Chapter Four

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Maya tossed and turned in her bed all night she couldn't get Josh's words out of her mind.

"Maya listen please"

"Maya let me explain"

"It's not what you think really"

"She's nobody to me anymore"

It has been exactly one week since she ran out on Josh on moving day but his words have kept her up daily. Josh had run after her desperately trying to get her to listen to him. However, Maya refused to listen she wasn't in the mood for explanations. And to be quite fair Josh didn't need to explain himself to her. They weren't together, they were just friends who have shared a couple kisses nothing more. She didn't need to know who that girl was. Yet at the same time she wanted to know what he meant by "She's nobody to me anymore". Did she break his heart?Did he hurt her? Were they She was taunted by her own thoughts. Maya sighed trying to go to sleep but as soon as she closed her eyes Josh immediately appeared. Maybe this was the universe giving her a sign that it wasn't their someday yet. Maybe the universe is saying to let Josh go and focus on her studies. Honestly this was the last thing she needed to think about since tomorrow was her first day at Columbia University, she's been waiting so long for this day to come. She continued to toss and turn so she decided to grab her headphones and her CD player. Yes, she was full aware technology has advanced but Maya felt her best when she listened to a CD, you can never go wrong there she thought. She placed her headphones on and drifted away to sleep.

Morning came and Maya groaned as her alarm clock went off, it was 8 a.m. She placed her pillow over her head, with barely getting any sleep last night she was not ready to start the day. Not even a minute later Riley came into her room, she was all ready to go coffee in one hand a law book in the other.

She smiled at Maya, "Wake up peaches it's our first day of university do you think I'm going to make us late? Nuh-uh." she said pulling Maya's bed sheets off of her and opening the curtains letting the sun shine through.

She starting humming to herself helping Maya get ready for today. Maya never understood how Riley could be this enthusiastic and energetic about life. She always admired Riley for her positivity, she didn't know how Riley had stayed her friend all this time. Maya was just about ready, all she needed was to find her bag.

Strange she thought, "I remembered having my bag on my chair have you seen it Riley?"

"The brown one?"

" Yeah the brown one the only bag I have" Maya began searching her room inch by inch, wasn't in the closet or on top of her bed. She checked underneath her bed, nothing. In the bathroom, nothing. Living room, nothing. She sighed in disbelief, "Where could I have put it?" She went into Riley's room hoping she left it there but Riley's room was spotless not a trace.

"You know the last time I saw your bag was on moving you think you took it with you when you ran out on Josh?" Riley asked.

Maya stood in place trying to think about the last time she saw her bag; did an entire week go by and she hadn't notice? Had she been so concentrated on Josh this whole time to realize it had been missing? Yikes she thought.

"Listen Maya I will help you find it later we have to get going, I'll even buy you a new bag, okay? Just grab your backpack for now" she ran into Maya's room and handed her backpack. She then reached for Maya's hand she was now eager to get them both out of the apartment and off to school. Riley locked the door behind her and they headed to the elevators. They reached ground level and walked in the lobby to go through the doors. They had to take a twenty minute bus ride before they arrived at school, better then taking the subway Maya always thought.

"Maya.." Riley began to say.

Maya looked at her "Yes?" she replied back to Riley who looked nervous.

"Are you going to tell me what's happening between you and Josh?"

Maya really didn't know what to say to Riley, because she too wanted to know what was going on between them.Regardless this wasn't the time or place to tell Riley about her problems she would get worried and Maya didn't want that. She looked at Riley reassuring her that she didn't know what was going on but to not worry because it didn't worry her. Riley grabbed Maya's hand and held it tightly for the rest of the bus ride. They approached the last stop and got off. They went their separate ways and would meet back for lunch, they hugged each other and wished each other good luck.

Maya was heading to Lincoln Hall where her first class was, Art History 105 with Professor Andrews. She made her way into the building and was astonished by how beautiful it was. The walls were mesmerizing with all different kinds of art from different time periods. Her face brighten as she passed numerous hallways until she reached her room LH 132. She walked in and noticed her class was a decent size she sat herself in front thinking it would help her stay focused. Moments later Professor Andrew walked in and introduced himself using a brief power point. He seemed cool. As he was talking Maya's phone was buzzing she received a text from an unknown number:

You look beautiful today :)

Maya stared at her screen confused,maybe it was from a wrong number that would make the most sense. She was about the put her phone back when it buzzed again, another text:

You look cute when you're confused

Maya's eyes widen and she tuned out from her surroundings. Who was this? She kept staring at her phone completely missing what Professor Andrews was saying until he cleared his throat loudly.

"Now this semester there is quite a handful of students so to make things a little easier for us l have hired a teacher's assistant. He's going to be here with us all semester so please make Mr. Matthews feel at home" and as he spoke those last words she saw Josh walk in.

"Hello My name is Josh Matthews and I'm looking forward to being your TA" he said flashing a smile directly at her.

Maya went numb. 


Thank you guys for over 300 reads! I'm glad I could share my story with all you beautiful people hope you guys enjoy the chapter sorry for not updating I was a bit stuck



He's just a fantasy, You don't go out with a Fantasy ( Joshaya )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora