Chapter Fourteen

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[ JOSH ]

"Magical isn't it? That we're both in one of the most romantic cities in the world at the same time" Isabella said smiling, placing her hand under her chin.

"You could say magical, or the universe is out to get me by putting the person I hate most in front of me" I said not holding back my feelings.

"Josh" she said reaching for my hand, I pulled away. "I was once the person you loved more than anything in this world. You haven't forgotten about that have you?" 

I scoffed, "Yes how could I possibly forgot all those years wasted on you when I could have been already with the love of my life Maya" My drunk self was a lot more sassier than my normal self.

"Ouch, you hate me that bad huh?" she asked.

"With everryything I haavee" I started slurring my words a bit.

"Alright Josh" she focused her eyes straight at me "If I was once the girl who owned your heart, and now I am the number one person you hate who's to say it won't turn out the same with your dearest Maya? Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever thought that maybe you're the problem when it comes to relationships? What if someone better comes along, someone who captures your heart and makes you feel invincible? Has that ever crossed your pretty little mind before? That not all good things last forever?"

Come to think of it, it's never occurred to me that what Maya and I have could come to an end. It's true I was once in love with Isabella but it was more of teenage romance. We were young and the more our relationship went on the more mature I become and realized we weren't meant for each other anymore. I wanted to deny the thoughts, but my feeling were telling me otherwise. But what Maya and I have now is magical. I know I love her the way she loves me. What we feel for each other is for the long run. 

"You're wrong Isabella, it's different with Maya" I said.

"Isn't it different with everyone until you meet someone better and then you say it's different with them? It's a never ending cycle Josh, spare yourself the pain and let Maya go she's just a kid" and what she said pushed a button inside of me.

"She's not a kid! I've been using the three years older card for long enough it was only to cover up my true feelings for her all this time. I've been covering them up for years-"

"Hold on, what did you say?" Isabella asked looking at me confused.

"About what??" I asked angrily. 

" Years? You've know Maya for years? So you're telling me when we were together you had feelings for someone else? Someone younger?" she looked baffled, like she was about to lose her mind. 

"You broke up with me remember? I thought we had something but you gave it all up for god knows what so don't try to make this something about Maya you-" 

"So basically you were cheating on me mentally with another girl?" Isabella was furious now.

"That doesn't even make any sense you're crazy for even thinking that!" I was getting angry because now all of a sudden I was a cheater?

"OH? so now I'm crazy?" she stood up from her seat.  

"Oh you can't be serious Izzy you're twisting my words! Why are we even fighting none of what we had matters now anyway!" I was yelling at her now.

"Do not call me Izzy you've lost you rights Matthews" she leaned her arms on table she lowered herself so our eyes met "I can't wait until Maya meets the real you, a cheater" she hissed the last words and with that she stormed off to another part of the club. 

He's just a fantasy, You don't go out with a Fantasy ( Joshaya )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora