Chapter Twenty-One

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Maya sat alone on her bed for what seemed hours, every time Riley knocked she told her to go away. Wiping the tears from her face, she could still hear Josh's voice in her head. Was she wrong not to forgive him? Was it unfair that she didn't listen? She shook her head back and forth. The pain she felt was still fresh in the air, how could she forgive him? Or was the pain taking over all her emotions? Was she just thinking irrationally about the whole thing? In the end it was all Isabella, Josh swore he didn't have anything to do with it. She sighed, she was overwhelmed with too many thoughts. Maya knew she loved Josh but how else could she have reacted? Nothing about their situation was something she could prepare for. She looked down on her hand, which she did often since her beautiful ring was missing. It was gone, she tossed it and never looked back even though it meant everything to her. It symbolizes how her and Josh were suppose to be together through thick and thin, the good and bad, and even right now when her life seems pretty much like hell on earth Josh was suppose to be here with her, but he wasn't. And he won't ever be unless she decides to forgive him or take him back. Were they really broken up though? Nothing was set and stone, no one said anything about breaking up; In fact there hasn't been much talk since it's just been Maya yelling at him and Josh pleading for her to listen. Maya stretched out on her bed making her way up to her pillow. Is this the end of her and Josh? She didn't want it to be, she just doesn't know where to go from here. If there was anything in the world Maya was certain about is that Josh is the love of her life, and always has been.

 She rolled to the other side of her bed, she looked out the window darkness had taken over the day. She cried softly to herself, never in her life has she suffered through such pain. She was empty inside, all she wanted was for Josh to hold her and to tell her everything was going to be alright just how they use to be. 


Hi everyone not sure who keeps up with this story but I had the sudden urge to write a little bit sorry if it is short but better than nothing I hope?

This story will take off soon once school ends in May I'm planning to finish it off

Thanks for the reads and likes as always!

let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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