Chapter Seventeen

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[ JOSH ] 

Maya and Riley both had their last final of college, I never thought those words would be coming from my mouth. Damn, does time fly. I told Maya to pack a bag for a couple days because we would be leaving for our trip tomorrow. I was nervous because what if she didn't like where we were going? I'll admit I'm not the best at planning romantic gestures, but I did say it was a surprise and I hope she likes it..I've waited nearly three years to have my someday with Maya. I didn't expect Maya to be the love of my life but she was. Of course when growing up she was just Riley's friend but as the years went by she became more than that. I remember seeing her again at Christmas at Cory's and boy did she really grow up to be gorgeous. I didn't want that to be the last time I saw her, I took up every opportunity to be able to see her again. She would always flirt with me but I thought it was all in my head. How could a girl like Maya end up liking me? I always would tell her that I was three years older just to protect my feelings. It killed me to keep up with this card but I had to do it for us, the timing wasn't right even though I wish it was. The night she crashed at college party boy did I lose my mind. What was she thinking putting herself and Riley in that position? They could have both gotten hurt and I don't know what I would have done at that point. But Maya came because she admitted she liked me. It wasn't a game anymore, she had finally confessed her feelings for me. In that moment there was nothing but pure ecstasy burning inside of me. What I wanted to do in that moment was to shout at the top of my lungs telling her how much I liked her too but the timing was not right again. I had to think fast and play the three years older card once more. Oh how I was sick of that card. I saw in Maya's eye how heart broken she was, I wish I could have told her how broken my heart was too. I never forgot how the girls told Maya that in a few years there was a chance I could see her differently, but if only they all knew I already looked at Maya differently. After that I didn't see much of the family until the ski lodge when Cory asked me to be a chaperone. He needed someone to trust when it came down to this whole triangle situation. It hurt me a little knowing Maya liked Lucas, but it was her life who am I to say she can't like anyone but me? The last night at the ski lodge things took a huge turn for Maya and I when I told her I liked her back. It was so liberating for me to finally tell Maya how I felt about her, and it was even better to know she still liked me. But again the timing was not there yet. And that's when we told ourselves we would play the long game, and have our someday. Now I wish after all of that happened life was going to be easier, but it became the opposite. I met someone else, Isabella. The girl I thought I loved. I wish I could go back in time and redo those two years all over again. The only reason I was with Isabella was because I wanted to get Maya out of my mind until our someday. But along the way I grew to love Isabella and then one night I had the realization that she wasn't what I wanted. She wasn't Maya, and she was never going to compare to her. Maya, she was the only girl I wanted. She's the person I want to be with forever

( back to normal perspective for a moment )

Maya had gone to Josh's right after she packed her bag for their trip, she said goodbye to Riley and told her to tell Lucas to take care of each other since she'll be away. Maya had arrived at Josh's towards the evening, as usual they ordered Chinese and decided to watch Law and Order Special Victims Units, one of her personal favorites at the moment. 

"Can you please tell me where we are going?" she pleaded to Josh, she had never asked anything for the entire three weeks he was planning this so it was worth shot.

Josh nodded his head no, " It's a surprise, a lame surprise but still a surprise"

"Why do you say it's lame?" Maya furrowed her brows "What you are doing is sweet" she said as she grabbed his hand for reassurance. Josh kissed her on the forehead, "How about we get some rest?" he asked her, and she agreed shutting of the t.v. They both headed to his room and together they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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