Chapter 8

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As soon as I heard that riddle, I had an idea about who sent that. I could feel the color drain from my face, and Mathis was looking at me the whole time he said that riddle. I knew he was concerned about me when my body went stiff and the color left my face. I hadn't heard that riddle since I was eleven, I thought that this would be over. But why would this riddle be sent to my dad, no wait to Blade I can't even call Blade my father anymore. Did Blade have something to do with what happened six weeks after he left. I was in my own little world, that I didn't hear Mathis calling out to me. Only when Mathis started shaking me did I come out of my head.

Looking up at Mathis I saw a look of concern and pain. Why was he in pain? Mathis drew me into his arms closer than anyone ever did before. I couldn't help but feel safe inside his arms, but I knew that no matter what my past was catching up with me, one way or another. And I wasn't exactly thrilled that the truth about my past would be coming out be I wanted it too. If Luca every found this out then everyone I cared about would be used against me. I can't let that happen, I have to be helping out during this time so I can finally figure out who caused me pain after Blade left. And if working with Blade helped then swallowing my pride and curse words about him would have to stop, at least until we find out.

I needed a drink, and it's only seven thirty in the morning. Pulling myself out of his arms I walked into the clubhouse. When I came in everybody was on edge, they wanted redemption for what was done to one of their members. Ignoring them and walking to the bar to get a Bud before telling Blade that he was looking for a person, but I doubt he would listen to me. But I had to try right? I knew they were still staring at me and still wondering who I am to the club, but they would have to get over it. Now isn't the time nor place. Hearing a door open I looked over and saw the conference room door opening, out comes Killer, Blade, and the prospect.

The prospect looked worse for wear, I mean they did a number on him. His face was so swollen I doubt his own family could even know who he was. One of his eyelids were swollen shut, he had bruises covering his face, his lips were bloodied and looked like someone was trying to cut his lips off. The prospect was shirtless, and his ribs and chest were also black and blue, he may have some broken or cracked ribs. But I couldn't see if he had anymore injuries before hands covered my eyes, Mathis. Grabbing his hand off my eyes, I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Hearing footsteps coming my way I turned to see Blade and Killer walking towards me. My body stiffened up again and my hands went to my neck but Mathis grabbed my hands and gently rubbed his hands across my neck.

Looking at Mathis's eyes I knew he was sorry. Sorry that he didn't stop him in time. Sorry that I had bruises on my neck. Sorry he couldn't get Blade off me faster. I grabbed one of his hands that were on my neck and gently squeezed silently telling him it was okay. My body was still stiff when Killer and Blade were beside us. Killer was looking me over to see if I was alright before looking at my neck. Blade was also looking at my neck while I was looking at his face. He had a two black eyes and a busted lip. Looks like they didn't have much of a fight before the prospect came into the clubhouse. I don't know whether I should be thankful or pissed at the prospect, but either way it happened. When I looked back into Blade's eyes I noticed a hint of guilt, I knew he wouldn't be fully sorry until he knew how I knew about the poisoning and what I would mean to this club.

"Ariabelle knows what happened last night. I told her the riddle." Mathis stated.

Blade blew up after that. "Why the hell would you tell this bitch anything! We don't know if we can trust her, or who the hell she is anyways. For all we know she could have been who those men were trying to kill."

He was right about that point. But I'll be damn if I let my pathetic father call me a bitch. Glaring at him I opened my mouth to speak but before I could he opened his fat mouth again and insulted me. "She's just a no good slut that thinks she has a right to know shit involving this club. She need to learn her goddamn place before I put her there."

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon