"Okay, on Tuesday, you'll be prepared for your surgery but Park, your nurse will tell you more about that, he should be here any moment now. In the mean time, I'll Check your inner ear once more just to be completely sure, I know Sheppard already gave a go but that man is young and you know what they say about the young people in this world, right.", he chuckles at his own joke, although I'm not entirely sure if that was even meant to be a joke or an insult to literally every young person on this planet.

While checking whatever he's checking for, the door opens again and a young Asian guy enters, his black hair brushed back with only a few strands falling into his smooth forehead. He smiles and blinks at me, again, that nice and friendly blink. Closing the door behind him, he starts introducing himself to my family then Nathan and then waiting for Dr Whitefield to finish whatever he's doing.

"Hey, I'm Park, I'll be like your personal nurse for the next few days.", he grins, shaking my hand. "Hi, I'm Skylar.", I response, searching for Nathan out of the corner of my eye. "If there is anything I can help you with,please don't hesitate and ask away, okay?", I simply nod in response but also not wanting to appear rude so I add a quick 'thank you'. "Perfect, then I'll be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Is there anything you can or can't eat? Allergies or dislikes?", he asks while gesturing quite a while with his hands.

"No, nothing.", I feel stupid for my dozens of one liners but there's just nothing more to say other than that. "Okay, awesome. The worst thing is having a vegan as a patient.", he chuckles and to make him feel less bad about himself I smile. "Not so talkative? I understand though. Then The weird guy will be back at work and waiting for you tomorrow.", he blinks again before saying his good byes and leaving the room again. I don't know if he's nice or actually weird, very confused situation.

"Okay, Skylar, everything is clear. You can come back here tomorrow and we'll go from there. Dr Sheppard and I will try to explain to you what the robot and I'm Going to do to you while you're out. Unless you want to do that right now?", he asks, looking past me and towards my parents. "Okay, then I'll do it right now. I mean, it's basically not that complicated. We have small replicas of the three auditory ossicles made out of titanium. A robot programmed to insert them where they belong will put them in then sew your eardrums back together. Et voila, you'll be able to hear again. Although you will have rather visible scars behind your ears."

Sounds simple enough, luckily he's older so he knows exactly what to do on Wednesday. My Parents keep asking questions but I can't even focus on one pair of lips anymore, it's fine, I get it and I don't want to know any more about this. I take Nathans hand in mine and flash him a small smile,so does he as we wait for my mom to finish her questions and answers game with the doctor, which she finally does, seeming satisfied with the information she was provided with.

"Then we probably won't be seeing each other tomorrow but Sheppard said he wanted to come say hey, that kid really likes you.", he nods, scratching his stubble chin. "Okay, thank you.", I return, hoping that I could leave and go home now. "Good, then I wish you a good day and I'll see you On Tuesday for your preparation.", he gets up from his chair,signaling all of us to get up as well. With one last hand shake he lets us out of his office, staying there while we fight our way through the hallways back to the entrance on the opposite side of it.


long time no read! Sorry for the long wait but here is a short chapter and yet another scene from on of the three ideas! Please do let me know if it's worth continuing!

2# Idea:

Dinner seemed to have no end, at least in Nolan's view who was long finished unlike the other three. The couple shares their ice cream, feeding each other every once in a while, to which the younger brother couldn't seem to take his eyes of them, watching closely just like their father but no one dares to say anything. "Excuse Me.", Nolan finally snaps, pushing his chair back and leaving the people still sitting at the table behind. "Bro wait.", he did hear him but he didn't care, wanting to just leave this house for awhile. "Nolan, what's wrong? Did something upset you?", Christa Follows him out of the kitchen and into the living room, wanting to reach out for the younger boys shoulder. "Don't touch me.Please.", he adds, trying not to sound rude or hurt. He didn't want to show the real feelings he's trying to hide, too big is the fear of being laughed at. Not by him. Christa tries again to make physical contact, her fingertips almost touching his bare arms. "I said, don't touch me.", his voice got louder, his heart starting to beat faster with every passing second. He doesn't understand why he's getting so worked up about this, since it's not the first time she stayed over for dinner. "Nolan, you're being ridiculous, I know you're jealous of your brother.", her tone changes, the kindness in it slowly decreasing and a nasty sneer showing in exchange. "I could never like someone like you!", he tries not to yell as he notices his brother standing at the door with a shocked expression. "Oh please! Don't lie.", she starts to laugh, almost hysterical. "I hate you!", the calmness in his voice is gone and he angrily stares at her. "Is that so? Well-", she reaches forward yet again, this time making contact with Nolan's cold skin, an indescribable wave of energy crawling through her veins and crushing her heart like an ant. A suffocated scream leaves her mouth before she drops to the ground and lands on her back. Everything is dead quiet as blood starts to run out of her eyes, ears and nose,tainting the white carpet with dark red ever growing spots. All eyes stare at the corpse, shock written all over their faces.

"Y-you...",Kris is the first one to catch his tongue, looking up at his brother will a hateful glare. "You killed her!", he yells, his skin starting to tingle, the blood rushing through his veins with an incredible intensity and his heart pounding inside his chest. The dark brown wooden floor cracks where his bare feet are placed, toes curled up as the cracks increase rapidly. "You killed her!", he repeats with more rage, taking a step forward and almost splitting the ground under him. Nolan can't believe what just happened, he never intended to do this, he never wanted her to die. "I'm Sorry.", his voice is shaky and he doesn't dare to look at his brother who tried to surpass the urge to let this massive energy loose. "I Loved her!", Kris takes another step towards his brother, the cracks disappearing under the carpet and distributing in every direction. "Why? Why?!", his breathing is heavy, his heart starting to hurt from the contained power. He wants to let go, wants to just let loose. "I-I'm sorry.", Nolan stammers, slowly backing up with fear. The interior starts to shake, two photo frames falling of the wall, the shards scattering through the room with aloud clash. "You killed her!", those are the only word rushing through Kris's head, breaking the last seal that contained that unknown energy. His hair turns a dark gray, his eyes shining red as the cracks reach the walls with twice the speed. The sound sending uncomfortable shivers down Nolan's spine. He doesn't understand what his brother has just become but he's afraid of him, afraid that he'll kill him for revenge. "Why?! Did you really love her? Was it that?", he yells, a sudden wind picking up in the room and drastically increasing to a point where furniture falls over, the cracks shattering them into millions of pieces and shooting them through the living room like razor sharp bullets. With shot like sounds they pierce through the walls or other furniture but avoiding the four people in the room. Nolan shivers, trembles even as he hectically turns in a circle, trying to have an eye out. "I'm sorry.", the volume of the plastic and wood pieces colliding with obstacles drowns his voice. Suddenly there's another sound, the one of a real gun shooting right at the center of chaos, causing the wind to stop and the remaining flying objects to simply be defeated by gravity and raining down on them. Nolan covers his head with his arms, trying to see what has just happened. His heart stings painfully and his eyes widen at the numb body laying on the ground,deep cracks coming from where he's laying. "Kris!", he forgets his fear, forgets the corpse and runs towards his brother not bothering for the sharp shards on the ground which scraped his knee as he drops down next to him. "Kris, hey! Wake up! Damn it!", he pulls his upper body on top of his lap, holding him close to him. The objects have stopped falling and a painful silence follows, no sounds reach them. Nolan can't cry, for an odd reason he can't, there are no tears for him to shed. "Don't worry, he's not dead.", his father kneels down next to the two brothers and as on command, Kris fights for air, taking a huge breath as if he'd been held underwater for too long. "Kris! Kris! Where did you get shot?", he asks in shock, trying to find a visible wound on his body. "I didn't shoot him with a real bullet, calm down.", the older man seems calm, too calm considering the scenario that has just played together​ in front of them. "What do you mean?", the panic has not yet subsided from Nolans voice as he stares at the white gun in his father's hands. It looks different to other guns, it's more rounded and even with no visible openings except for the one the bullet comes out. "I'll explain once you two calm down, you'll have to leave soon anyway.", the emotionless way he's talking scared the younger brother even more. "I'm oddly calm.", Kris exclaims sitting up from Nolan's lap, staring around him in disbelief. Did he really do all that? His hair slowly turns back to it's usual dark blonde, the eyes stopped shimmering. "That's because I shot you with human energy.", this statement confuses the two even more and they both stare at the unusual gun. "Human energy?", Kris asks, brushing through his hair with one hand, unlike the others he doesn't have any shards on him. "Yes, you two are not human, you have special powers which makes you something others consider a god.", the brothers stare at each other, the same thought running though their minds. This can't be true, there's no such thing as special powers. But then what was all that just now?

"We Don't have much time before they'll detect your energy. Anyway,your mother was one of the most powerful beings, she had the gift of life which she also granted you two. But even though her power was so beautiful and brought much happiness to others, it granted her nothing but worry and pity when you where born.", Nolan bites his lips when their mother is mentioned, missing her even though he can't remember her. "You are the most dangerous siblings, the curses of destruction and death laid upon you. There are other creatures, your beings consider them as angels but you don't have time, you need to leave.", the man's expression never changed, maintaining the coldness as he switches between the two fazed brothers who still can't believe what they just heard from their father. "You have 10 minutes to get going.", he gets up and leaves the boys alone, scared and confused. The news and events have not yet sunken incompletely but the there was a taste of the consequences. Both Kris and Nolan get up from the dirty floor, looking over to the corpse.

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