearing the door bell ring made my heart race. I briefly straightened my summer dress and tucked a strand of my loose curls behind my hair before walking over to the door. Before opening the door, I took a few seconds to steady my breathing and straighten my posture before turning the knob and meeting his family face to face.


Another Upload Finally!!  This chapter is unedited, and I'm sure there are a lot of grammatical errors. Feel free to inform me of mistakes if you catch them. 

If you are reading , please do comment and vote!!  The more readers/votes I get the more I feel like writing. 

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