Chapter 19-Mathis

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head because that makes sense. I get what he's saying about the same but different riddles, she might have gotten the same beginning of the riddle the tick tock but the meaning of the riddles would've been different for her than Blade. But these riddles were messaged to Blade, so why would Aria get the riddles. But unfortunately I won't have the answer to that question until Gabe and Marco arrive which hopefully would be soon. All of a sudden a prospect comes running in with Marco and Gabe behind him. Blade and Killer reach for their guns but stop when I get up.

"Hey Marco, Gabe. Thanks for coming. It means a lot especially from you Gabe I know it must be hard coming back here." I greet them.

"It's for Aria but keep the son of a bitch away from me." Gabe greets back glaring at Blade.

"Enough Gabe, so tell us what you know." Marco said calmly.

And from my experience when Aria is that calm it isn't good. So we sat them down and explained the last few day and what Viper had just thought about, when we were through Gabe looked pissed as hell and Marco well you couldn't tell what he was feeling. Gabe grabbed his phone and started calling people, I only heard the name Blake and knew he was taking to the head of the gang. Gabe was starting to make plans over the phone and then threw it at the wall hard enough that it broke. And when the phone slammed against the wall snapped Marco out of whatever was going through his head.

"Calm Gabe we'll find her." Marco stated.

"How we don't even know where the hell she is!" Gabe yelled.

"Yes we do." Marco pulled a memory card from his pocket and moved it around his fingers.

"Marco what is that?" I asked.

"Simple it's memory card that'll have Aria last known location or will know her exact location as soon as your computer guy hooks it up." He states calmly.

"What the hell you've got a tracker on my wife?" I question.

"It was her idea for just this reason." Marco states again as our computer guru grabs the memory card and sets to work.

I still couldn't wrap my head around what Marco had just said. Aria wanted the tracker for just this reason? I guess we were right in thinking that she had gotten a different but same riddle as Blade but why wouldn't she tell us or tell me or anyone. What must have happened must have been so horrible that she blocked it out until the riddles came. No wonder she didn't want to unravel the riddles.It must have been so hard on her to have to relive those memories while helping the father that abandoned her and her mom and brother. She must have known she would face her father when she found out what MC I'm apart of.

God I feel horrible. Whoever took her must have taken her before or why would she need a tracker. Why couldn't she just trust me? I look over at Blade and he's probably the reason why. Blade hurt her so bad that the only person Aria truly trust is Marco, that's why she told Marco what happened and asked for a tracker. Her family has let her down multiple times and now I too have let her down. I told Aria she could be safe with me, I knew I should have brought her with us. No matter what she said I knew it wasn't a safe time right now, why didn't I just throw her over my shoulder and bring her with us?

"Was Aria eve kidnapped?" Viper asked.

Gabe was shaking his head no when Marco said "yes."

Gabe was looking at Marco like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. To hear his little sister was taken and he didn't even know about it had to be a shock. Gabe shook his head and collapsed on the couch with his head in his hands. I could hear him talking to himself but couldn't make out what he was saying, feeling bad for the guy I went next to him and sat next to him.

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