snitching ass niggas

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Trey pov

After what I did to Mercedes I felt guilty but then again her bald headed ass deserve that shit. I laid back in my bed at my other house on the east side. I was tired ass fuck.  I was just about to go to sleep until my phone started ringing . I picked it up on the first ring.

phone conversation *

t:  what

m:  come home we need to talk

t:  why we can't talk on the phone

m:  Trey!

t:  ight

end of conversation *

I got up throwing my pillow Ugh this bitch.  I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door to my car. I got in and started my engine. ON my way to my old house I thought about tamia. 

flash back *

"this your house "

"no our house what's mines is yours "

"awww Trey I love you"

"That's right ma "

end of flashback.

I bang my hand on the steering.wheel while yelling fuck. I really did love tamia I never showed it though.  I missed her like crazy my first and only baby mama. I felt a tear slide down  my face.  THE thought of laniyah and Tamia gone made me depressed all over again.  I wiped my tear away as soon as pulled up to my old house.  stepping out of the car while mumbling memories going up to the door to unlock it until I heard "put your hands up now " yelled a police officer . Oh he'll naw this bitch set me up just wait. I turned around with my hands in the air. the police officer stepped closer to me while put his gun down. patting me down he took the hand cuffs off his belt and put my hands in them. halfway walking to the police car Mercedes came out. she stood there laughing while the police officer roughly push me in the car. I mouthed the words I'm going to kill you bitch to her she just laughed even more.  The police officer pulled off. I just sat in the back looking at all the buildings and people we passed. I'm going to kill this bitch well I won't do it but my boys will.  I laughed to myself silly bitch.

laniyah pov

I was woken up from gun shots that sounded like it was upstairs . I did a little  silent prayer in my head as I closed my eyes tight I heard a man say "I found the basement " he yelled. bussing through the door we connected eyes. "yo d boy come here"the man with Black on called his other partner.  racing into the room came his partner . They both  stared at me. "please don't hurt me"I cried. "your daddy name Trey"a man said while taking off his mask. I nodded my head Yes. The man came closer and picked me up."come on little one let's get you back to your daddy "he said while running outside to a van with me on his right hip. thank you Jesus my daddy sent someone for me. while we was driving the man that carried me was on the phone the look on his face seem like he wasn't hearing good news. As soon as he got off the phone he looked at me."baby girl you going to be living with me until your daddy get out of jail" he said without loosing eye contact . my eyes filled with tears but I didn't let them drop because I know my daddy will be here soon.  I just know. I just turned my head and watched us pull up to a big house. "come on "he said while helping me out of the van. we walked up the drive way until we reached his front door which seemed like forever.  he took out his gold key and twist it into the lock on the door and it opened.  pulling the key out he motioned his hand for me to come on. I came in and sat on the couch. "jasmine jasmine "the man yelled. a dark skin lady came from the back. "what you want now dreshaun "she said.  He whispered something in her ear and her eyes filled with joy. running over to me giving me a warm hug. "Oh baby your daddy was going nuts without you "she said while hugging me.  I just smiled at her. I didn't know these people but they seem like they are good friends with my dad. coming out from the back stood at the corner of the kitchen. she was about my height. "laniyah "she yelled coming towards me. when I got a good look at her I remembered Who she was.  Taylor my best friend., returning her hug we ran to her room to play. I was happy I was out of that place.

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