Chapter 14

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"It's a little early for beer isn't Aria?" Blade asked me.

"Go to hell Blade. It's too goddamn early to deal with your fucking bullshit. And I'm not figuring out another riddle for you, do it yourself." I told him yanking my wrist out of his hand.

With all that happened last night, I couldn't deal with anything this morning. I'm still shook up at the phone call from my mother. I never saw her even pick up a bottle and now she's drinking because she can't fucking deal with who her daughter is married too. How can she say for me to divorce him when she hasn't even given him a goddamn chance. Everything was going great too until Luca fucking Baccari. I don't get why he had to fucking come or even knew when the family would be together. I was starting to get a migraine, I went to grab my beer but all I caught instead was air. Looking up I saw Mathis put the beer in the fridge and got me a glass of water and some headache medicine. I didn't even try to smile to thank him, today is just not a smiling day for me.

"Alcohol is not the answer right now Aria. I know you must be feeling like shit but you need to talk to some about this." Mathis said looking concerned.

I was about to say no when I just had a feeling of absolute defeat. My mother was the one I could talk to about anything but she disowned me. Maybe talking to someone outside the family would help. Putting my head in my hands I nodded to Mathis.

"I'll talk to you and maybe Killer but no one else and certainly not here sweetheart." I stood up and tried to give Mathis a smile but it didn't work out.

"You'll talk about the scars on your back too?" Mathis asked.

Before leaving the kitchen I stopped in the doorway and turned back to Mathis, "I'll talk about everything you need to know."

Heading towards Mathis room, I cut my eyes towards the bar area and seen Blade sitting in the same spot. I don't want to feel sorry for the guy but he has some mystery guy after him, not threatening him but the daughter he forgot. Blade felt my eyes on him because he turned to look at me, I thought I saw recognition in his eyes. I turned my back to him and walked down the hallway, Killer appeared right in front of me when I went to open Mathis door. Knowing he wanted to talk I rolled my eyes and let him in.

"I'll talk to you and Mathis later, but not here and not now. I don't want to talk at all right now. So please if that's what you want then leave now."

But Killer never said anything. Instead Killer grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. When he did that I had my breakdown, a breakdown that had been stirring since I woke up married. Tears came down my eyes and onto Killer shirt and cut, balling my hands into fist I grabbed hold of some of his shirt in my fist. Herring another person walk this way I almost stopped but started again when it was Mathis. Mathis shut the door and I went back down to having my breakdown. Killer handed me to Mathis before he sat on the bed with his head in his hands. Mathis held onto me tight and picked me up, he sat us on his bed with me in his lap, placing my head in his neck.

Mathis was rubbing my back as I was calming down. My walls were about to come back up when Killer said, "I think we need to have that talk now Aria." In that no nonsense voice of his.

I nodded my head and got up off Mathis lap, headed off into the bathroom to fix my face. I had just put on some power to cover my swollen red eyes when Mathis came into the bathroom, he wrapped his arms around my waist briefly before grabbing my makeup bag. He kissed the top of my head before walking out, not really knowing why he grabbed my bag I finished putting the powder in and walked out of the bathroom. Mathis and Killer were no longer in the room, they must have left to let me get dressed. The only clothes I had were my business suit I wore in Vegas and the clothes I wore yesterday. I opted for the clothes I had on yesterday, a yellow tank top that cover my scars and my boyfriend jeans.

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz