Chapter 5

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After I threaten the sluts, I went to the bar and got me another beer. I had a feeling that I would need it for this conversation with Killer. This conversation would involve topics like these; dad needs to know, where did you go, who did you see, where did you get the car? Those types of questions, and really I don't know what to say, I was banking on him not finding out anything till I was ready. I noticed someone sat down next to me, when I looked over it was Killer. I rolled my eyes and went back to drinking my Bud, I wasn't going to be talking first. One of the prospects gave Killer a Bud as well, in the corner of my eye, I saw Killer get up and start walking towards their conference room, Killer turned back and nodded his head towards the room as a signal from me to follow.

     I got up and followed him towards the room, as soon as I shut the door he started to talk. "Where to begin? Oh how about when you got married to one of my men? Yeah that seems like a good place to start." Killer concluded, he looked at me waiting for an answer.

    "Fine." I said while rolling my eyes...again. "I was in Vegas for a business deal that went bad, thought going to a club would help get my mind off what happened. I met Grim when he offered me a drink, we danced, we left and went to a chapel and got married by Elvis, had sex and then you know the rest."

    "Don't bullshit me Ariabelle. I know you weren't drunk, if you're anything like dad then you have a high tolerance for alcohol." Killer yelled, slamming his fist on the table.

I got pissed after that. Who the hell does he think he is, telling me that I'm like our father. A man who knows nothing about me, knows nothing about what I've been through, knows nothing about what my mother and our brother went through after dad left. I picked us the nearest thing next to me, Killer's beer bottle and threw close to his head.

"Don't you dare compare me to your father." I sneered the word your.

I walked to the door and walked out, slamming the door behind me to make a point. I was about to walk out of the compound when arms wrapped themselves around me. I swung my fist at the person who stopped me, surprise surprise it was Mathis. Mathis simply unwrapped one of his arms and quickly grabbed my fist before it could even hit him, stupid steroid using giant. Mathis picked me up and threw me on his shoulder, he started walking towards the back of the compound, towards the bedrooms I guess. I kept pounding on his back, but his only response to that was to slap my ass, a little harder every time I hit his back.

Mathis came to a stop in front of a door at the very end of the hallway, he took a key out, placing it in the lock he opened the door and threw me down on the bed. Now mind you this wasn't going to be like last night when he had gotten married. No, Mathis was pacing and stopping every few seconds to look at me. It was like he couldn't decide on whether to scream and yell at me or rather look me over to make sure I was alright, and not in the perverted way. Whenever he stopped pacing and looked at me, I rolled my eyes and he would glare at me. Mathis was about to make a whole in the floor and I was getting annoyed. I was about to open my mouth and say something when he silenced me with one look. Damn not even Alanzo nor Marco was able to silence me with just one look.

He stopped pacing and grabbed the chair that was at his desk and turned it to face me. When he turned to face me, I looked in his eyes and couldn't tell what was going on in there, and that's what scared me I guess. I never had this problem with anyone I knew, my mother always talked about the one. The one that would make your life whole, that you wouldn't see what was going on with him till he wanted you to know. The one that you would feel connected with, and that you could never get off your mind not matter how around you try. That could make you feel so scared at the outcome, but also at the same time feel so safe from everything that means to harm you in this world. Could Mathis be that guy for me? I shook my head from that thought, I can't feel this way, I couldn't. Everybody knows in the mafia world knows that you don't marry an outsider, the annual meeting between the mafia bosses and their families was try and marry their female off and  make a big connection.

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant