Chapter 6

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 After that thought crossed my mind another thought came popping up; Killer would want to know everything after I get done doing, I guess proving myself to them. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head, I could feel the pain on my back, I knew I needed to hurry this up and take my medicine. But there was no way, they would just let me do anything especially Mathis, so I headed back up to Mathis's room, I grabbed my bag and went back to the bar area. When I got there the men were out with their weapons, when I entered the room, they all stared at me. I knew they were curious when they saw the bag I came in with. Mathis and Killer were looking at me, I looked out the window cautiously and saw that Luca's men were mainly covering the front. So I walked towards the stairs and walked into the bedrooms to find the best vantage point, there's no good points in the rooms, so I walked towards the back exit with Killer and Mathis on my tail.

When I opened the back door a hand stopped me. I looked up and saw Mathis pleading with me through his eyes. I knew he didn't want me to go out there, but I had too, this was my problem not theirs. I shook his hand off my wrist and went to get some payback, I rounded the corner, I noticed they were drawing their guns to start shooting, but I started first. I quickly put my gun together and added a silencer, I aimed my gun at the guy closest to me then fired at the guy beside him. They were so focused on me that they didn't notice till they heard the shoot. Stupid bikers, you need the element of surprise, should've use your silencer. But Luca's men knew down, they started shooting at the windows, which gave me the advantage. Luca's men were distracted, when the next guy came up to shoot I shoot him in the head. Their numbers were quickly lowering, the bikers caused a big distraction for me to take out half the enemy, I finally noticed someone behind me.

I turned around and there was Mathis, he was looking like a goldfish when his mouth was wide open like that. I smirked at him, see I knew what I was doing. I think he knew now that I wasn't like the ordinary biker wife, that I could help the club immensely. When I looked back again, the biker's were carrying into the compound an unconscious mafia member. Turning back to Mathis, he was still speechless, rolling my eyes I disassembled my gun and placed it back in my bag. Walking back inside the compound by the front entrance I guess Mathis finally got over what he saw, and came running after me. When I entered all eyes were on me, ignoring all the eyes and going to the bar, and grabbing a Bud Light. I turned back towards Killer but focusing my eyes on the Baccari Mafia member, I really hope Killer knows what he's doing.

I could still feel eyes on me, I wanted to turn and make them look away, but I knew better. Killer opened his mouth to talk, but I shook my head 'no' and placed a finger on my lips, I grabbed a prospect's drink. I looked to see what I saw, water of course but it will work. Walking over to the hostage I poured the water over his head, he brought his head and glared at me. Big mistake, Mathis now in his evil side, Grim, walked over and punched the man in his stomach, the punch must have broken a few ribs because the hostage was spitting up blood. He purposely spit some of his blood on my shoes, that got me pissed. I worked hard on these heels and blood doesn't come out that good on heels. I brought my knee directly in his face breaking his nose before walking back to the bar. I took my shoes off and handed them a prospect, the prospect was giving me a dumb look. I rolled my eyes.

"Go find someone to clean them." I ordered him, and he didn't second guess. I wondered if he was afraid of what I would do to him.

Killer glared at me before giving his attention back to the hostage. "Who the fuck are you and why were you trying to kill us?" he demanded.

The hostage spat up more blood before saying, "we weren't trying to kill you guys, just someone in this clubhouse."

That was all his said before biting the inside of his cheek, I knew what that meant. I quickly ran towards him, Mathis and Killer was looking at me strangely like I had lost my mind. I opened his mouth and saw a small container with teeth marks on it. Killer and Mathis were behind me examining what I was holding, taking it from me Killer walked to one of the bikers and handed it to him. Wanting to know what was in it, could've just asked me I knew. Mathis wrapped his arms around me to calm my nerves. I didn't even know I was shaking, but I guess finding out that is going this far to kill you, can shake you up. For once I was glad that Mathis was holding me.

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें