Chapter 12

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Seeing this woman is something I was hoping not to ever do again. I haven't seen her since my mother's and Alanzo's wedding. People probably thought she was the bride and not my mother with how crazy she was during the wedding preparations. Why my mother invited her tonight is the only thought going through my mind. Her and I never got on the same page with each other during my mother's' wedding and I doubt we were going to get on the same page tonight. The wedding! That's why my mother invited this blasted woman. I love my mother but right now I want to yell at her. I can't believe she thought it would be okay to have Giselle plan mine and Mathis' wedding. Whatever Mathis and I want, she'll get the opposite.

Whenever Mathis and I say no to something she likes, she's going to get it just to spite me. Tonight it going to be a very long and very hard night. Not only do I probably have to get a lecture from my family, now I have to deal with this devil woman. I think that she must be Kelly's' mother because she's just as much as a bitch as Kelly is. Probably as the same black heart as well. I can't believe this night, it went from bad to worse. I hope I don't have to sit through dinner with this woman.

Putting on a fake smile as soon as she sees Mathis and I in the dining room. I can see her botox brain working overtime as soon as her eyes land on Mathis, she's checking him out just like Kelly did. This is seriously pissing me off. I came home to have dinner with my family and having Mathis checked out by a botox freak wasn't one the main thing that I wanted to happen tonight. I coughed to get her attention, when her eyes turned to me I gave her my best glare and she gave me her best glare. Yeah tonight is going to be a long night, but I've got no problem putting a bullet through her fake ass self. I don't know how my mother is friends with this bitch.

We were still glaring at each other when a much louder cough came into the room. Turning my head away from the bitch I saw my step-father in the room. I smiled at him and ran, as fast as I could in heels, right into his arms. "Daddy!" I screamed in excitement.

Alanzo didn't mind one bit. When I ran to him, he picked me up and swung me around. Just like when I was a little girl. I've missed them so much. When Alanzo finally puts me down, he stares at Mathis. Rolling my eyes I walk back to my mother who is talking animately with Giselle, Giselle once again puts on her fake smile when I stand by side my mother. God I hate this bitch.

"You don't have to worry about a thing Estella I'll handle all the details, that way the only thing Ariabelle needs to worry about is her dress." Giselle says.

Before I can open my mouth, I hear Mathis' voice behind me, "There's really no need to do that, seeing as how we got married the first time I wanted myself and Ariabelle do it on our own. We can learn more about each other that way."

"I think that is a wonderful idea Mathis. And I know that you will take care of our girl." Alanzo said.

"Alanzo you can't be serious. A wedding is too much work. With Ariabelle working for Marco and Mathis working himself they simply won't have time." My mother said.

"Marco has already given Aria time off to plan this wedding and I'm sure Mathis can get off work as well to help our daughter. Sweetheart I just want their wedding to be theirs. Don't you remember how Giselle was at our wedding?" Alanzo asked gently.

My mother just shook her head, and Alanzo sighed. "Sweetheart she nearly redesigned your whole wedding theme just because it wasn't what she wanted. Giselle helping your wedding may be what you wanted but it's not what our daughter wants. Beside Giselle and Ariabelle can hardly stand to be in the same room together, do you honestly think that they will be able to spend the allot time together planning a wedding?"

Giselle was fuming at the mouth, "you know what Alanzo I don't have to take this. I'm leaving!"

With that the door slam shut and the beast was gone. I walked over to Alanzo and gave him a hug. My mom was still looking a little upset, so I walked over to her and gently push her onto the couch. "Momma I know you want me to have the perfect wedding, like you did with Alanzo, but both him and Mathis have a great point. I know Giselle is your friend but she doesn't care about anything but the money she makes. Mathis and I need to learn what the other likes and dislikes, this may be the right time to find that out. Yeah it would be stressful but I know that I have both yours and Alanzo's support and if I ever needed any help you guys are only a phone call away."

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