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So, this is my first novel involving Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the first one not involving Marvel. And I love them! I love the movies, (except for Ninja Turtles: Next Mutation. We never mention that!) the cartoons, especially the 2012 cartoon. So yeah, I'm a big TMNT fan. In this story, it's a scenario in which I wonder, what would happen if one of the Turtles turned human? It's not the first time a scenario like this was imagined before, and I'm sure my story won't be the last. This contains elements that pay homage to the many comics, cartoons, and such, including the 2012 cartoon, example; Donnie has a crush on April, yes, I ship them! Anyway, this will be written in the 3rd Person Narration just like Wolverine Reborn. I'd like to dedicate this story to my Mom, thanks for helping me with your input. And to all my friends who are TMNT fans, hope you like it. And to Rob Paulsen, Renae Jacobs, Mae Whitman, Greg Cipes and everyone else who's contributed to the franchise, you all know who you are, stay radical dudes! Oh, and before I go, allow me to explain the title. The reason why I decided to call the story "A Season of Rebirth" is for 2 reasons. 1, when Donatello becomes human, in a way, he is reborn, hence part of the reason to the title. 2, if you're a TMNT fan like I am, then you know that Donnie and his brothers are named after Renaissance artists, respectively.

 2, if you're a TMNT fan like I am, then you know that Donnie and his brothers are named after Renaissance artists, respectively

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The Renaissance is often considered a season of rebirth, so that's also why I used that as a title. Try not to mistake it for DC Comic's Rebirth. Guess it's wordplay sort of. And yes, I drew the cover and the art where Donnie's a human. Anyway, enjoy! Turtle Power!
T. G.

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