Chapter Eight

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"So what did you find out about Terpsichore?" Cisco asked Barry, yawning.

"Well her name is Jasmine Smythe." Barry said.

Cisco just nodded, not saying anything and typing on the computer.

"She can entrance people and make them do her bidding." Barry said.

"I already have that down." Cisco said bitterly.

The was a beeping sound from Caitlin's computer.

Cisco wheeled his chair over and looked up at Barry.

"It's Captain Cold, up to his villainous ways." Cisco said.

Barry was out of there in a flash.

"Ah, Flash. What a surprise." Captain Cold said, turning around and pointing his gun at Barry.

"Where's your buddy?" Barry asked.

"Fighting on your side." Captain Cold said, shooting at Barry.

"Is that right?" Barry asked, dodging the shots.

"Yes, with those Legend friends of yours." Captain Cold said.

Barry sped at Captain Cold, knocking him to the ground, "I thought we came to a deal Snart." he said.

"Yes, and if I remember correctly. Our deal was I could perform heists, as long as I didn't kill anyone. Which, by the looks of things, I haven't." Captain Cold said, turning around and walking into the bank.

Barry cursed under his breath, speeding away before the police department got there.

"What was that?" Cisco asked, when Barry got back.

"I made a deal with Leonard, he hasn't killed anyone so I can't do a thing." Barry said.

"Well that was stupid." Cisco said, not looking up from the computer.

"What's your problem?" Barry asked.

"Nothing. I don't have a problem." Cisco said.

"Yes you do, you've been nothing but bitter since a mentioned Jasmine Smythe." Barry said.

"Drop it Barry. There's nothing wrong." Cisco said.

Barry shrugged, "Fine. Do you know where Cait is?" he asked.

Cisco pointed at the infirmary, not uttering a word.

Barry nodded and headed into the infirmary.

He saw Caitlin sitting beside Carrie's bed, singing to her quietly.

Barry stood at the doorway, pain in his eyes. 'How could this happen? How could I let myself do this to her?' he thought, leaving without a word.

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