No Cure?

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So, to jump to conclusion, Donatello was exposed to a mutagen with an ambiguous color which turned him into a human. And now he was desperate to find a cure. For days, he was in his lab, trying to find a way to undo what Kraang had done to him. He even tried to use the retro mutagen, but that didn't work. He never slept, and only worked. The more his experiments to find a cure failed, the more frustrated Donnie got. One day, Mikey walked up to the stressed Donatello. He was wearing his lab coat and the pants April gave to him. "Dude, are you okay?" Michelangelo asked, concerned for his brother. "No, I'm not okay!" Donnie snapped, "every time I try an experiment to cure myself, all my efforts are in vain and the results are disappointing!" He landed on his rolling chair, sighing in frustration. "Don, I'm not as smart as you, I'll admit..." Mikey reasoned, "but, what if the effects from that mutagen are permanent? What if there is no cure?"

"There has to be a cure!" Donnie snapped back, "I can't be a human! It's not natural! I'll stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd with you guys! I want to be a turtle again..." Mikey put his hand on Donnie's shoulder and said, "dude, no matter what, whether you're a turtle or a human, you'll always be our brother. We're family, always. Now come here..." He grabbed Donatello into a hug, and Donnie held him tightly while sobbing. "Hey, it's okay..." Mikey said, hugging him, "it's as you said, some things are beyond our control. You just gotta be strong, okay?" Donnie wiped his eyes, sniffling, and said, "I'll try..." Mikey smiled, letting him go. "Good enough," he said, "now brush your teeth, get cleaned up, and shave. April's coming over, and we wouldn't want you smelling like the sewers." Donnie chuckled slightly, and decided to take a nice shower. The water felt nice, soothing his stressed out body. Once his shower was done, Donnie sighed in relief. "That felt good," he said. Then, he decided to try and shave, which he never did before in his life, but when he did, it hurt like hell! Okay, it wasn't as bad as when that mysterious mutagen splashed on him, but he accidentally cut himself a few times. 20 minutes later, April came in, and saw Donnie with small bandages on the scratches. "Hey Donnie," she said, "sheesh, what happened to you?" Donnie, mortified, said, "tried to shave for the first time in my life. Hurt like the dickens." April tried not to laugh, but she and Donnie ended up laughing together. After that... "So, I was thinking of taking you to the mall to get you some new clothes," said April. Donnie perked his head in curiosity and asked, "what do you mean April?" "Come on Don," she slightly teased, "you can't go around in public with nothing but those pants plus a trenchcoat and a fedora. Besides, it'll be fun." Donnie shrugged, thinking, why not? So he and April went to the nearest mall and got new clothes for him such as new shirts, new pants and underwear, new socks, and a new pair of shoes. After that, the two went to a place at the mall that sold pizza. "Thanks for helping me find some new clothes April," said Donnie, eating a delicious slice of pizza. "No problem," she replied, "what are friends for?" They ate their pizzas for a couple minutes, and then Donnie asked, "so April, is it true you got a new job?" She nodded and said, "yep, I'm working at Channel 6 News as an assistant. I want to be a reporter someday." Donnie smiled and said, "that's great! I'm sure you'll do well in that field. I'd love to be a professional scientist..." He blushed a little. If things were possible, Donatello would have loved to attend a public college graduating with honorable degrees. If only... "You could accomplish that," she said, "in fact, I could give you a good word with Channel 6 that way you can work there." Was April offering him a job? "That sounds great! Thank you April," Donnie jovially said. A couple hours later, it was nighttime, and Donatello suited up into his ninja gear alongside his new clothes. He then put on his purple bandana. He walked up to the guys with his bo staff and asked, "so guys, what do you think of my new look?" Leo, Raph, and Mikey all smiled, giving thumbs up. "Radical, dude!" Mikey said. "I agree," Raph unanimously said. "Really like the new look," commended Leo, "you willing to go on patrol with us? Baxter Stockman's causing mayhem." Donnie held his staff and said, "I am so ready!" Donnie and his brothers then left the lair, off into the night.

" Donnie held his staff and said, "I am so ready!" Donnie and his brothers then left the lair, off into the night

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