Chapter 2:The New Earth (Cris' POV)

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June 12, 3174
8:00 a.m.

*alarm beeping* *alarm beeping*
"Cris wake up! Time for school!?!". "Not now mom, I'm still dreaming!",Cris shouted to his mom.
"You're gonna be late, classes start at 8:30.". Oh, shoot. Cris murmured repeatedly as he does his "normal" routine.  Flash-forward to 15 minutes later and you've got a unhappy Cris and a calm mom. "You're gonna miss the bus , sweetie. Love you! "

Cris is a new kid in school, he moved towns because his father found a better job in the other town. He has found some other friends tho, he misses them so much. But their family has a reunion next month at their old town, so thus is his biggest chance to meet his old friends.

8:30 a

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8:30 a.m.
Cris' homeroom
Room 1-2

Cris was stunned with the amount of students in his homeroom

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Cris was stunned with the amount of students in his homeroom. About 100 students of different alien species,  mostly human making about 75% of the class. He was so busy being shocked while he realized he was being called.

"Ahem, it's you're time to introduce yourself. "Said Mr. Sneiff, the homeroom moderator. "Um,  well *shoot why did I say it wrong*  Hi,  I  guess,  My name is Cris....Cris Stafford. I am 15 years old*this is great,too great. everybody is looking at me.* I am from district 56, south west of Pangea. I moved here because my father*goddamit Cris,  why did you have to include you're father on you're introduction, * my father wanted a better job here. Thank you. "Thank you, Cris,  you may now take your seat. "Everyone stared at him,  he knew he was relieved,  but the disgusted look in his classmates faces,  just made him gag as well. "Ok you may take a seat now. " Mr. Sneiff said. "Our homeroom subject is History 9.
*oh great, HISTORY as the first subject. What an honor. Gotta spend my 50 minutes of class staring at the glass window at the right.

9: 20 a.m.

"Ok.  Class dismiss. Get ready. For your next subject. "Should we tell it to him already? " said a student in his class. Another student chimed in"No,  wait until the end of the day before he realize..... "EW, YOU HAVE SMEARED CHOCOLATE ALL OVER YOUR FACE . DID YOU GET IT LAST NIGHT?!?! HAAVE YOU BEEN SMOKING WEED?!?! " a student said as she blurted the whole thing like it was nothing. Everyone started laughing and pointing fingers at him."Um , what? " Cris hazily replied? "Here, look yourself at that mirror." Replied a girl whom he had something in common with. *think, think, think of a witty comment to surprise all of the.... Oh!  I got it! *" I still look handsome even if I got chocolate all over my face. Can I get a tissue please? ". The girl with the mirror handed him a tissue. "Hi,  my name is Rose.And yours is? "Said the girl, I mean Rose. "Cris. Cris Stafford " said Cris as they shook hands. "See you after school, said Rose.

11:35 a.m.

*yes.  I finally got her heart,  kinda. *
"Hey there. ". "Whoa!?! " Cris went insane(slight) after seeing who it is.

"Hey, you are.... A group?" "He doesn't remember who we are?" Said a person from the group." We are your old friends back in town! We also used to play with u since 2nd grade!"
"Oh , I remember now!" Said Cris. "And we are once friends!" "Oh don't act like you don't remember. I am Drew!" " and I am Layla!" "And I am Relle!" "And we are Gio And Paul." "And don't forget me, Gianne." "We used to be friends, don't you remember?" Said Relle ."We moved here since 7th grade,  and of course I remember!?  I was just messing with you guys earlier! " Replied Cris. "Classic Cris", said their group. "See you after school! " "Bye"


*ah, schools over and I've gotta meet someone. Oh,  there she comes. *
"Hi, Rose, uhm,  thank you for saving me from those bullies earlier." "No,   Thank you Cris for saving me lately. I can now prove myself to my friends that I have something worthy to do. Also I didn't help you,  it's just the mirror and tissue thing." Said Rose. They kinda blushed at the same time. To end the awkwardness, Rose suggested "Do you mind playing video games  at my house tomorrow afternoon? " "Yes of course I can hang out with you. "  "Bye" both said in unison."hehe, jinx,... Double jinx". "Bye" they both replied.
Just as they were passing by, both parting ways,  A rather small, strange looking flying drone both followed the two as they parted.

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